What are the thickening connections of wooden parts?


EXPECTION OF CENTURY Humanity applies a tree for construction purposes. Advanced technologies allow you to significantly simplify labor operations. This also consistent with various options for connecting parts. Most of them are known to many masters, and some are only units. For example, a thickening connection of parts of wood - the method is quite common, and the connection option in Polterev uses not every professional. We offer to consider these and other ways to connect wood more.

What are the thickening connections of wooden parts?

Ship connections of wooden parts.

Connection by the method "in the end"

This type of compound is used today very often, due to the ease of technology. In the process of docking parts according to the method "In the end", the ends of the elements are adjusted to each other with the maximum density, fasten them with fasteners (for the most part screws or ordinary nails are used).

Method features:

  1. Elements of fasteners must have sufficient length. A such that would have allowed to completely pass through the thickness of the wood of one detail and to enter the second at least one third of its size.
  2. The thickness of the nail must be chosen competently. Otherwise, the tree simply goes cracked. When the technology is provided with a large thickness nail fastening, then initially the holes are drilled on the surface of the tree with a drill before attaching two parts. For more efficient fixation of the elements of the tree among themselves, the diameter of the hole makes a few already, rather than the diameter of the fastener.
  3. Additionally recommend elements glue. As far as possible, it is trying to glue the surface of the tree before smoking nails. The composition is better to choose harmless and not containing toxins.
  4. Fasteners are not located in one line. For better quality, the connections of nails are pinned with some displacement.

Socket-spike connection

What are the thickening connections of wooden parts?

Thickening elements.

Spike connections are well known to each wizard. As a result of the application of this method, a guarantee appears that the parts will receive the most rigid and durable clutch. To perform actions, the attentiveness and availability of small experience are required. Therefore, novice craftsmen to this method are not so often resorted.

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To fasten the tree in this way, one element is equipped with a spike, another - groove. Excellent when the fastened parts of the wood have an equal thickness. If this is not the case, then it is recommended to perform a groove (or socket) on the thickened part. To facilitate the process of screwing, screws produce a drilling in advance. Given that the holes made should have a diameter of 2/3 of the circle of the screw. The depth of the holes are made slightly smaller (about 0.5 cm), rather than the length of the screw.

Wood on both components should have the same degree of humidity. This fact should not be discounted, because when the thorn tree is dried, it can become less in size, which will affect the adaptation strength.

Connection to Overlay

What are the thickening connections of wooden parts?

Types of compounds.

This method is not as popular as previously discussed. Although all the procedures are simple enough: the parts are applied and fastened, for which the nails, bolts or screws are selected. Features of this methods are concluded in the preparation of a large number of fasteners and accuracy of accuracy and care to technology.

  1. Details of the tree are placed one-core or slightly shift. The main thing is not to carry out shifts to the too big degree relative to each other.
  2. The constituents are fixed by using at least 4 nails, which put in 2 rows (no less than 2 pieces in 1 row).
  3. The fastening of a pair of screws is performed solely in the diagonal direction. Although they recommend not to risk and add the number of fasteners.
  4. To increase the strength of the fastening of a tree, fasteners are chosen with the largest length, which will allow you to go through both parts. After that, the ends bend.

Connection in Poledev

The use of this method provides for a highly qualified specialist.

In each part of the tree make a sample that corresponds to the width of the fastened parts. The depth equal half from their thickness. The sample angle includes any, but such that it coincides on every workpiece.

Only when executing all the rules, the dense connection of the elements with each other is guaranteed.

For fastening parts, glue is in a similar way, and after - nails or screws.

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In the case of need they make a compound partially: the end of one element of the wood is cut, and on the other it is sampled. Each of the spikes are cut into 45 degrees.

Here you have reviewed the basic methods of connecting wooden elements. Choose acceptable - and for business.

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