Putclone for OSB plates and technology of applied


To date, OSB plates are gaining increasing popularity in construction. Such material is natural, therefore requires a serious protection that the surface putting is provided.

Putclone for OSB plates and technology of applied

Putty for OSB Plate

Therefore, in our article, we will tell you how the technology of the finishing process looks like, and which substances can be used to protect such structures.

Compatibility of OSB plates with other materials

Putclone for OSB plates and technology of applied

Finishing plates putty

OSB plate - material consisting of a set of layers, which produce from wood chips, which, under high pressure and temperature, glue with synthetic resins. Each tier is distinguished by different orientation, which protects the stove from possible deformation.

Since the plates consist of a wood material, they are distinguished by a high level of moisture-absorption, so many beginner builders are wondering if the wallpaper glue, putty or water-dispersion paint can be applied to such vulnerable surfaces, because they can be too overnatured by the plate moisture, resulting swelling and deformation.

In this case, it is worth noting that the manufacturers of OSB plates took care of their customers and developed plates with different degrees of resistance to moisture. The most durable labeled OSP-3 and use them for external work or decoration of premises with high levels of humidity.

In physical and mechanical indicators, the material for wet rooms must have the features that are displayed in the table.

Putclone for OSB plates and technology of applied

Spike wall

Name of the indicatorNormal rated density (mm)
The limit of bending strength of the main axis (MPa)24.22.twentyeighteensixteen
The limit of flexural strength in the secondary axis (MPa)10nineeight7.6.
Module of elasticity with bending on the main axis (MPa)3600.
Module of elasticity with bending on a secondary axis (MPa)1700.
Term of strength during stretching (MPa),3.0.28.
Skuffing in thickness per dayeighteen

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Putclone for OSB plates and technology of applied

Putty for walls from OSB plates

Answering the question whether such materials can be placed, the answer is unequivocal - of course, yes, the main thing is not to install the compositions on a water basis, so as not to press the surface of the slabs of deformation, or the material with increased moisture resistance.

How to choose a putty?

Putclone for OSB plates and technology of applied

Wall decoration putty

During the selection of the main finishing material, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to those compositions that can be used for work on wood coatings and are distinguished by their oiliness, adhesive and synthetic basis.

The most appropriate means for processing OSB plates are considered:

  • acrylic-based putty, which is as popular with wood-chip operations;
  • nitro-spacure based on resin and essential cellulose with the addition of plasticizing fillers (sometimes such compositions have to be diluted with solvent to achieve the necessary consistency and homogeneity);
  • Oil-adhesive spacure, which is produced on the basis of olifa, varnish and glue, as well as admixture of chalk, thickener and modifying additives (such a mixture is diluted with only olifoy).

Putclone for OSB plates and technology of applied

Wash the OSB plate

Despite the fact that a solution is made, for work with OSB, it must have such features:

  • high level of adhesion with smooth bases;
  • high strength of the coating, resolving the surface of the slabs by the future decorative material;
  • Uniform consistency (in the composition of the putty should not be solid fillers that can entail the appearance of cracks).

Technology of applying putty

Putclone for OSB plates and technology of applied

Washing of Osb walls

If all the necessary materials are purchased, you can proceed to applying a solution.

The difference is, before applying which decorative coating you handle the surface of the plates - no, the work is always performed by one scheme:

  1. The surface is covered with a solution of primer, which possesses hermetic properties and creates an invisible film on the design (it will protect subsequent coatings from the manifestation of resin stains and other tanning substances that are so rich in wood);
  2. Next, it is possible to dry a little and allow the surface to dry (the break can last 4-12 hours);
  3. Now you can proceed to applying a putty mass, but note that such works should be performed only in the warm season with air humidity not more than 60%;
  4. Now it is necessary to arrange a second break and give the applied mixture dry;
  5. At the next stage of the work, the processed design is grinning to remove insignificant damage and make the design smoother;
  6. Then the reinforcement is needed (for this fliesline sticks the flashes, but so that there are no dense areas at the place of the joints of the material, in these places they make a double incision, remove excess material, and the contacting fragments of the canvas pressed the joints into the joint).

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Putclone for OSB plates and technology of applied

Putty OSB

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in this process, and even a newcomer will be able to cope with it on their own. But, unfortunately, this material is so capricious that one theory will not have enough and have to contact the services of specialists.

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