Frameless furniture with your own hands: Stages of sewing (video)


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  • Features of sewing upholstered furniture with their own hands
  • How to make frameless furniture with your own hands: stages of sewing
  • Filling the cover of granules
  • Useful tips on making frameless furniture

Frameless furniture appeared on the Russian market relatively recently. For several years she managed to win the love of consumers: currently chairs bags, soft puffs and sofas can be found in many apartments, houses and offices. Many people decide to issue the interior of the room without the help of specialists. Frameless furniture with their own hands will be an excellent solution in this situation.

Frameless furniture with your own hands: Stages of sewing (video)

Pattern of a frameless armchair.

The absence of a hard frame makes such a safe furniture. It does not have the angles that you can hit, it will not break any crossbar. Such comfort furniture, it is very convenient to relax. Due to the fact that the soft chair, pouf or sofa take the shape of the body, the muscles relax. Frameless furniture with their own hands is ideal for children. In addition, it is easy to transport and can be installed in any, even the smallest room.

Such furniture does not require much care, it is enough to clean it from dust and erased removable covers from time to time. Many chairs and puffs are sewing water-repellent materials, so to restore their purity, you can wipe the surface with a damp cloth. Furniture is usually sewn from durable and bright materials, which in combination with its non-standard form will necessarily like children. In addition, such furniture does not publish any squeaks, because there is nothing to creak in it. The main disadvantage of the finished frameless furniture is its price, because not everyone is ready to pay several thousand rubles per sofa or an armchair of this type. But such furniture can be done with your own hands.

Features of sewing upholstered furniture with their own hands

Frameless furniture with your own hands: Stages of sewing (video)

Scheme of the device chair.

The main point in the manufacture of frameless furniture with your own hands is the choice of a suitable type of fabric. The inner case must be made of durable wear-resistant fabric that will not rush along the seams. When choosing a fabric for an external cover, you can slightly fantasize and pick up a denim, soft velor or bright leather fabric, in general, the one that perfectly fit into the interior of your room.

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Another important detail is the filler. The best option for filling the frameless furniture is polystyrene foam. You can buy this material in a furniture store. If the repairs used the foam, you may have left its surplus. It needs to be turned on the balls, the result is a good filler for your pouf or chair. If you prefer natural materials, the furniture can be stuffed with a buckwheat husk or hay, however, in this case, you will have to change the filler every six months - a year, because the vegetable materials are subject to absorbing moisture, they are compressed over time.

You need to pay attention to the seams. They should be durable, the details of the furniture are best sewed with thick reinforced threads of a strong seam. The seams must be checked in advance for strength, otherwise the chair may unexpectedly break away, and its filler swalls throughout the room.

Frameless furniture with your own hands: Stages of sewing (video)

Pattern of the chair.

The most difficult in the manufacture of frameless furniture is the cutting fabric. You can start with a simple pouf, you will have to work a little with a loaf of a drop-shaped chair, or a chair in the form of a pyramid and pear. After the fabric is uncalled and sewn the inner case, you can move to the product filling. At the same time, the precautions should be strictly observed, since polystyrene balls due to their light weight can get into the respiratory tract. In addition, the bag should be stuffing not very tight, it is necessary to fill it on 2/3 so that the chair was soft and could take the body shape. The final stage will be tailored to the external cover and its putting on the bag. As a result, you will get amazingly comfortable and inexpensive furniture perfectly suitable for any interior.

Thus, the frameless furniture on the right is an integral part of almost every interior: they are used in the recreation areas of office premises, and the most fashionable and creative people have in their house not one such subject of the interior. You can do it and you will help you in this master class: frameless furniture yourself.

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How to make frameless furniture with your own hands: stages of sewing

In order to make furniture of this type with your own hands, the following materials and tools will be needed:

  • Oxford fabric;
  • granulated expanded polystyrene;
  • strong reinforced threads;
  • sewing machine;
  • Set of needles for heavy fabrics;
  • Portnovo scissors;
  • Tractor or spiral zipper;
  • wax chalk;
  • Scotch;
  • plastic bottle.

Frameless furniture with your own hands: Stages of sewing (video)

Scheme of frameless chairs.

The work starts with the cutting of the material according to the selected scheme, adding to the main sizes of the seams of 1.5 cm on each side. Side elements need to be cut out according to the pre-paper pattern. This will help get symmetric details. Details of the bottom and back should be made by the front side inside and sew to the place where zipper will be raised. It is not all necessary to leave 30 cm seam. Details need to be selected by temporary seam, straighten the allowances, sew zipper. Temporary after that you need to delete.

The detail of the back and the front part must be leafed by face inside and sew. After that, they are estimated with the elements of the bottom and back. All seams can be processed with overlock or seam, imitating it, which is available on all modern machines. Another way to strengthen the seams is such: a switch for a seam is twice, after which the line is superimposed on it.

After that, they take and sew the front part. These seams of additional fortification do not require. The product must be turned out and pave a line along the perimeter of the front part, forming a fold of 7 mm height. The resulting Kant is necessary to strengthen the seams and imparting the visual rigidity of the furniture.

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Filling the cover of granules

Then go to filling the cover with foam granules. This is done like this: the plastic bottle of 1.5 liters is taken, its neck is cut off and the bottom in such a way that the pipe is turned out. If the bottle has a waist - even better. After that, you need to open a package with a filler, insert a bottle there and climb a bag of scotch. Make sure that the neck of the bag is fixed in tape completely and the balls will take only through the bottle.

Lightning on the chair needs to be unbuttoned and put on the cover on the bottle. After that, the zipper needs to be closed, securing the bottle on the waist. Holding this place with their hands, you need to flip the package with the filler and fill the case about 70% of its volume.

If the filler is too much, the furniture will not take the shape of the body and will be inconvenient.

With an insufficient amount of filler, the landing will be low.

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Frameless furniture with your own hands: Stages of sewing (video)

Pattern of a large frameless chair.

All materials for sewing furniture can be bought in ordinary shops for needlework. The only difficulty may occur with the acquisition of the filler. It usually sells companies that are engaged in the production of frameless furniture or thermal insulation materials. An important criterion is the quality of the filler. It must have granules of the same size - about 5 mm. The filler with large balls does not have due fluidity, and it is necessary to distribute it in the chair manually. If the granules are too small, the chair will have a lot of weight.

For packing chairs sometimes use the so-called shotgun. This is a redemption produced from defective foam plates. This filler does not flow, besides, it can be broken under the weight of a person, it can make an unpleasant creak. If a sharp chemical smell occurs from the filler, it needs to be operated outdoors for several days, for example, leave a bag with a filler on the balcony or shield it into the tissue bag.

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Useful tips on making frameless furniture

If you decide to make a chair with a double case, lightning on the external should be measured enough long to be extracting an internal case with filler through it. The filler is better to buy with a small margin, because in the process of use, it gives a shrink to 25%.

The finished armchair should be located away from heat sources, such furniture can not be immersed in water. If there are children in the house, at the location of a closed lightning dog, it is necessary to entertain an additional valve. On an external case of artificial materials, you can install recordings to ensure air output penetrating between the inner and external case. So that the chair was soft and did not lose its appearance, the external case from the inside is crucified.

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