Attaching the loggia to the room (photo and video)



The union of the balcony and the adjacent premises can increase the area of ​​many apartments. This repair requires great effort and time. But believe me, the joining of the loggia to the room is worth: it will be possible to get new meters and transform the interior.

Attaching the loggia to the room (photo and video)

The union of the loggia and the balcony with the apartment is the possibility of a significant increase in the living space, which is especially important for one-bedroom apartments.

It is worth noting that the documentary, allowing legal connection, redevelopment, the assessment from the BTI, repair is the same for attaching the existing loggia to the room and to combine the balcony with the "empty" area. We will have to visit the relevant government instances and services to obtain permission to unite. Without the necessary documents, work will be invalid.

Preparation of necessary documentation

Attaching the loggia to the room (photo and video)

Combining a loggia or balcony with a living area is a redevelopment to which the appropriate permission must be obtained in order not to have any problems in the future and not run into a huge fine.

  1. Visit BTI and personally submit a statement that you want to combine the balcony and residential premises. Service workers are obliged from your hands to take a personal statement to combine the loggia with a room on a legitimate basis. Then conduct an apartment survey, find out the technical possibility of safe association. A technical analysis will also be carried out what kind of potential danger can represent integrated redevelopment for the construction of the house. If serious consequences are not threatened by the house, then the joining of the loggia is likely to approve.
  2. After the repair was carried out and the association occurred, you need to call the representative of the BTI, which will check the compliance of the work performed by the planned plan. The specialist should issue a conclusion in which the repair and redevelopment will be carried out correctly.
  3. The union of the loggia with the room requires reference SES.
  4. Family members must agree. It is necessary to confirm that the house does not apply to architectural monuments (by visiting the architectural and planning department).
  5. We collect the above paper, you can go to court, which will confirm that the redevelopment and repair is legitimate and do not infringe the rights.
  6. And only then you can get a technical passport, in which it will be indicated that the union of the balcony with the room was carried out in accurately compliant with the previously planned plan and does not carry danger to others.

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Association: Possible ways

Attaching the loggia to the room (photo and video)

As a continuation of the kitchen, living room or sleeping zone, such an union needs to obtain a resolution of redevelopment with partial or complete removal of the adjacent wall.

The most common redevelopment method is dismantling the balcony door, windows. After that, a more thorough insulation of a new space is carried out. But do not forget that the loggia has another functional destination - this is a kind of fire safety zone. If there are 2 loggias in the apartment, then the question will not delay and the redevelopment will get "good" very soon.

Another way is to remove the entire balcony wall. Then the reconstruction will be associated with the preservation of the integrity of the structure of the house. If he is from a brick, then to attach the loggia to the room in terms of the law easier - the side walls of the loggia are carriers. But in the panel houses, the resolution is unlikely to receive, because The balcony partition is part of the overlap plate.

And one more important point is the architectural appearance of the house. Before you start collecting references, you can at least just look at the facade to understand how it will look after the glazing of the loggia. However, the principle is usually dominant here: "If you can a neighbor, it means that you can".

How to attach a loggia to the room: redevelopment practice

Attaching the loggia to the room (photo and video)

To combine the room with a loggia or a balcony, you need to dismantle the old windows and partitions between them. However, the complete elimination of the facade wall is prohibited from the reinforced concrete panels.

Part of the work can be performed independently. Although, of course, such a difficult job as an association is a task for specialists, and it is better to resort to their services.

  1. Inspect the fence before starting the joining of the loggia on your own. It is made from the stove or of the brick. Take a look at the bottom of the fence, there should be stock. Load it with rubble with a solution or cement.
  2. Next, window blocks are installed. For this case, specialists are usually attracted. It is better to put multi-chamber glass packages. The design of wear-resistant, does not conduct electricity and is almost not ignited. Immediately decide on the windows and design of window blocks so that it does not need to repair.
  3. Next you need to insulate the loggia. Warming of residential premises and balconies (loggia) - two different things. High-quality work implies the presence of "pie" from waterproofing, vapor barrier film and the insulation itself. At the same time, it is necessary to remember about the observance of the general thermal contour of the building. The former loggia will need additional heating. The most optimal option is to arrange a warm floor (better based on electrical cables). When choosing a material for finishing finish, it is necessary to remember that the balcony will be a continuation of the room. He should not break the already established common interior of the room. But it is possible to combine the resulting loggia with a room differently, if you want to have a newly equipped and re-trimmed in accordance with the idea, it looked like an independent room that has its own interior.
  4. In order to combine the room and the loggia, after glazing you need to disassemble the balcony door, the windows and, possibly, the expansion of the opening (if it is consistent with the BTI). First remove the frame with the window and the window block, the door frame. Next, to attach the loggia to the room, you need a dismantling of the threshold and the couches below the window. This is a rather laborious process.

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Combine a room with a balcony: Functional options

Attaching the loggia to the room (photo and video)

The zoning of the room when combining the bedroom: the creation of a dressing room or a working office on the loggia.

Combining the balcony with the rest of the apartment allows you to get the space used in different ways. The new interior of the combined room, which has undergone repairs must be harmonious.

  1. If the joining of the loggia was carried out to the bedroom, then the place of the former balcony can be equipped with a boudoir or a greenhouse. For busy family members, the union of the loggia is an excellent opportunity to equip a personal account, separated by blinds, partition. Many prefer as a result of a balcony combining with a room to get a mini gym, a dressing room or library that will have their own interior.
  2. If the balcony was attached to the kitchen, then the union of the loggia and room can be used as a minibar. At the same time, you will get a finished bar counter from the window sill. The former balcony can be used as a "second" kitchen on which you will only cook, and in the "native" room dinner with the whole family. But the extraordinary decision on the unification of the loggia and the room is relevant for small apartments. In this case, the new room next to the kitchen is equipped with a bedroom, which has its interior, and the released room will turn into free space.

Attaching the loggia to the room (photo and video)

Such an association increases the useful area of ​​the room, making it possible to add, for example, the workplace zones.

The problem when combining the balcony and the room are protrusions and transitions from one room to another. These "disadvantages" can be skillfully beat, then the interior of the room with a balcony will be completely different - an unusual, original, attractive, pleasing hosts.

Union balcony and room should not be engaged, without thinking in advance all the nuances. But it is worth imagining how pleasant will be, for example, in a home greenhouse, and the decision to attach the loggia to the rooms is made by itself.

Attaching the loggia to the room (photo and video)

Attaching the loggia to the room (photo and video)

Attaching the loggia to the room (photo and video)

Attaching the loggia to the room (photo and video)

Attaching the loggia to the room (photo and video)

Attaching the loggia to the room (photo and video)

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