Loggia design 4 square meters. m (photo)



Everyone wants to have a wonderful and cozy house. You can also make your home very beautiful, even if you have 1 room, small-sized Khrushchev or Malossamy. There are various ideas how to make a good design of a small apartment.

The speech in our article will go on how to make an interesting design of the loggia of 3-4 sq.m., that is, just such a balcony, which is most often found in the small apartments of the Soviet type.

Loggia design 4 square meters. m (photo)

The loggia should give city residents the feeling of freedom, his own little courtyard with panoramic views.

In the old days, the houses were equipped with two outlets: "Parade" and "Rear". If the housing began in the front, it was ending with it, as a rule, "black" input. This mandatory tradition ensured the safety of the room in case of fire or other unforeseen troubles. In modern high-rise buildings, the "spare" exit is practically no. Its in the apartment replaces the balcony. Of course, the balcony does not fully ensure the safety of the apartment, and in most cases it is not a "spare" way out. However, the loggia performs another function - to give city residents a feeling of freedom, his own little courtyard with panoramic views.

You will be surprised if you find out which bizarre forms can gain a balcony of 3-4 sq m, if he has excellent design!

Open balcony (loggia)

So, we have a small balcony, not more than 3-4 square meters. meters. How to make it not just a remnant of the Soviet period, but by the work of art? Any ideas:

Loggia design 4 square meters. m (photo)

If we clear the balcony from any rubble, you can get 1 m of an additional useful space.

  1. Clear it from the old trash - so you can get even 1 m of an additional useful space.
  2. Evaluate its location regarding weather phenomena: whether water is raining during the rain and whether the door visor needs.
  3. Rate the degree of illumination of the balcony. This will help to decide on the design. If you have a sunny face, you will need protection for plants from direct sunlight. To do this, use dranke, wood, rattan, etc. You can construct a visor from plastic to cover a part of the balcony like sun-glasses.
  4. Depending on the illumination, select the materials for the location of the balcony. Remember that moisture will necessarily fall into the open balcony and you will not avoid problems with non-fatty materials.
  5. Make the calculation of the material.
  6. Determine the texture of the material. If you want to use a tree, keep in mind that it will need to be lacquered. It is better to use a tile.

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Next will need the most original design ideas. As a furniture on an open balcony, you can advise the table and chairs rathang, forged or plastic. They can not be removed in winter, and they do not occupy a lot of space. And do not blast the balcony trash! It is better to immediately take out everything too much on the garbage. And for storing children's bikes and other attributes, use the shed or highlight the place under the ceiling in the corridor. The habit of turning the balcony in the warehouse of unnecessary things returns us to the past without giving developing ideas. Refuse the old tradition.

You can also create a garden on loggias. Pots can be sang not only inside the balcony, but also outside. Let passersby admire. Petunia, Yucca, Campxis and other plants that are not afraid of the Sun, can settle on your balcony.

Glazed balcony (loggia)

Loggia design 4 square meters. m (photo)

In implementing design design, use materials that visually "expand" space, preferably light tones.

Loggia can be glazed. So do many, especially in Russia. Are you already glazed balcony? It doesn't matter what you took for the original material: plastic or tree. But from this should be repelled, creating a design.

Wooden frames must be either well scratched, or are smoked in several layers. Experienced owners know that after painting and varnishing the windows should not be disclosed for several days, otherwise they will swell.

For balconies 3-4 sq. M recommended to install sliding window systems. This saves space.

There are several more rules that will allow saving space:

  1. Rational use angles. Usually in the "ends" of the balcony make built-in wardrobes for storing shops: tools, cans with jam and so on. This is a good idea. Use it, but remember that the cabinet "Eat" at least a meter of the square, and you have only 3 from 4 square meters, and from 3 sq m and less.
  2. Use materials that visually "expand" the space. Preferably light tones. Suitable wooden or plastic lining. If the means allow you to lay out a skillful mosaic on the floor and walls. Large drawings also make the space "more". Choose the appropriate wallpapers. The same thing - mirrors: if you hang the mirror in the end of the loggia, you will twice one times.
  3. The first idea for using the loggia is usually the greenhouse. And in fact, the winter mini-garden looks gorgeous and raises the mood. But the plants in the winter needed heating. Therefore, take care of the heating on the loggia or carry out the flowers inside during frosts. Flowers can not only be placed on the floor (which at 4 square meters. M. Very irrational), but also to install on specially mounted shelves, multi-tiered racks and hang in porridge.
  4. Increased windows of a small loggia follows the blinds or Roman curtains. They do not affect space. Do not use tissue curtains. The color of the curtains should be neutral.

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Design Ideas for the Work Cabinet on Loggia

Great idea for those who remember at home. As well as for those who smoke at work or reading. You can always open the window and insert fresh air. Typically, a table with a computer put in the depths of the loggia, but for full-fledged work it will be necessary to bring light there. The table can be "folded" or "built-in"

Such space will suit jewelers, office employees, manicures that work at home. In the event that customers will come to you, it is better to put a table in the middle of the loggia, and in the ends, there are racks with tools or papers. Thus, the space will be as ergonomic as possible.

Design ideas for those who love sports

Loggia design 4 square meters. m (photo)

On a glazed loggia, an athlete can establish a Swedish stack, a small simulator and even a boxing pear.

Loggia is an ideal place for sports. Fresh air, excellent view. Of course, Mahi's legs on the balcony 1 m wide are fraught, however, with the right approach to the question, everything is solved!

On a glazed loggia, an athlete can establish a Swedish stack, a small simulator and even a boxing pear. If the simulator is folding, there should be no problem.

Glazed balcony 3-4 sq m - an ideal place for yoga. Ascetic, simply and tastefully equipped a balcony can be a citadel of pacification. To implement the idea of ​​the "room for meditation", the loggia of heating should be equipped. Warm floors, tightly closing the window - and everything, you can bliss. Do not forget to provide personal yoga-room with aroma lamps, paintings and speakers with music.

Integrated balcony

Many "merge" loggias and rooms, connecting them in 1 space. It increases the room and creates additional square meters. Meets of residential area. However, in this option, the "Mystery" itself disappears, and it remains just a hall or kitchen, but with a cherished corner, in which you can place 1 cabinet or 1 refrigerator.

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Design for relaxation

For a relaxing holiday on the loggia in a small company there are different ideas. So, on the loggia you can install a fireplace, an artificial spring, swing and even a sauna! However, such actions require more in-depth study and work of masters. Sometimes it is necessary to make a layout plan and get a project with permissions (if it comes to the fireplace, for example!). Some manage to even squeeze into a small loggia mini-pool for a child.

What to say about the tables and chairs, which can be made both folding and the attachments. After all, it is so nice for a cup of tea to watch the sunset! Any design ideas you can embody 4 sq.m.!

Loggia design 4 square meters. m (photo)

Loggia design 4 square meters. m (photo)

Loggia design 4 square meters. m (photo)

Loggia design 4 square meters. m (photo)

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