Electronic lock on the door: varieties according to the method of opening


Types of modern electric and electronic locks for entrance doors, as the electronic lock-invisible work, positive and negative sides of such locking devices.

Electronic lock on the entrance door: types of devices

Electronic lock on the door: varieties according to the method of opening

Castles for the entrance door, like all other items, change over time in their design and functionality. In the past century, quite compact and high secrecy of cylindrical locks were suppressed by a popular suvalden device. But the rapid development of the industry in the field of electronics also affected locking mechanisms, and today the electronic invisible castle is becoming increasingly popular.

These electrical gate devices include:

  • electromagnetic;
  • solenoid;
  • code;
  • Electromechanical locks;
  • with blocking operating on electricity;
  • Invisible locks;
  • Biometric.

All listed mechanisms are divided into electric and electronic opening locks. The latter concept carries the meaning that the opening of the shutter is due to the use of electronic media. It can be a panel with buttons for the introduction of code, a special card, electronic "key-tablet", a biometric device, a control panel, etc.

The electronic castle of the modern type has two main advantages over the classic mechanism. First of all, it is more large secrecy and reliability in the service, secondly, free access to opening remotely. The positive parties of the locks on the electronics should be attributed to the possibility of conducting a special e-magazine, where all operations are prescribed, allowing to clearly calculate when and who produced the opening of the device.

Protection and secrecy

Electronic lock on the door: varieties according to the method of opening

If you ask a question about the stability of the electronic mechanism for hacking and the degree of secrecy, then there is no definite answer. The secrecy indicator largely depends on the device used for opening. For example, expensive and high-quality radio signals or the reading biometric instruments many times on personal properties of more reliable access panels or a "key-tablet" with a magnet. This can also be said about devices that open with cards. The map where there is a magnetic strip gives greater guarantees for secrecy, if you take a map in comparison, which has a microchip. However, this is relative to the resistance in the "intellectual" hacking.

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Another thing is the resistance to attempts to break the device with an application of the physical force or a solid subject. Here electromechanical locks or are not characterized from a positive side, or have low strength indicators - less than that of standard classical mechanisms.

But it is worth voicing exceptions. One of them is fastening to the designs of the doors-invisible locks that operate on the electronic device. They are mounted or as an ordinary lock into the inner part of the door leaf, or as an overhead device on the reverse surface. The control of their actions is remotely through the console, like the automotive. On the front door, the doors do not contain any holes, structures, optical or magnetic scanners and more.

Electronic lock on the door: varieties according to the method of opening

Electronic locks on the entrance blocks

The advantage of such a mechanism is that if the door is closed, the castle is not visible at all. Thus, it is very difficult to figure out the place of a strong physical effect when hacking the input design. Another feature believes that electromechanical locks contain a worm principle of transmission, which puts forward and removes the riglel system. When working in the mechanism of this type of action, it is much more difficult to drive into the riglels inward mechanism. It concerns the options when a certain part of the wall breaks next to the door frame, and the attacker has access to these items. In most other cases of positive sides of the shutter mechanisms on electronic control, if you take the classic locks in a comparison, there is no big secretness from the position of burglar resistance and great secrecy.

There is one important point: on the control of locks at a distance electronic mechanisms there is no alternative. For this reason, the most different systems of electrical gate devices today are widely used in different public, office and administrative buildings. This is not only the ability to control the opening and closing of the door device using one console, which can only be protected. It is also an opportunity to have access to some visitors (for example, in hotels and educational institutions) at a certain period of time in specific rooms. In addition, the installed electromechanical locks on the doors may include certain programs that lead control over some processes. It can be:

  • closing
  • opening,
  • exclusively exit
  • Exclusively input, etc.

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This is their great advantage.

Types and selection of electrical locks

Electronic lock on the door: varieties according to the method of opening


Electromechanical locks in most cases apply immediately included in the security system. In some cases, it is impossible to submit to working separately, but only with other mechanics auch. The main role in the device of such a castle is played by electrical shut-off mechanisms.

