Maleki-some money crochet. Description of knitting


Maleki-some money crochet. Description of Knitting popular in Japan Talisman good luck, miniature toy - money cat on the pillow, in the art amigurum technique. You can create a symbol of good luck, happiness, home heat, comfort and well-being. Raised up the foot licks these joys into the house.

Maeca-Naco (Yap. 招き猫, translated as: "Cat of Happiness", "Cash Cat" or "Cat of Good luck") - A common Japanese figure, often made from porcelain or ceramics, which, as believed, brings good luck to its owner.

Maleki-some money crochet. Description of knitting

Maleki-some money crochet. Description of knitting


P - row,

X - column without Nakida,

V - gain,

A - Ubaul

T - semi-solitary,

F - Column with Nakud,

E - Column with 2 Nakid.

In the tables below in the first column, the ranks are indicated, in the second - the method of knitting the loops, in the third - the final number of columns without Nakid.

Maleki-some money crochet. Description of knitting

Maleki-some money crochet. Description of knitting

Maleki-some money crochet. Description of knitting

Maleki-some money crochet. Description of knitting

Maleki-some money crochet. Description of knitting

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