Proper primer of walls before sticking Wallpaper: 7 tips


Proper primer of walls before sticking Wallpaper: 7 tips

Before glue wallpaper on the walls, it will be necessary to pinch the surface. The process of paint or coating will be easier, if the primer of the walls before sticking wallpaper is carried out in all the rules. Do not look for advice among friends and neighbors, because every case is unique. Avoid multiple common errors will help to account for the available features of the wall and the functional purpose of the room. It is worth taken into account and the type of material that is planned to be placed on the wall.

Rhetorical question: whether it is necessary to grind the walls before sticking wallpaper

Often you can hear even from the mouth of qualified builders, that the primer for the walls is not so important as a putty. The share of common sense in this is, but for a start it is necessary to penetrate into the details.

It is possible to refuse primer only when construction and installation work is scheduled in a new house where there are no marriages. It happens extremely rarely, so it is still necessary to grind the wall.

Proper primer of walls before sticking Wallpaper: 7 tips

Many experts strongly recommend priming walls before sticking wallpaper so that the surface is smooth and smooth

In addition, the volume and type of materials used is determined by the functional component. Simply put, a budget variant of a mixture that has not so attractive characteristics is suitable for the basement or warehouse.

To speak as a whole, then the walls are ground before sticking or painting due to several reasons:

  • After applying the solution of the wall, it will also be dry, which will strengthen the adhesion between the wallpaper and the surface;
  • Lack of traces of crackling the lower layer;
  • Properly chosen primer will not give moisture to absorb the structure of the wall;
  • The correctly selected building mixture allows the wall to "breathe", which eliminates the possibility of forming mold;
  • The carrying capacity of the outer part of the wall is enhanced;
  • The warranty period of the wallpaper is increasing.

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Grounding of walls Before sticking wallpaper - a mandatory process in the structure of any age. Improving bearing abilities, increased adhesion, reducing the likelihood of mold formation is only a minor part of the advantages that will be apparent after surface treatment.

Preparatory Stage: How to Priminate Walls Before Poking Wallpaper

To begin with, it is worth viewing the planned front of the work. The presence of old paint, nails, wallpaper and other garbage is simply not allowed. You need to safely remove all this and only then start working. At the next stage, the surface should be highly covered.

It is important to remember that to dry the wall should not less than 15-16 hours. If all of the listed steps are passed, then you can take in the hands of the primer.

Proper primer of walls before sticking Wallpaper: 7 tips

Before entering the primer, you need to carefully clean the surface of the wall from old wallpaper or paint

At the first stage, you need to dissolve a sufficient amount of impregnation in a bucket with water. Its content is wetting a small strip, on top of which primer is applied.

Further order of action looks like this:

  • Aqueous solution to remove traces of dust;
  • After applying the first primer layer, the surface dries at least 5 hours;
  • If everything is done correctly, the wall will not become a mud magnet, not to mention that it will improve its resistance to external physical influences.

Increased care, it is necessary to show in the case when it is necessary to work with the surface on which there were several layers of wallpaper and paint. To begin with, all this needs to be removed by a metal spatula and a water solution. If we speak in general about the direct application of primer on the wall, then the procedure is performed only after removing traces of previous contaminants.

Non-standard situations or how much the primer is driving before sticking wallpaper

Separate walls without a fight are not going to surrender, so in this case you must apply heavy artillery. This list includes a chemically active solution, which is found in the building store. It is used to remove severely removed traces of paint and old wallpaper. Based on the information shown on the packaging, it is not difficult to determine how to choose which dosage you need to choose.

It is divorced in a bucket with warm water, after which the moistened slightly sponge is needed to treat the wall.

After that, you need to give the surface to dry for 30-35 minutes. This time is quite enough to qualitatively rebound the wall.

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Proper primer of walls before sticking Wallpaper: 7 tips

Keep the primer can in different ways, so it should be considered when the walls are primed

In addition, it is important to remember about a number of important nuances:

  • Moisturized traces of old wallpapers and paints need to be removed using an acute spatula;
  • To remove glue, special liquid should be used - chlorine lime, which can be purchased in the store of goods for construction and repair;
  • Fel is planned to handle the wall in the kitchen or bathroom, where humidity accumulate traditional accumulates, you need to make sure there are no plates of mold;
  • In the event that they were discovered, it is necessary to treat the surface with a special solution, otherwise the new wallpaper layer is cut on the corner of the mold.

Not always a person spends so much time on the wall processing as it was planned initially. Footprints of mold, severely removed wallpaper or paint residues - all this requires increased attention. In no case cannot be left even a minor amount of the previous layer on the wall, otherwise it will not work new wallpaper for more than 1 year.

The final stage: what the walls are so ground before sticking wallpaper

Once all unwanted traces are removed, it is necessary to repeat the wall surface. Only after that you can start working. In order for the priming to go fast, you need to decide in advance with the need for insulation. If there is not enough heat in the room and install additional radiators are not planned, you can use drywall or paneur.

Proper primer of walls before sticking Wallpaper: 7 tips

In order to quickly and efficiently progress the walls, you should prepare materials and tools in advance.

Among other things, you can close the existing traces of deformation by foam. It will not affect the cost of work, allowing you to better lay a putty.

Builders with experience have developed some recommendations, allowing to simplify the task for beginners:

  • Before starting the primer of the walls, you need to take the switches and sockets to paint scotch, otherwise they will be damaged during operation;
  • Dilution of the construction mixture is allowed only in a deep bucket;
  • It is stirred for 5-7 minutes before the formation of a homogeneous consistency;
  • Used for this construction mixer or drill with a special nozzle;
  • It is recommended to treat every section of the wall with a wide soft brush;
  • You should smear the layer so that it rests evenly;
  • Before applying the second layer, as it was already said earlier, it is necessary to give the surface to dry well.

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Grinding walls before sticking wallpaper (video)

The sequence and methodology is the key to success at the stage of grinding walls. The solution is always divorced in a deep bucket before the formation of a homogeneous mixture. When applied to the surface of the wall, you need to make sure that there are no irregularities. Do not forget that it is mandatory to protect the floor and the surrounding items from the random to enter the building mixture, to wash it extremely difficult.

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