How to make a corpse of a house from a log


The final stage of the construction of walls of wooden houses is caulking. This process is necessary to prevent the moisture penetration between the elements of the cut, since the income moisture leads to the rotting of the logs.

How to make a corpse of a house from a log

After the construction of the house the final stage is caulking. It is necessary to prevent moisture from entering between the logs and acts as a heater.

Before causing a house from a log, it is necessary to determine the material, with which insulation produces. Today's manufacturer offers new materials - this is jute and flanutin. They came to replace the old, such as moss and packle.

Correct is performed a year after the construction of the cut, regardless of whether the insulation was laid during the cutting. This time is necessary for shrinkage of the wooden structure of the house so that the elements of the timber or logs in the shrinkage in the shrinkage in their place have taken shape. A year later, it is necessary to make a re-panty, as additional shots can be formed with a complete shrinkage that should also be corpped. Performing this work, persecuting such goals:

  • achieve the tightness of the cut;
  • provide good thermal insulation;
  • prevent wood from rotting;
  • Musture material from condensate.

From whatever wooden material, neither the house is built, the cachatka is produced by the same principle. The main thing is to clog the material between the crowns. In some places, where wood dried greatly, too large gaps are formed, in this case they are subjected to a pantry with jute or hemp cakes.

Materials for cacopa at home

When selecting material, it is necessary to take into account the following requirements:

How to make a corpse of a house from a log

When choosing a material for a cutoff of a church, it is necessary to be guided so that the material was non-toxic, did not have unpleasant odors and had low thermal conductivity.

  • It must have low thermal conductivity;
  • should not have harmful substances that can cause damage to health;
  • eliminate the medium for the development of mold and fungal formations, insect reproduction;
  • have resistant to the effects of natural factors, temperature and high humidity drops;
  • should not contain unpleasant odors;
  • Do not lose its heat shield and sealing qualities over the years.

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Moss. It is an environmentally friendly natural material that has the ability to absorb moisture and give it away. When using moss, wood is not susceptible to rot, as it has an antibacterial property. Due to its natural origin, the room is saturated with a healthy favorable atmosphere. But when working with moss, some difficulties arise due to the fact that it is hard to fit. To simplify work, it is combined with packles. And even despite his minor disadvantages, this material is the best option.

Tow. Also is a natural material. But, unlike the moss, this is a secondary product after refining flax and hemp. It has the same positive qualities as moss.

How to make a corpse of a house from a log

Flap stretch is made of linen fiber and is absolutely safe and environmentally friendly.

Linovatin. It is made of pure linen fibers. It is not harmful to health, as environmentally friendly. Provides excellent thermal insulation. It is also inherent in the quality to absorb water with high humidity, and with a reduced - to give it. Thanks to these properties, wood is not amenable to rotting and forming mold and fungus. The material has the type of tape, which is produced by different thickness. It is placed by the method of rotating.

Fiber from jute. This is the result of plants processing from the Malvic family, which grows on the territory of Central Asia, India and China. It is used in the manufacture of ropes and bags. In greatest demand, it uses for cacopa of houses from a wooden bar and logs. According to its insulation, the package is similar, but its laying leads to the set.

Jute. For its manufacture, the jute fiber is used, it is produced in rolls with different thickness. It is mainly used in buildings where heightened thermal insulation is necessary. It has excellent thermal insulation qualities, resistant to a wet environment. The ability not to absorb moisture allows laying directly to raw logs.

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Methods and Features of Konopkka

There are two ways:

  • rotate;
  • In the set.

How to make a corpse of a house from a log

Diagram of methods of cacopa.

With a caulking method, the rotor from the material is crowned strands, which are subsequently wounded in the ball for convenience when working. From the resulting threads knit loops and clog into the resulting clearances and gaps. The number of loops depends on the values ​​of the cleft. The material for the cacopa is primarily clogged into the upper edges, and then lower. To give the seam of a neat type of pacting poured with a flattened end of a small nail.

Much attention should be paid to the corners, as they are cavalous with special care. Climbing the walls, the ends of the pakley need to be produced at the corners by 10-15 cm.

If the cavropka is stacked in the finished home, the height of the cut is increased to 15 cm, in connection with this not to damage the chimney, it must be released from the lubricating solutions at the time of work.

But the laying of the material by the method in the kit is mainly used during the second cavity. This method has found its use when sealing large gaps and cracks. A fiber roller is used to work, which was prepared in advance. Since the seams are the same width, the roller thickness must be the same. However, if somewhere where the gaps are more, then the roller needs to be collapsed several times so that the loop looks like. This method has received its name "in a set" due to a set of thickness by twisting the cord.

The material is clogged with a special panty and a wooden image.

Brewery houses

How to make a corpse of a house from a log

Every year it is necessary to inspect the house for the presence of cracks and gaps. When they are detected, they must be caught immediately.

The device of the cacopa of houses from the log differs little from the insulation of other log cabins, if not to take into account the fact that the gaps in the logs from the logs are significantly less and experience is needed in order not to overgrow the interventor insulation. But when I canopt with Jute, you need to pay special attention to the joints between the logs, as they are the weakest place.

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When performing poor-quality work in the cold season in small, at first glance, the creams and angular joints will walk the wind, which contributes to a decrease in temperature in the house. Since these places it is almost impossible to identify, you will have to remove the pantry, which will lead to the overruns of the material and means.

Therefore, cautious houses from the logs are necessary with special care. If you detect even the smallest gaps and cracks, they need to clog the material as tight and efficiently as possible, it is necessary to produce both outside and inside the house.

For a log of logs, the application of the roller method will be most advisable, since due to the rigidity of the roller, its quality and efficiency increases significantly.

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