Electromechanical locks work without the use of a special key. Closing and discovery occurs with the receipt and removal of electrical voltage. There is a current on the lock thanks to the operation of the SCSD devices that are responsible for safety in the house. Usually here include:

  • intercom
  • remote controller,
  • controller,
  • electric lock,
  • Output button, etc.

On the principle of action, locking mechanisms are:

  • electromechanical;
  • Electromagnetic.

The first form functions on the principle of induction of the electromagnetic field. During the flow of the current to the coil of the winding, the rigl is drawn and the door opening is performed. All electromechanical locks have the ability to control the door. That is, you can use them without any concerns.

The difference between the designs of the locks divides them into several groups:

  • Motor locks,
  • with electroblock mechanism,
  • Solenoid.

    Electronic lock on the door: varieties according to the method of opening

    Solenoid shut-off systems

Motor locks have a small motor, which has a constant voltage and which leads control over the rigels. To make a mechanical effort, worm transmission is used. Such gate structures where the gearbox is present is characterized by high resistance and strength during hacking attempt, however, the price of them is quite high and the speed of their action is greater.

Let the electromechanical locks of the screw or roll type are triggered in the fraction of a second, but during the action may be too skin and created on the elements of the shutter elements. These mechanisms are different for garage shutter, houses, apartments or economic premises. If you compare with other locks presented in the market, they have the positions only "closed" and "open," therefore are not suitable for refusalless shutter systems.

In the locks with the mechanism of electrical blocking, the locking force is formed by mechanical components when exposed to springs. The boundary placement of the beelel is set by the latch, which is driven by the electric motor.

In the solenoid castles, due to the drawing of the core solenoid made of steel, the riglel is driven. The solenoid is a coil with winding having a cylinder form. In it, the coils are densely wrapped the body of the coil, and the length of the length is much larger than the diameter. This component constantly gets current using an external magnetic pipeline.

Electronic locks by type of installation are found:

Electronic lock on the door: varieties according to the method of opening

Biometric locking devices

  • Curling. The whole design is mounted in the door of the door and does not have discover items.
  • Overhead. Mounted on the outer surface of the door.
  • Semi-dry. They partially discard from the door plane.

If we talk about the principle of supplying electricity to such devices, then they are wireless and wired. Wireless steel sold preferably recently. Their advantage is that it does not need to lay a lot of cables, the current flow occurs through autonomous devices. These electric boots on the door are considered to be refused by the method of opening.

Their principle of work is that in the presence of electrical power, the mechanism rigels are extended, and if there is no current supply - the riglels are drawn and doors open. These devices are perfectly suitable for entrances, black outlets, tambour-gateways and other premises.

The principle of operation of the electromagnetic opening lock is based on the interaction of the magnet and its response. In this case (if compared with the electromechanical lock), the current comes constantly. If the power is turned off, the contact between these two components stops, and the door opens. The magnet power indicator should be quite high, so as not to give a chance to the attackers open the door with physical effort.

By type of fasteners such electric locks are:

  • mortise;
  • semi-dry;
  • Overhead.

By type of opening-closing:

  • magnetic mechanical locking;
  • Magnetic.

Most buyers when choosing an electronic door lock are interested in price. However, one clear answer is impossible to give such products. The price depends on the manufacturer, type of device and much more. Castle options today are many and the cost of them is the most different.

For example, if you take very high-quality door mechanisms from leading manufacturers, then the price of them can be in the limit of $ 50 to $ 500. To date, one of the most expensive - 5-rigal electronic code lock CIZA E-Volution, the price of it is about $ 900.

Electronic lock on the door: varieties according to the method of opening

Electronic lock on the door: varieties according to the method of opening

Electronic lock on the door: varieties according to the method of opening

Electronic lock on the door: varieties according to the method of opening

Electronic lock on the door: varieties according to the method of opening

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Electronic lock on the door: varieties according to the method of opening


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