Sunny hand from macaroni for kindergarten


A child comes from the kindergarten and says that he was asked to make a sun with her hands to Maslenitsa. The child is puzzled, but I am sure that Mama Master can easily come to the rescue. But the Mama Master stands in front of the dilemma: it is necessary and the teacher to surprise the capabilities of his baby, and not to overdo it with difficulty not to do everything.

This article contains examples of handmade master classes on the theme of sun, which are ideal for kindergarten.

From satin ribbons

You will need cardboard, colored markers and satin ribbons.

There are many variations of this product: from simple to advanced, where the rays are made in Kanzashi technique.

Sunny hand from macaroni for kindergarten

This master class presents such a scheme of a sun, which is even a child of younger school age.

  1. From the cardboard, cut the circle with a diameter of 10 cm (the cardboard should be yellow or orange). It will be the sun.
  2. In the sun draw the face: eyes, nose, mouth and ruddy cheeks (if you wish, you can take ready-made eyes for dolls and glue them).
  3. We take flowers from the old hairpin and glit them to the forehead so that they look like a decoration (you can use any gear fittings; at a certain level of mastery of mom from cardboard and fabric, you can make an original hat).
  4. Satin ribbon wide about a centimeter is cut by strips of 20 cm. In the example, several different tapes are taken so that the finished product look brighter.
  5. Each strip bend in half and glue the sun on the back surface. It will be rays.
  6. In order for the rays to keep the shape, they need to sprinkle with their hair and leave on drying in a horizontal position.
  7. After drying the lacquer to the sun, the rope is glued, with which the sun can be hanging where it is necessary.

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As a result, you should get about such a product:

Sunny hand from macaroni for kindergarten

Sun from Ladoshek

Very simple, but impregnated with warmth and mentality there will be an option to manufacture a sun out of the palms.

Sunny hand from macaroni for kindergarten

The manufacturer's algorithm is:

  1. From a piece of yellow paper or cardboard, a circle of diameters is about 20 cm. It will be the sun itself.
  2. The sun is depicted on his face, you can also add any decor elements: a hat, sunglasses, hair (very cute the sun looks with pigtails or flower in her hair), wreath and so on.
  3. The kid puts his handle on a sheet of paper and drives it along the contour. For the sun, it is better to use warm solar colors: red, yellow, orange, peach and the like.
  4. Next, the contour of the hand is cut and the palm is obtained (keep in mind that the juvenile child can use the scissors only in the presence of parents).
  5. The more you cut the palms, the volume and more beautiful will be the sun.
  6. The last stage of the palm is attached to the sun. The first row is attached directly to the sun itself, and the remaining rows are glued to the previously fixed row of palms with a small indent (about a third of the palm).

Such a sun is an excellent option for a children's holiday. For example, for birthday. It is preparing quickly and simple, so it can be used within the entertainment program. An excellent idea will be, if every guest will write a wish for a birthday room on his palm. It will be the warmest and peaceful gift, which can only come up with.

Sunny hand from macaroni for kindergarten

You can also use such an idea for the graduation of the elementary classes, only in this situation the disciples write no wishes, but the desired future profession. Next, such a sun is transferred to storage to the elder, and a few years after graduating from school, he brings him at the meeting of graduates and everyone recalls their childhood and dreams.

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Sunny hand from macaroni for kindergarten

Merry appliqués

One of the favorite activities of the preschool children is the creation of applications. As a rule, for material to applications, cloth or colored paper are chosen. Some parents also arm wool, for example, to create snow or clouds. This article proposes to make an application from the material not quite typical of this, namely from Macaroni.

Sunny hand from macaroni for kindergarten

First you need to create the basis. On a sheet of cardboard, you need to stick the sheet of colored paper (you can immediately use a color cardboard or paint watercolor or a white watercolor). For the background it is better to choose a blue or blue color, because the solid one's usual sun is located on the blue sky.

Sunny hand from macaroni for kindergarten

The basis with the help of glue (if desired, it is possible to glue on the plasticine chosen under the color of the background) put pasta. Do not choose large macaronins, such as feathers or springs, horns will not be completely appropriate too. An ideal option for such an applique will be asterisks, wheels and a bows.

Do not dictate to the child, as the sun should look in the finished form, let the will of fantasy. Let it be absolutely not like a present or such that everything is used to see in the pictures, but it will be the author's sun's sun.

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