Elements of water pipes


Elements of water pipes

The presence in the water supply system of certain elements depends on, first of all, on which initial purpose exists in the inner water supply.

To serve drinking water to the house, some elements of the water supply system are used, and in order to ensure water supply to technical needs - others.

At the same time, it is also possible to separately allocate water pipelines that serve to provide fire safety, economic needs, manufacturing systems. Of course, all of them, first of all, consist of pipes and connections are the main components of any water supply.

But there are also such elements that differ systems with different appointments. Let's talk more about what elements are attributed to the water supply in a private residential building, and how to choose them correctly.

Elements of internal water pipes

The water supply inside the house serves to supply water from an external water pipeline to all watershed points in the house. It can be sinks and washing, bathroom, shower and toilet.

Let us leave aside the variants of water pipes that serve to supply technical water that is not suitable for drinking. Such water pipes never connect with options for residential buildings, where water is used for drinking and household needs.

At the same time, the arrangement of the well on the water will require the installation of additional elements. In general, all elements of the water pipe inside the house are as follows:

  • input;
  • water assembly;
  • internal distribution network of pipes;
  • Water treatment fittings;
  • Shut-off and regulating fittings.

Also in the internal network, pumps are installed, which allow to increase the pressure of the supplied water.

Consider more each of the listed elements of the water supply. Introduction is called an element that connects the external and internal water supply. Naturally, such an element should be especially reliable, since it is usually installed in hidden places, boiler or special rooms.

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Next comes a waterway node. It serves to measure the amount of water, which is supplied from the external water supply to the internal. In the design of the water system, there is a water meter, which fixes the amount of water.

The pipe network inside distributes the feed water between the output points. In apartment buildings such a network distributes the supplied water between all apartments. If we talk about a private house without separation into individual housing, then the distribution network leads to water treatment places (cranes).

Elements of water pipes

Accordingly, watershed reinforcement controls the water yield and its number. Depending on the requirements of tenants to the amount of water, the number of components elements is determined. The determination of the number of elements depends on several factors:

  • The required amount of water is comfortable for each tenant.
  • Comfortable and safe water pressure.
  • Uninterrupted water supply to the apartment.
  • Pressure ratios in the external and internal water supply.

Finally, we call fittings with watershed, shut-off and regulating reinforcement, which is directly installed in the bathrooms.

What materials to choose?

Effective laying of the water supply largely depends on what material for components you choose. Even recently the main material for the manufacture of pipes of both external and internal water pipes was cast iron.

Cast iron pipes can still be found in old Soviet apartments. The operational characteristics of such a material are not too good. If you compare pig-iron pipes with modern, say, with polypropylene, then the old material clearly loses.

Cast iron pipes serve not as long as plastic. They quickly destroy under the influence of water, including hot. In addition, pipes often fail, which can cause serious problems with finishing at home.

Another difficulty is to dismantle cast-iron pipes in the house. If you are planning to replace the pipes of the water supply, then the old need to dismantle. The cast iron plumbing is harder to dismantle, so you have to work hard to just change the pipes.

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But PVC, pipes that are increasingly able to meet in our apartments, such negative characteristics. It is convenient to mount them, easy to dismantle, but they are not as an example longer than cast iron pipes.

In addition, modern materials are much safer. PVC pipeline is somewhat less common than it happens with cast iron or metal pipes.

Is it worth saying that absolutely all elements of the water supply should be sufficient quality to work efficiently. Choose carefully materials and shops where you acquire them to make a job quality.

On our Construction Forum you will find a lot of interesting articles on how to make a water supply in the house. If you have any questions, ask them to our specialists.

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