How to paint the walls in the bathroom instead of tile and how to update the cast-iron font


My friend had a free apartment, and he decided to pass it. But first need to make cosmetic repairs. Worst of all looked bathroom. The tile noted did not make sense. We decided to make a budget option with your own hands. Bathroom paint is sold in all building stores. You can pick up any combination and create a unique design. At the same time, restore the cast-iron font and decorate the old tile, which keeps firmly.

How to paint the walls in the bathroom instead of tile and how to update the cast-iron font

Painting of walls in the bathroom

Bathroom renovation with numerous options

How to paint the walls in the bathroom instead of tile and how to update the cast-iron font

Mobile walls in the bathroom

Vadik addressed me with a question how to paint the bath to be fresh, and a long time was holding the finish. We looked together on his bathroom and came to the conclusion that for the restoration of the bathroom and equipment, including pipes, it is necessary:

  • make repair of walls and ceiling;
  • Mount protection against water from entering the bathroom and washbasin;
  • refresh where you can tile, which rests well;
  • Restoration of cast iron baths inside and separate it outside.

A friend decided to do everything on his own and asked to advise him. After cleaning the walls and pipes, the sketch did, as the painting of walls should look like in the bathroom. After that, they chose a way to paint the bath, compiled a list and calculated the number of materials.

The paint was chosen for a long time. You can blunt everything in one color enamel with the collapse. Then to ventilate a boring room for a week. We needed moisture-resistant for pipes, walls and font from the cast iron. The basis for the choice was the table compiled by another in my stories.

How to paint the walls in the bathroom instead of tile and how to update the cast-iron font

Walls in the bathroom

Surface under paintingView of paintdisadvantages
Wall bathroomHlorkochukDear, for pools
OilSmell, short-lived
VioMulsionQuickly erased
Alkyd enamelThe smell does not let the air
Enamel + hardenerQuickly freezes
Pig-iron bath insideHlorkochukhigh price
liquid acrylic
Epoxy resin two-componentdivorced solvent, smell
liquid acrylic
Pig-iron bath OutsideEpoxy resin + hardener, two-componentsmell
spray canlike finishing finish
Auto Enamelbackground, stencil
For ceramicsvery expensive
ceramic tilesacrylic
EpoxyBroken solvent
PipeOil for metal and plasticsmell
Alkyd enamelsmell

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The painting of the walls in the bathroom was not limited, we needed putty and waterproof primer.

Characteristics of moisture resistant paints

How to paint the walls in the bathroom instead of tile and how to update the cast-iron font

Mobile walls in the bathroom instead of tile

Bathroom oil paint is the most fiscal and simple option. It costs less than everyone else. Creates a solid film that does not react to water. The disadvantages include:

  • Fast surface erase;
  • Strong smell, saves some time after drying;
  • loss of shine when exposed to detergents;
  • sharply distinguished traces of splashes and droplets of a soap solution;
  • The painting of the walls in the bathroom is short-lived, quickly begins to crack and peel;
  • Does not let air.

Oil paint can be used to restore pipes. They must be cleaned, degrease and cover with a special primer.

Latex paint for the bathroom will cost more. It looks great, forms a solid surface film and does not smell. PVA-based coating quickly dries and pushes water and dirt. Saves long shine time. It can be used instead of oil enamel for the restoration of plastic pipes.

How to paint the walls in the bathroom instead of tile and how to update the cast-iron font

Painted walls in the bathroom

To the question than to paint the walls in the bathroom in terms of comfort, the answer is one. Silicone paint moisture resistant. It has high vapor permeability. Especially for bathrooms you will not find. Feel free to take the facade mixture, for the restoration of the interior walls of the apartment.

Acrylic paints deeply penetrate the surface. Without smell. Quickly dry. Painting of walls in the bathroom is available to an amateur who wants to do everything on their own. It can be used without a coating of the primer. But this will significantly increase consumption. Large selection of colors and the ability to make the desired shade on a tinting machine.

Painting the walls in the bathroom chloride paint will cost you expensive. It is waterproof and designed to dye pools and baths inside. It is equally well preserved under water and in a dry state.

Attention! I do not recommend taking silicate paint for walls. She is moisture-resistant, but absolutely does not let the air. There are no antiseptics. Not compatible with any of the listed paints.

Fencing the paint from direct water

How to paint the walls in the bathroom instead of tile and how to update the cast-iron font


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Painting the bath with their own hands requires additional protection of the walls from splashing. Above the font and sink can be put on a tile. I offered to put shockproof glass to my friend. It is almost not noticeable and easy to install with dowels, or on brackets, if the bathtub is not tightly attached to the wall.

Vadik already knew how to paint the bath with his own hands. Protection of the most vulnerable sections of the walls did not take much time. Tile tile can be used old. For restoration, apply paint. For pipes, it is better to build a box and cover it into the color of the walls.

We transform the old font

How to paint the walls in the bathroom instead of tile and how to update the cast-iron font

Painted walls in the bathroom

Pig-iron baths are almost eternal, in contrast to enamel covering them. Over time, the question arises than to paint the bath inside so that it does not scratch gentle skin. A friend asked me differently. He was interested in painting the bath with her own hands from the beginning to the complete restoration of the walls and equipment. It is interesting for him not only to know how, but also do everything on its own.

Vadik and I chose liquid acrylic to restore. It penetrates the crack well, filling them. Forms a smooth surface with a solid film. Perfect paint for cast iron bath. Used inside and outside. You can make all the work yourself.

Before painting a bath, a friend has prepared the surface:

  • Woven the bath with a detergent;
  • cleaned a rough brush, to remove dirt from cracks;
  • degreased by vinegar;
  • disconnected the drain;
  • Dried a construction hairdryer.

You can use the usual household hairdryer or wait for natural drying. Apply the coating on rough cast iron is more convenient for a brush.

Outside, we applied the colored liquid acrylic. Two-component paint on epoxy resin has a strong smell. It is hard to work as a lover, because it works very quickly - in 60 minutes.

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Decorated the font of my friend outside the aerosol paint under the stencil. It turned out original and fun.

Tile Great base for new decor

How to paint the walls in the bathroom instead of tile and how to update the cast-iron font

Mobile wall instead of tiles in the bathroom

We remained painting tiles in the bathroom. In my advice, a friend left the thaw islands that kept well. Walls around them spacked and painted. After a couple of days, after everything dried, proceeded to the restoration of the tile. Before painting the tile in the bathroom:

  • plated the borders by painting scotch;
  • washed and degreased tile;
  • cleaned the seams;
  • walked in small skirt;
  • covered with primer.

Paint on the tile caused a roller. We chose acrylic. Epoxy and oil paint have a strong smell that is stored in a closed room even after drying. A few hours later, Vadik inflicted on the painted tile stains of the color auto enamel. So he painted fragments with blurred contours. Small elements drawn up the composition for ceramics after removing the scotch. Paints are expensive, used by specialists only for decorating the tile.

On this painting of walls in the bathroom and independent repair, my friend was completed.

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