Meter metering meter - installation rules and types


The heating bills in recent years are becoming increasingly frightening and really want to reduce them. Perhaps currently the only way to save is to put a counter for heating to the apartment. But not always it is possible - such is the current legislative framework.

Meter metering meter - installation rules and types

Install the meter for heating in the apartment seems reasonable solution

Profitable or not

The heating fee in recent years is becoming more and more, and many think about putting a counter for heating to the apartment. This is possible if your home has a public node of heat metering and the Criminal Code / TZHS / GEK leads accounting by individual counters. The second condition is a horizontal laying of heating in the apartment. Unfortunately, most of the multi-storey houses have a vertical wiring - in each or almost every room there is a riser, from which radiators are powered. With this type of layout, it will have to put the counters for each riser, and this is not suiced and pay off this event will be long.

If you are lucky in your house a horizontal layout, it is certainly advantageous to put a meter for heating. As far as-dependent on how much in your apartment is a large heat loss. If the apartment is "internal", has few walls going outside and / or these walls are insulated if plastic windows or wooden, but new and unproduced if the doors are insulated - the benefit can be very large. After installing the heat meter, it may be that you pay only a small part of previous accruals on the general reasons.

Meter metering meter - installation rules and types

Savings may be significant

But this is not all: at the moment, to charge the payment for heating on individual metering meters of thermal energy will be only if they are installed and commissioned in 100% of residential and non-residential premises at home. It is real only in new buildings, which will immediately pass with accounting devices. In other houses such cases are extremely rare, which makes doubt on the feasibility of installation.

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Rules of installation and operation of heat meters in the apartment

To put in the apartment meter metering the thermal energy to the heating season, it is necessary to start acting ahead, better - until the end of the heating season. The procedure for such:
  • Contact UC / HOA / WEEK where you give out cases for connecting an individual thermal energy metering device. This is a single piece in which network parameters are specified in your home: temperature, pressure.
  • Buy heat meter. It is necessary to buy it certified in the legal campaign. You must have a commodity and cash receipt, instruction manual, a quality certificate in which the Date of conducting a state of conducting a certificate must also be affected, there must also be data on who conducted (organization name).
  • Next, find a project organization that has a license for this type of service. They are on the basis of technical conditions and the existing meter prepare the project.

    Installing the heat meter for heating takes a couple of hours

  • With the project in the hands, look for an organization that will install the heat metering device. It should also have a license to carry out this type of work. They must harmonize the time of work from the Criminal Code / HOA (you can monitor this question). It is much easier if your work will come to the period when the heat carrier is lowered in the heating system - less problems and less money will be required.
  • The meter installation itself is a short and simple. It takes no more than 2 hours. But you will have to pre-prepare the place of work: to remove everything too much, everything that can burn - will use welding.
  • After installation with all documents, contact the MC / HOA about the acceptance of the counter. At the agreed time, their representative comes, puts the seal, signs an act of commissioning, one copy of which remains you. After that, you need to conclude an agreement for payment, after which it is believed that you pay for the heat in the counter.

The whole process may need two-shooting months or even more - because it is better to start acting in advance to catch up before the heating season. In principle, in every more or less large city there are organizations that all this make for you, but their services are far from cheap.

If you need the names of regulatory documents governing the conditions for the provision of utilities - here are the appropriate decisions today:

  • Of May 6, 2011 N 354 "On the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings".
  • Dated April 16, 2019 No. 344 - some changes were made to the existing decision.

    Meter metering meter - installation rules and types

    Explore the legal base

The procedure for charging for heat, determining tariffs - all this determines the regional authorities to know exactly how things are in your region, it is necessary to study the regulatory framework specifically your region. The only thing that operates throughout Russia is the need to set the accounting of public counters.

How often to take testimony

In fact, this is a difficult question - the heat meter meter has different types and the procedure for removing the testimony is very different. It is painted in detail in the instruction manual, which you should have.

Meter metering meter - installation rules and types

Now it is necessary to transfer the testimony once in half a year.

By the way, according to the last resolution (No. 344 of 04/16/2019), you should not transfer the testimony every month. You must make it every six months, and the organization must recalculate on the testimony that you can.


The primary calibration counter for heating to the apartment takes place at the factory it is made, which is mandatory in the product passport. Also made a mark on the front panel of the device. In the frequency of further verification depends on the type of accounting device, the intermediate interval is also written in the passport. On average, it is 3-5 years.

Meter metering meter - installation rules and types

The location of the heat meter is determined when the project is drawn up

If your thermal energy accounting device needs to be given to verification, it is better to do it right away at the end of the heating season, since the procedure can occupy several months. Before removing the counter, you need to notify the Criminal Code / HOA, they will come, write testimony. After that, you can shoot the device. After calibration, you put the counter to the place, call again in the Criminal Code, wait when they come and sesso the counter. On this calibration can be considered over. It remains only to figure out where to give the heat meter to verification. There are only three options:

  1. Service center manufacturer of your counter.
  2. A commercial organization licensed for this type of activity.
  3. Division of the enterprise Rostost.

The calibration of the individual heat meter can be carried out in any of these organizations. You can also take an interest and prices and choose the most appropriate option.

Types of apartment meters for heating

Counters for heating in the apartment have several species. Each of them has some shortcomings, there is no ideal, but they still have to choose. Let's briefly consider the characteristics and features of each type:

  • Mechanical or tachometric. In essence, it is very similar to ordinary water counters - an impeller is installed in the housing. By method of installation are turbine and screw. Poor react to the presence of mechanical impurities in water, so that the input should be a coarse filter. Their plus is a low price, which causes their popularity.
  • Vortex. In the device there is a small obstacle, behind which the coolant is twisted in the vortex. By the speed of these vortices and the speed of movement of the coolant is calculated. This device is installed between the feed and the return (in contrast to all others).

    Meter metering meter - installation rules and types

    Ultrasonic meter heat

  • Ultrasound. Different with high accuracy, but no less high price. Assess the amount of heat carrier in the speed of passage of ultrasound. Consist of two parts that put on a direct and return pipeline. The accuracy of measurements deteriorates in the presence of air bubbles and mechanical impurities, so the installation of the filter and the air vent in front of the device is very desirable.
  • Electromagnetic. Have a wide functionality, but also the highest prices. The accuracy of measurements becomes lower in the presence of mechanical impurities.

Buying a meter for heating to the apartment, please note that it has a quality certificate in which the data on its calibration should be. Must stand the date and name of the organization, which was conducted.

Summing up, it is worth saying that the meter for heating to the apartment is beneficial if you have eliminated all possible heat leaks.

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