What wallpaper Pick to light furniture in the bedroom


Development of competent bedroom design requires an integrated approach. It is necessary to take into account the colors of all elements of the decor and build a balanced interior, which is easily located a long amount of time, relax, sleep. It is easier to do this when you have already decided on the color of one of the components of your system: with wallpaper, furniture, curtains.

In this article, we would like to consider the possibilities for choosing wallpapers for the bedroom, in which the place of light furniture is already designated.

What wallpaper Pick to light furniture in the bedroom

Neutral monophonic wallpapers in the bedroom

In most cases, furniture of light tones helps to create a neat, from aesthetic point of view, a sophisticated, elegant and pleasant interior. The demand for such a coloring of furniture from the moment of its appearance on the market remains constantly high, since it fits perfectly into the most different styles and directions of design of the premises.


Start the choice of wallpaper in any room is always better with the definition of the required material. Currently, the bulk market contains a variety of wallpapers, which are significantly different in their qualities.

Paper wallpapers are the cheapest, eco-friendly and simple, in any bedroom they can take their rightful place. It is worth paying attention to duplex options, these are two-layer paper wallpapers that are distinguished by special strength. They form the main range of construction stores.

What wallpaper Pick to light furniture in the bedroom

Contrast solution for a large bedroom

Simplex or monophonic canvases come out of turnover, since not very high-quality. The shortcomings of paper products include a short service life, an average assortment, difficulty in sticking.

Vinyl wallpapers are modern and universal finishing materials. It is characterized by high moisture resistance, strength and long service life, and the variants of drawings and colors are a great set. The price range of vinyl wallpapers is quite wide, it captures all segments of the market, from budget cheap options, to expensive premium collections.

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Each person will easily find a few good solutions for his interior. In many honeycomb stores, the order of wallpaper on catalogs is practiced, which are in large quantities in the trading halls.

What wallpaper Pick to light furniture in the bedroom

Vinyl wallpapers imitating brickwork

Fliselinic is often called wide vinyl wallpapers that are created on the phlizelin substrate. Paper base simply cannot qualitatively attach a heavy meter fabric on the wall, so Flizelin is used for the foundation of such wallpapers. This is a modern material created from cellulose and fibers of the fabric, which is essentially improved paper.

Wallpapers exclusively from Flizelin are actively used under painting. A similar basis is able to keep several layers of paint and varnish on the wall.

In the construction organizations for finishing the walls of houses, glazes are often used by glass, but for the bedroom, we would not know this type of wallpaper.


By choosing yourself the right type of wallpaper from the point of view of the budget and practical properties, we turn to the selection of the color palette. It is desirable that wallpaper and furniture in the room harmonize so that their combination is balanced, since it is these elements that create a holistic representation of the room, in our case the bedroom.

Very often we give preference to light furniture in the bedroom. Such a color seems to us noble and elegant. If we create the interior design into a small size of the bedroom, it is best to supplement light furniture with the bright wallpaper.

What wallpaper Pick to light furniture in the bedroom

Silkographic wallpapers have a unique shine

With this scenario, we visually slightly increase the size of the room. The drawing on the wallpaper in such a room it is better to choose a small, small or harmful value.

If we choose dark wallpapers, then the likelihood is that our bedroom will be similar to a small unpretentious chasula. A large drawing on the wallpaper will lead to a similar effect, especially if it is performed in dark colors.

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The colors of the pastel gamma will be added to the atmosphere of comfort, or rather:

  • White will bring cleanliness and freshness with him;
  • Beige will give a little sincere heat and coziness;
  • Light green will act relaxing and soothing;
  • Light yellow will try to add you positive emotions.

However, if we are dealing with a large bedroom, here we are practically not limited in choosing a color. We are free to use saturated colors, dark shades, playing contrasts, combine various drawings and styles. In the big bedroom freedom for creativity is huge. But even if you use various combinations of different colors, do not forget to add bright shades.

What wallpaper Pick to light furniture in the bedroom

In this interior, wallpapers are exclusively background.

With dark furniture, the situation is similar, but it is appropriate to the observance of a simple rule. Warm-colored warm colors are well suitable for furniture warm colors, and for cold tones of furniture, cold tones of wallpaper. Wallpapers beige, gold, burgundy, green, brown and yellow tones are successfully looking at dark furniture. Note that it is in these colors that the greatest number of wallpaper produces, so you will choose one option is quite difficult.


Furniture in light color scheme concisely fits immediately in several different styles.

Classic luxury style implies the use of high-quality wooden furniture most often white. Together with it, relief massive wallpapers of bright color scheme are perfect. Completes the concept of an abundance of decorative objects and high-quality curtains from good materials.

What wallpaper Pick to light furniture in the bedroom

Flower Topic on Wallpaper in Bedroom

The use of minimalism in the bedroom allows you to build a strict and relaxing room, which will be replaced by relaxing fluids. The light atmosphere of the room will allow you to plunge into the aura of relaxation and comfort. This style is inherent in the men's bedroom, a woman without a huge number of different items will be uncomfortable.

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From the Scandinavian light style of the design of the rooms blows cold, but in such interiors work perfectly and is resting. The harsh northern people are not accustomed to overcome difficulties, so there must be a spirit of perseverance and struggle in their bedroom, which comes with the freshness of white. Furniture in this interior is most often made of solid wood.

What wallpaper Pick to light furniture in the bedroom

Creating a contrast interior in the bedroom with the help of painting wallpaper

The use of light furniture is also typical for the lung and air-style country. However, unlike the Scandinavian style, light tones of warm shades carrying tenderness and comfort are used here. The patterns on the wallpaper in this direction often the usual cell, or an imperious flower.

Whatever wallpaper preferred to its furniture of light tones, it will be 100% your solution. Perhaps even in a non-standard interior you will be comfortable and cozy. But creating the interior in the bedroom is best to adhere to simple rules: in a small room, do not use dark wallpaper, but in great try combining colors.

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