Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class


Photocox is a box for storing photos and memorable things. You can use as an unusual idea as a gift. A person sees a beautiful box, opens, and there your common pleasant memories. Beautiful gift to your beloved person, parents, girlfriend. Often they are used instead of a children's photo album. There are options for boxes with cells, you can sign each month, and you will get a wonderful memory of the first year of life of your baby. A wonderful idea is also for those who are engaged in photography. You can give big orders in such boxes that it will become a business card of the master and makes good advertising. Moreover, to make a photo message with your own hands is completely simple, especially some of its options.

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Box with secret

First you need to decide for whom we do a photocox - as a gift or for yourself. If this is a gift, then by what occasion, what design and form will like the recipient of the gift. At the same stage, we think over the materials from which it will be performed.

Photococcus can be made of the box. In this case, a box can be finished (cardboard, wooden, iron), and you can do yourself from the same cardboard. How to glue it, look in detail in the video:

Boxing form can be square, rectangular, curly, even round. Choose the one that seems to you the most interesting and appropriate.

Interior design is also different:

  • Just fold photos in boxing;

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

  • We make cells for each or for several pieces immediately;

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

  • We glue a photo on a long folding cardboard;

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

  • Invent an unusual location of photos in boxing.

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Boxing material can be paper, cardboard, fabric, leathesum, genuine leather. The iron box can be simply decorated and do not shit anything, you can smear or cut the pattern on a wooden. For decoration, we use scrapbooking technique. You can use both special sets and infirmized materials: ribbons, stickers, bows, buttons, beads, sequins, rhinestones, lace, shells, pebbles, small hours, suspension, etc. Next, we decide how the photo message will be closed. For example, you can tie with a ribbon or use magnets.

In the latter case, we consider that under them it is necessary to cut a small deepening from the basics, and also correctly arrange that they attract each other, and not repelled.

After all the materials are assembled, proceeding with the tool collection. It is necessary to think with what materials you will work. What is suitable for working with paper is not suitable for skin or tree. Standard tool kit:

  • pencil;
  • line;
  • scissors, including curly nozzles;
  • Punching the usual and with a curly pattern;
  • Thermopystole or glue.

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Next, proceed to work. We collect boxing on the template, decorate and put or glue photos. Wonderful photococcus ready!

The main member of the family

The birth of a child is the happiest event in the life of young parents. So I want to remember every little thing, every detail. As a new person appeared, as he came home for the first time, he smiled for the first time, I tried juice or porridge. And how many emotions caused his first tooth, the first coup on the tummy, the first chamber! All these moments, parents try to capture a video or photo. But in order not to be confused, in which month of his life, one or another photo is made, a special photocobe will help us.

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

We look at the master class in its manufacture. Prepare materials, decorations and tools:

  • scrapbooking paper;
  • dense paper;
  • chipboard (volume decoration from dense cardboard);
  • lace;
  • Gypsum figures;
  • pearl;
  • Flowers;
  • wax lace;
  • powder for embossing;
  • glue;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • scissors.

From dense paper, cut the rectangles with a size of 16.9 × 29 cm (blank 1) and 16.8 × 19.2 cm (2), beam, as on templates. Bigovka - Applying a straightforward groove on a sheet of paper. For this work, you can use the handle of a conventional spoon, for the line to read the lines on the cardboard.

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Cut 2 paper strips 10.8 × 19.1 cm (3) and 5 strips 10.4 × 18.9 cm (4), scam them at the same distance.

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

We prepare the bottom - cut the paper strip 5 × 16.8 cm (5).

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Cooking paper for scrapbooking. Cut the first rectangle for the workpiece 1, but by 3 mm less, i.e. 16.6 × 28.7 cm. Not necessary. We glue the paper to the workpiece 1, you can hold each layer under the press or penetrate and bend over the bend lines.

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

For the workpiece 2, cut the paper with a size of 12.3 × 16.5 cm, a little more to be fell to the bottom. We glue to the workpiece and bending.

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Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

2 such blanks are obtained. On an empty white place in the middle we glue the workpiece 5.

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Inside, too, you can enclose all paper.

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Billets glue and attach strings.

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Cut the paper strip 7.9 × 16.5 cm and glue it to the remaining white stain, hiding the string.

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

From the blanks 3 we make harmonica. Optionally, they can be decorated with stamping and emboscoge techniques, stick lace.

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Finished accordions glit right in the middle to get pockets.

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

While driving glue, we will make dividers. For billets 4, we cut the paper with a size of 10.1 × 16.6 cm. Cutting the semicircles with a hole panel or a knife - one in the center through 2 layers, the other only through scrapbook (for tags). We glue on the sides and bottom, it turns out pockets for tag and notes.

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Tags can be cut out of paper, glue chipboard tops on top. This photocobe obtains 6 compartments. Therefore, the numbers need to be taken through one.

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Next we glue pockets, as in the photo:

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

It remains to decorate in your taste, and the photocobe is ready. The author of the master class turned out:

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Photococcus your hands out of the box: scrapbooking master class

Video on the topic

Below are several video lessons on the topic:

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