Photo album do it yourself in the marine style as a gift from the photo


Often you can hear that the best gift is the one that is made with your own hands. And what if you want to make such a gift to be not only beautiful and memorable, but also useful? In this case, the ideal option will be a photo album. At the same time, it is suitable for any reason, be something wedding, birthday, vacation, new year, the birth of a child - he will always be a good gift. Make a photo album with your own hands is not so difficult. The main thing is to be patient and manifest a little imagination.

Photo album do it yourself in the marine style as a gift from the photo

Choose style

Albums make for each significant event separately. Styles for their fulfillment are also chosen at their request. The times of classic style gradually go and replace it new ideas for design. Of course, you can still find a simple white album with wedding photos or a pink / blue album for newborns, but more and more often it is unusual.

Photo album do it yourself in the marine style as a gift from the photo

How to choose a design style for a photo album as a gift? To begin with, we will define who exactly who are going to give it to and with what holiday to congratulate.

For your beloved person you can make a real male photo album. The reason can serve as a birthday, February 23 or any other holiday. The style of steampunk is suitable with elements of drawings, gear, cards, mechanisms. The style can be described as an industrial, fantastic, technical. Colors are dark, the shades of brown prevail. Metal is necessarily present - aged copper, bronze. There may still be skin or glass.

Photo album do it yourself in the marine style as a gift from the photo

You can also arrange in the grunge style (rough, shabby, torn), which is considered a kind of attempt to resist love for comfort. Color gamut dark - black, gray, brown. You can use contrasting accents of red, blue, orange colors. Jewelery use quite a bit. Techniques used in this style: stamping, print, scraping, splashes, blots, torn edges of paper, newspaper clippings, cards, hours, gears, etc.

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Examples of this design in the photo:

Photo album do it yourself in the marine style as a gift from the photo

Photo album do it yourself in the marine style as a gift from the photo

Children's photo album is being done for a boy or for a girl, and may have a unisex design. There may be not only photos, but also other memorable fragments - tag from the maternity hospital, a handle imprint and legs, a newspaper note, medals and diplomas. We choose the background in accordance with the child's floor and his hobbies. There may be machines, flowers, cartoon characters. Decorations We select on the same principle.

Photo album do it yourself in the marine style as a gift from the photo

Photo album do it yourself in the marine style as a gift from the photo

Photo album do it yourself in the marine style as a gift from the photo

Photo album do it yourself in the marine style as a gift from the photo

If you make a gift for your grandparents, you can perform it in retro style. He is aimed at feeling comfort, reminds of times when we were younger. The entire album is harmonious, weathered, in copper-coffee-sand tones. Effects of rubbing, graininess, torn edges are used.

Photo album do it yourself in the marine style as a gift from the photo

Photo album do it yourself in the marine style as a gift from the photo

A photo album for a friend can be performed in any style, depending on what she loves. A reason may be any, even though a birthday, even just want to remind you of the most fun and best moments.

Photo album do it yourself in the marine style as a gift from the photo

Photo album do it yourself in the marine style as a gift from the photo

Photo album in the marine style can be made both for themselves and as a gift, for example, for a colleague who returned from vacation, or relative, friend, girlfriend. Such an album can even give a child, for example, as a memory of his first trip to the sea. As a decor here we use seashells, starfishes, pebbles, coins, chains, marine decorations (for example, the pendant anchor or earrings steps). An decoration element can be a maritime card with a mysterious treasure island.

Photo album do it yourself in the marine style as a gift from the photo

Photo album do it yourself in the marine style as a gift from the photo

Photo album do it yourself in the marine style as a gift from the photo

For album in the style of Vintage, you will need old photos, clippings from albums or newspapers, you can use a rubbed fabric, lace, beads. It is characterized by rubbing, imitation of rust, burned or torn edges, paper making. American style design involves collages from photos, inscriptions and pictures, one-photon design, no more than 2-3 colors, on a page more than 3 photos. There are few decor in European style, but there are sketches with handles and pencils, there is embossed paper and ribbons. Shebbi-Chic style uses a gentle background in a strip or polka dot, as well as Ryushi and lace.

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Photo album do it yourself in the marine style as a gift from the photo

Photo album do it yourself in the marine style as a gift from the photo

Photo album do it yourself in the marine style as a gift from the photo

Photo album do it yourself in the marine style as a gift from the photo

Step-by-step instruction

We are determined with the style of the album, choose materials, prepare the necessary tools.

It is desirable to store the workplace with a special rug so as not to damage the surface of the table with a knife and do not pour glue. This is especially important for beginners.

Immediately need to decide on the cover for the cover. It can be performed not only from paper, but also from fabric, leather, fur. Ornaments can be rhinestones, buttons, ribbons, natural materials (for example, shells, pebbles). We pay special attention to the cover, be something ready album bought in the store, or the sheets of cardboard that must be copped. In any case, the base should be dense, strong to withstand the weight of jewelry and photographs.

Photo album do it yourself in the marine style as a gift from the photo

Photo album do it yourself in the marine style as a gift from the photo

When everything is ready, starting with the foundation. In the finished album, sheets can be made of cardboard on which photos are glued, or magnetic photo holders. There may also be sheets with plastic pockets from files. If you collect the photo album yourself, then you can make it any shape, even a flower, even a boat. When the basis is ready, glue to it the substrate for each page. On the finished sheets, we make holes for fastening (springs, ribbons) or sample them as on the video:

The album pages are ready, proceed to the manufacture of the cover. Newbies can take advantage of the finished binding, paving the foam rubber or soft fabric under it, to make the cover soft and volumetric. We make holes in it and a lace or wire. Attach the pages.

Detailed completion master classes:

Getting to the most interesting thing - to decoration. Weiently focus on the selected style so that the finished work looks harmonious and neatly. Before sticking decorations and photo pockets, you can make a layout, attaching photos and decoration in several ways, choose the most liked option. If you plan to make signatures, do not forget to leave the place for them.

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Video on the topic

Several videos for inspiration:

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