Mobile with butterflies do it yourself


Mobile with butterflies do it yourself

Simple idea for decorating your home - Mobile suspension with butterflies on a wreath. It is done very simple, but looks just amazing. You can decorate the living room or bedroom, hang in the hallway or use for the dock decor. That's what we get in the end:

Mobile with butterflies do it yourself


  • Flexible branches for wreath
  • Satin tapes of two or three types
  • Artificial greens
  • Fishing timber
  • Tulle for Pomponov
  • Colored paper
  • Scissors and glue


We make a wreath of twigs or other material that you can find, and wrap it with a ribbon, trying to evenly distribute it along the entire length of the wreath.

Mobile with butterflies do it yourself

From above, just evenly and gently wrap in a wreath of greens (you can buy at any artificial plant store or even on the market)

Mobile with butterflies do it yourself

Making butterflies

Butterflies cut out of bright paper - not necessarily pink, you can use any shades that you like, but it is desirable that the butterflies are in tone to the ribbons that you decorated wreath. In order for all butterflies to be the same, you can use molds for cookies as a stencil or download and print any drawing from the Internet. We do not forget that for one finished butterfly we need two blanks.

Mobile with butterflies do it yourself

We glue only the torso of the butterfly, leaving free wings, and not forgetting to lay a fishing line, on which our butterflies will hang. Glue four such garlands.

Mobile with butterflies do it yourself

Pompons and ribbons

We make pompons (if you do not know how, here's instructions) and the garland of them. Between the pomp, tie bows from ribbons. These garlands should also receive four pieces.

Mobile with butterflies do it yourself

We bind to our wreath alternately garlands from butterflies and from pumps with ribbons. We place evenly - to divide the circle to eight parts even on the eye should not be too difficult.

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Mobile with butterflies do it yourself

Top to a wreath tie four satin ribbons - to hang it to the ceiling or somewhere else.

Mobile with butterflies do it yourself

Align the length of these tapes so that the wreath hung smoothly. It is convenient to do on weight. After - tie a node, fix the finished length of the tape.

Mobile with butterflies do it yourself

Our mobile suspension from butterflies is ready. You can make them a few and decorate the apartment, and you can leave one and hang in the nursery or in the bedroom. Good luck!

Mobile with butterflies do it yourself

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