How and what makes a monkey do it yourself


How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

Monkeys are associated, as a rule, with rampant fun, symbolize happiness. These are very funny and cute animals. Crafts in the form of monkey, symbol 2019, can be done using various techniques. The choice depends only on personal preferences and those tools that are always at hand.

Salt dough monkey

Everyone knows that the children love to sculpt various features from plasticine. An alternative to such an adult classes can be a salty test monkey. Such crafts retain their appearance for a long period of time and do not deteriorate, unlike features from plasticine, which quickly begin to flow, it is only necessary to leave them in the sun, next to heaters or batteries.

In order to prepare a plastic dough, you will need only: flour, salt and water. Should be mixed 100g. Flour, the same number of ordinary cook salt and add approximately 50g. water. In this case, only the smallest is suitable salt. As a result, a homogeneous plastic mass should be turned out. If the dough consistency seems not enough plastic, you can add a little glycerol or vegetable oil. In this case, the dough will not stick to the palms and will provide additional skin care.

The next stage of the work is the model itself. There are several tips to help make a high-quality and pretty craft:

• In order for the cooked dough to be pretended and not covered with a crust, it should be wrapped with a food film and tear away small pieces from the bulk, for the manufacture of a specific enevel of the craft.

• Since the finished dough figures must be baked, it is possible to sculpt immediately on parchment paper or a foil for baking.

• It will be easier to sculpt the figure, if, as an example, put the printed picture of the monkey you like.

• The remains of the plastic mass is better to put in the refrigerator, where it can be stored for several days and use for the manufacture of other crafts from salt dough.

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The figures made from the test should be baked in the oven for about an hour at a temperature not lower than 100 °, then paint and coat with varnish.

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

Monkey from wool

Using the dry felting technique, a pretty souvenir in the form of a monkey will get out of the wool. When creating a monkey with the help of felting technique, special needles will need, which can be easily purchased at any store, which has items for needlework. It is also necessary to prepare:

• 2 shades of brown wool for felting, a little wool blue and white color for monkey eye;

• The foam sponge that is used as a stand. This will help protect the surface of the table from scratches;

• For the frame of the monkey, it will be needed wire. It is better to use wire from copper;

• Super glue;

• Dry bed will need to highlight the spout and monkey cheeks.

Work on the manufacture of crafts is best started from the head. It is necessary to take part of the wool of a light shade of brown, and shape a smooth ball. It should be borne in mind that as a result of the work, the ball will decrease approximately twice.

Now you can proceed directly to the felting process. To do this, you just need to pour the ball from the hair with a needle. If the ball will be dense outside, and emptiness will be felt inside, you should take a needle thinner and continue to work.

The crown needle will help make small elements on the face of the future monkey. To make eyes, you must first put on the surface of the face immediately wool white, and then a bit of blue. This work must be performed by the finest needle.

According to the same principle on the frame, all other details of the crafts are made, which are bonded with each other with a transparent superclay.

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

Monkey from socks

An excellent monkey can be sewed from the most ordinary socks. For such a craft, you will need a pair of socks. Before starting work, socks should be carefully stroke - one across, the second along. That sock that is stiffed along the body of the craft. Missing sock will perform the role of head, the heel will be a boo monkey. The part that is below the heel must be cut and sew the resulting part separately. So the legs will turn out. From the second sock you need to cut the tail, arms and ears. From the heel, it turns out the protruding part of the face.

All parts are stitched on the typewriter or manually, tightly filled with stuffing and stitching among themselves. So that the packing is uniformly, the details of the crafts should be twisted in their hands, like a sausage from plasticine. It remains only to sew the eyes of the goose and the monkey is ready.

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How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

Monkey do it yourself photo

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

How and what makes a monkey do it yourself

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