Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo


Many of us associate beads with decorations (bracelets, necklaces). But for craftsmen you want more flight. And they create new methods, invent different types of products. To date, popularity gained volumetric and flat toys. In this article, consider simple variants of weaving for beginners. As an example, we will create dragonfly from beads.

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

A bit of history

Did you know that the beadwork is one of the most ancient types of needlework? Even before our era, the decoration was used to protect against evil spirits. The bones of animals, shells, seeds of plants and other natural substances that could be rolling were carried away.

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

Over time, protective amulets have become almost a fashionable fashion! After all, a person thanks to them could express their "I". Of which the beads were not created: metal, clay, stones, minerals. But today, the technology of making beads made of glass has passed to us from the XVIII century.

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

Training Tips

Initially, I want to tell a little about the foundations of this needlework. Before you start creating a particular thing, you should pay attention to the technique of weaving. We select a convenient and simple scheme. Also do not forget about the materials to create.

We will need:

  • wire (some use the fishing line, but for beginnings we advise this material);
  • beads (to start, take the colors that are listed in the diagram);
  • and beads (there are different diameters and are used for large elements: head, eyes, and so on).

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

Simple version of weaving

As we have already spoken in the past paragraph, we select an easy scheme and try to use the material suitable for color and size.

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Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

But it is not critical if your dragonfly is another shade. You must learn to understand the creation technique. This will help our step-by-step master class.

So, we decided to take a light gray for the torso, the wings are orange and the eyes are dark color, respectively.

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

To create dragonfly, we use one of the most common types of techniques - parallel weaving. The method is simple enough, it should not be afraid.

Let's start with the base of the insect. In the middle of the wire we will have one gray, two black beads on the sides. Next, we ride three light gray beads on one side.

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

We skip the tip of the wire (one that with one black bead) through three small beads. It should turn out how on the second photo from above.

The third row is done in the same way, only Beerin will already be four. And on the fourth, we recruit five beads. And unforgettly stretch the wire. Now you understand why this method is called parallel?

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

We proceed to creating wings. We ride on both sides of the beads. On our scheme for twenty-six. So that the wings purchased shape, stretch the end of the wire through the first beerin. So, one pair of wings is ready!

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

Before we proceed to the second pair, you need to make the fifth row of torso. It consists of five beads.

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

The principle of weaving the second pair of the wings is exactly the same as in the first version. Only we will already use for three bispers less.

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

We practically finished our product. It remains only to finish the torso. The next row we ride as the previous ones - the fourth and fifth. Then go to a decrease. Accordingly, it will be one less in the seventh, and in the eighth to a pair. From the ninth to the twentieth rows of all two beads in all.

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

Upon completion of the weaving, the ends of the wire skip through the penultimate row. Twist and cut.

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Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

Decoration from bead

We have already learned how to create a bulk product. Now you can try to evan the decoration in the form of brook for beginners. Weaving technique remains the same.

A distinctive feature from the past master class will be the fact that each wing is created separately.

So, the scheme is presented that it is necessary to create:

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

We start working with the creation of the first pair of wings. We will need a wire about 60 centimeters. Bead colors can be selected any. We took blue and white. For the first row, we use two blue beads and have in the center. We stretch through them one of the ends of the wire. Next, we ride in that order: blue, white, blue beads. Similarly, we stretch the other tip of the wire.

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

For the first pair, we need to weave twenty-one row, and for the second for three rows less. To do this, refer to the diagram.

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

And the last step will be the fastening of wings based on.

Dragonfly from beads and beads for beginners: master class with photo

Video on the topic

We looked at simple weaving, they are much more. Therefore, we suggest you view a selection of a video in which it is clearly shown how to weave, which colors are used and with what materials are working with needlewomen. We advise separate attention to pay the creation of jewelry. After all, they were always in fashion.

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