Increase the room at the balloon (photo)



If there is little space in your house and you would like to increase the room (at least visually) at the expense of additional premises, the best solution will produce equipment of the loggia.

Increase the room at the balloon (photo)

This necessity arises from those who live in a small apartment, but want to increase the area of ​​one of the rooms. This is usually a living room, which is significantly expanding due to the unification of the loggia and residential space.

Naturally, each specific case provides individual calculations, because at home differ among themselves, as well as the projects of their execution.

Selection of the extension method

Increase the room at the balloon (photo)

Currently, PVC plastic windows are very popular, especially in residents of large megacities, as they reliably protect against noise, drafts and dust, reliable, modern and beautiful.

If you are seriously thinking about a similar building experiment, then you have three ways:

  • glazing (without auxiliary selection);
  • glazing with selection;
  • Combination with room.

The third solution is to remove the wall between the balcony and the room. Such construction work is reproaching the apartment's premises, they must be coordinated in advance (after that, all changes in your housing space will be displayed in a technical passport).

Additional options

Increase the room at the balloon (photo)

Warm glazing is always glazing with metal-plastic structures. Metal-plastic windows are ordered for glazing the balconies in the event that they want both in the winter to have a constant temperature on the balcony.

  1. Cold glazing. This method is the most simple and does not require any changes to the structure of the building and the thermal circuit. But in this case, the function of the loggia will change dramatically.
  2. Warm glazing. Opephegment will bring you a number of opportunities, including the organization of the dining room (if the balcony has access to the kitchen) or the working office, the mini-gym or a greenhouse in the case when the balcony has access to the bedroom.

Following the rules, the material of the fence should be non-combustible and strong compound. After dismantling the native walls of the loggia, it is necessary to build new ones with the use of bricks, foam concrete blocks, and use metal as a frame. In the process of glazing, use two-chamber double-glazed windows and warm profiles, basalt wool, penplex, polyurethane foam and other foil type materials. The use for the seppe of foam plastic is not safe, since it has an increased fire hazard (moreover, during combustion, it highlights poisonous compounds).

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Union of the room and loggia

Increase the room at the balloon (photo)

Sliding partitions consist of one or more modules bonded between themselves and not connected to the floor.

Rules of redevelopment provide for the removal or change in window and doorways in the walls of the buildings only while maintaining the integrity of the structure. The owner can take a similar solution, but then it will be necessary to find a project with heat-engineering calculations. Installation of sliding partitions is one of the solutions that will help keep the thermal background between the room and the loggia.

It is also possible to increase the opening of the balcony, using side congestion. Panel houses make this procedure impossible, because the outer wall is carrier and mounted. Nevertheless, you can get rid of the part of the window sill, thoroughly cutting it off without damaging the working fittings. If your home is built of brick, it is possible to remove only the windows of the bearing wall. In the case of brick self-supporting designs, lateral simpleness can be susceptible.

Increase the room at the balloon (photo)

Do not rush to demolish the windowsill! It can be turned into a luxurious bar rack.

Combining with the inner space room will be immediately noticeable due to the unevenness of the floor level. The reason for this is that in most cases, in the process of this operation, the balcony is not sweeping, although it must be done very seriously. In addition, the elongated room will be highlighted by the remaining submaps and side protruding parts of the wall. Thus, the best way to hide this kind of nuances will be the placement of colorful textiles or podiums, bar racks.

Tools used for glazing:

  • ruler for glass works (length up to 1000 mm and 30-40 mm wide with divisions deposited on them);
  • Coroluses (used to test the rectangular shape of cut windows and interlets);
  • meters (most often use folding structures made of wood to measure flaps and glass);
  • Spatulas (can be both wooden and steel; in width a maximum of 50 mm);
  • Ostrogubers (used when spinning studs, long nails and wires);
  • pliers and pliers;
  • ingestion (metal strips of various sizes, which are designed to determine the edges of the glass);
  • Chisels and chisels (necessary for clearing the folds from the past putty and to drive the stuffing of fasteners);
  • Hammer (scoring of studs and nails and other works);
  • screwdrivers, covooms and drillings;
  • drills of different diameter;
  • Grinding bars (for smoothing sharp edges of glass and tools).

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Work on glazing

Before starting work on the selection and finishing, you need to think about the design of the room, over which work is carried out, to organize a list of desired modifications. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the house and the particular room.

Increase the room at the balloon (photo)

Apartment plan and preliminary scheme for the implementation of the necessary work.

Construction work necessary to expand the kitchen or other room at the expense of the balcony must be performed according to a pre-prepared scheme that will allow not only to save your time, but also to benefit money.

Stages of work

  1. Disassembling windows and doors is the easiest, low-cost stage. It is some kind of preparation for subsequent work. It is worth noting that, even if the glazing of the balcony was made relatively recently, it will still have to dismantle, because, despite all the comfort and protection against weather conditions, standard structures are still not protected from cold.
  2. Removal - carried out in all three directions (both front and sides). The windowsill in a width of less than 40 cm throughout the perimeter will be quite by the way. This stage is not always appropriate, because in some cases it can be prohibited and increasing the room at the expense of the balcony with its use will not be released.
  3. Separation. After carrying out the basic work on glazing it must be insulated. Naturally, the most practical approach to this will be the use of bricks in construction, but this is applicable only to balconies on the first floors in the case of the presence in the building of the foundation and supports (the load on the slab during the glazing with the removal will increase significantly).
    • Nevertheless, in modern times there are a lot of materials that have a relatively small mass and an acceptable cost. At the same time, work with them does not require a performer of certain skills and skills. For fencing fencing of the balcony, a professional owl is usually used, after which it is covered with wood or clapboard (at the request of the owner). Auxiliary insulation is performed using mineral wool or foamflast. In the first case, a very complex material will act as a insulation, while the foam has zero vapor permeability and sufficiently high quality thermal insulation. In addition, it is very cheap and easy to install;
    • Do not save on the thickness of the coating, because the released area will reduce the efficiency of radiators. It is worth thinking about the installation of a set of warm floor with energy-dependent power. This will give you the opportunity to create a comfortable atmosphere in the temperature plan, which will be favorable in any season without installing the auxiliary heating systems.
  4. The final stage of redevelopment, allowing to increase the kitchen or another room at the expense of the balcony, is to decorate. In this case, the owner can use all his fantasy, since the foam in most cases is trimmed with the help of drywall, on top of which can be glued with wallpaper, lay decorative plaster, laying the lining, in general, to create almost any interesting interior. In some cases, the approximation of the color range and the common type of balcony to the design of one of the rooms of the apartment is welcomed, but if you wish to create a separate room from the balcony, then this solution is better not to choose.

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Increase the room at the balloon (photo)

Increase the room at the balloon (photo)

Increase the room at the balloon (photo)

Increase the room at the balloon (photo)

Increase the room at the balloon (photo)

Increase the room at the balloon (photo)

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