How to correctly calculate the number of wallpapers


How to correctly calculate the number of wallpapers

Before saving the walls, you need to calculate the number of wallpapers for the room - one of the most popular materials for finishing the apartment. They are easy to use and give the walls a noble and neat appearance. However, for many, the most important difficulty in using this material is the calculation of the required number of rolls. And it is not surprising, because there is a huge number of nuances that it is important to know to calculate the Wallpaper Methods correctly.

Wallpaper Calculation: Step-by-step instructions

Before you go to the store for wallpaper, you need to definitely find out how many meters of this material to finish the apartment. After all, if you acquire rolls less than you need, then to play the room will have to find the same material that is sometimes very difficult to do. A larger number of wallpapers leads to unjustified costs.

In order to calculate the number of meters of wallpaper, you need to know the formula, the area of ​​the room and the type of wallpaper that you are going to purchase. Let's view the main positions of calculating the wallpaper rolls per room.

How to correctly calculate the number of wallpapers

To calculate the number of meters of wallpaper, you need to know the formula, the area of ​​the room and the type of wallpaper that you are going to buy

How to calculate the required number of wallpaper:

  1. First of all, you need to measure two adjacent walls. The resulting size is multiplied by two.
  2. Next, you need to measure the wall in height. This is necessary in order to find out how many sheets can be obtained from the roll.
  3. Now the length of the wallpaper in the roll is divided into the height of the wall. The resulting number of cloths is multiplied by width of wallpaper. This is the size of the area that can be covered with one roll.
  4. To find out the number of rolls, which you need to purchase the perimeter of the room in centimeters, is divided into an area, which can be covered with one roll. The resulting digit is rounded into the biggest side.

Thus, the formula for calculating the number of rolls looks like this: p (perimeter of the room) / (l (wallpaper length) / s (height) * E (width of wallpaper)); P: L: C * E = Number of rolls.

To find out the number of wallpaper you need, it is not necessary to calculate yourself. You can use the online calculator. There is also a table in which the standard Wallpaper Metage is specified for standard apartments.

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Quick Wallpaper Calculation on Room Square

The calculation of the area around the perimeter is a fairly common method, but there is another equally fast option. It uses most professional painters.

For calculations, we need to find out the room area. For this, the width of the wall is folded from the width of the adjacent wall, and then the resulting amount is multiplied by two. We found out the perimeter that must be multiplied to the height of the walls. Thus, we found out the area of ​​the room.

When the room is known to us, you need to figure out the square, which can be placed by one roll of wallpaper. For this, we multiply its width for the length. The resulting number is rounded in a smaller side. To find out these parameters, it is enough to look at the packaging, the manufacturer must indicate there all the information about its product.

How to correctly calculate the number of wallpapers

The quick calculation of wallpaper on the room area can be carried out in two ways.

Now the areas obtained can be divided into each other. That is, we divide the size of the room on the size of the wallpaper. The resulting number must be rounded into the biggest. This value is the necessary number of rolls.

The formula for calculating wallpaper in the area looks like this: the chickles (A + B) (width of the walls) x 2 x (wall height): s wallpaper (K ​​(width of wallpaper) x t (wallpaper length).

Each woeful material weighs in different ways, so in weight it is impossible to know the number of necessary wallpaper. If you do not want to draw counts yourself, you can contact special tables and calculators.

How to calculate the number of wallpaper with a correction

From how the wallpaper is decorated, the number of rolls that will be needed directly depend on one room. This may seem strange, however, a lot of wall waste can be formed from the size and complexity of the figure.

To calculate the number of rolls, you must pay attention to the mark on the package. Often, manufacturers are referred to how thoroughly need to customize the drawing on certain wallpaper.

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How to correctly calculate the number of wallpapers

To count the number of rolls, you must pay attention to the mark on the package

What are the wallpaper on the type of alignment:

  1. Figure combination is not required. This designation is an arrow directional to the circle. This option is the easiest. It is suitable for wallpapers with a small unbearable pattern or without it without it. The flow of such wallpapers is exactly the formula.
  2. Arrogors aimed one up, the other is down, they say that the walls of the wallpaper is necessary through one turn over the legs. This method also does not require additional material expenses, but when sticking should be extremely attentive.
  3. A more difficult version is when, the drawing requires a mandatory dust. This method is quite cost, and usually requires removal of a piece of pieces close to the magnitude of one report. In this case, the packaging appears icon with the arrows with the ends in parallel to each other.
  4. The option with displacement of the pattern is the hardest in sticking, and requires the greatest flow of wallpaper. With this variant from each new web, you will have to cut the wallpaper strip equal to about half of the report. Such a blowing is characteristic of the wallpaper with a large pattern, located on the diagonal. In this pictogram, the arrows look at each other, but are located at different levels.

With the penultimate and last type of wallpaper is very easy to make a mistake. You can or incorrectly count the quantity, or inaccurately combine the drawing, and then the room will look strange and inactively.

Choosing such wallpapers, be prepared for what you have to purchase at least two rolls more. The advantage of wallpaper with a pattern is that they look very eccentric and hide all the irregularities of the walls.

How many wallpapers need a room with non-standard layout

When measuring the parameters of the room, it is necessary to consider its layout. If this is not done, then ultimately you may simply do not have enough rolls of material.

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Special attention should be paid to niches, protrusions and collems. They take a sufficiently large amount of material. The NIS area is calculated separately, and then summed up with the main dimensions.

How to correctly calculate the number of wallpapers

In a room with non-standard layout, special attention should be paid to niches, protrusions and collems

If you plan to use in the interior built-in wardrobes, you can not stick the places where they will stand. However, in this case, you deprive yourself with the possibility of permutation without updating the repair.

The width of the windows and doors is not needed from the square of the room. After all, not all trimming wallpapers are suitable for the wallpaper over the door and windows.

It is also worth considering the characteristic features of the design of your room. If you decide to use several types of wallpapers in one room, then their metrar should be calculated separately. For example, the area of ​​one wall is calculated separately, and separately three others.

The calculation of the material for repair is an important point in the decoration of the apartment. There is a huge number of special calculators and tables, but do not forget about old good formulas that have repeatedly rescued builders at the most necessary moment.

Technology: How to calculate wallpaper on the room (video)

Planning the design of the apartment, remember that the more types of wallpapers are present in the same room, the harder will find out the required number of rolls. Of course, this fact is not the reason for the refusal of your clauses. If you are not sure that you can easily calculate the number of wallpaper, you can contact professionals or consult with a good seller of a construction store consultant.

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