What wallpaper to choose for a narrow room, tips and recommendations


Wallpapers are used to finish the walls in the vigorous majority of cases. With their help, original interiors and unique images of different premises are created. Professional designers use different colors, drawings and quality of the wallpaper canvas, not only in decorative purposes, they can control the visual perception of the room, increase the space, height, lengthen or expand the room.

In this article, we want to tell about the principles of choosing wallpapers for narrow rooms, about decent options in colors and graphics. At the same time, we want to mention it separately, how to expand any narrow room using various wallpapers, how to choose the right direction of adjustment, how to create good proportions.

What wallpaper to choose for a narrow room, tips and recommendations

Tiny bedroom in light colors

Choice difficulties

The biggest problem of a narrow room is its disproportionateness. In such conditions, it is difficult without obvious effort to create comfortable conditions for life, to make a comfort. However, using the experience of designers when choosing wallpaper, it is possible to correct the narrow theme of the room, to carry out the small size and give the room the original look.

The basis for choosing wallpaper for any room, narrow or wide, short or long, of course, is the selection of the color palette. The correct choice of color scheme will allow you to create the desired atmosphere in the room, to carry out its disadvantages, present it at a favorable angle, expand or appreciate the need. It is at the expense of the game of colors we will adjust the visual space.

In our case, it is best to use simple and banal reception, choose bright and light wallpapers of one tone. Bright canvas glue on a narrow wall, and light on long. With this alternation of wallpaper, we reduce the length of a narrow room, making it more proportional.

The choice of drawing is a difficult task, but in small rooms in the size of the rooms, you always need to adhere to the ornaments of medium and small sizes so that they are unnecessarily pressed by their colors.

What wallpaper to choose for a narrow room, tips and recommendations

Room with original geometry

A full-fledged small ornament, repeating on the wallpaper canvase, allows you to expand the boundaries of the space, it seems to be blocked. It looks perfectly on the wallpaper geometric patterns, for example, the diamond is capable of expanding the space.

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In order to correctly adjust the visual perception of the room, it is advisable to clarify its dimensions, and from this to build its own strategy. For example, with insufficient altitude, we can always place wallpaper in the room with a vertical strip, and with not enough width - with horizontal.

The use of striped wallpaper is the oldest designer reception. Its subtlety is that the strips are already, the better they work, increase the desired perception of space.

If, to create harmonious proportions, it is necessary to reduce the height of the ceiling, make it more massive and heavy, then choose the cellular wallpaper for it.

A chaotic drawing on the wallpaper canvase allows you to hide the irregularities of the wall, while monotonous solutions will help to emphasize the ideality of the surface. When the walls are pasting the room with a chaotic pattern, sometimes it begins to appear that both inside the body is going on a similar story.

What wallpaper to choose for a narrow room, tips and recommendations

Contrast interior of a small living room

With a fuzzy pattern on the wallpaper canvase, you can not be removed in the choice of interior and furniture items, but for a clear not all furniture and decorative pribambas are suitable.

If you do not like pictures, it is enough to stop on a light palette of colors. All the colors of the bright color scheme are ready to expand the space of the room, so in the wallpaper store options with such a coloring pond.


To make a brighter narrow long room, you can try to realize the next designer reception. The walls of the room are divided into three parts, light canvases are glued to the top of the upper part, on the remaining lower dark wallpaper with deep color. At the same time, the smaller the size of the room, the stronger the contrast should be. Wallpaper is permissible to choose with a pattern, of course, small, and not large.

There are other useful recommendations that you may come in handy:

  • The color value is very strong and should not be neglected. An example of this may be simple and banal, if you paint the room into a blue color, it will carry the cold, and if it is painted in orange, then warm. If you do not believe, you can try in your home.
  • Red color acts annoying, strains, but the green on the contrary relaxes. Yellow adds a positive room, and blue or white freshness.
  • In the premises where the sunlight is not enough, it is advisable to apply a warm color palette, like yellow. In the rooms where the sun happens regularly, blue and blue, refreshing wallpapers, will look good. The directional sunlight enhances the saturation of the paints, and the scattered makes them dull.
  • In order not to donate from the heat and heat in the room on the south side of the house, go to her wallpaper capable of absorbing light and make the room with a cooler. Great blue, blue, terracotta colors perfectly with this task.
  • In the rooms from the north side of the house most often cool, so the wallpaper should be slightly warm. This requires gold, yellow, beige color variations.

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What wallpaper to choose for a narrow room, tips and recommendations

Bedroom in gentle and warm colors

You may already know these rules and applied them when creating various corrective interiors in your home. Maybe you even used wobbies, as a non-standard and interesting move.

Borders are strips of bulk material 10-15 centimeters wide. They glue horizontally or vertically, and are designed to add raisins to the interior, hide the defects of sticking, zoning the room, or adjust the idea of ​​the room space.

The use of a warebar is acceptable if you have high ceilings. The use of the border most often affects the height of the walls, and not for the better. This becomes especially noticeable when he shares two types of different wallpaper, both in color and in the drawing.

What wallpaper to choose for a narrow room, tips and recommendations

Interior of a tiny living room


Psychologists argue that large patterns on the wallpaper in the room are put on the subconscious of man and oppress it. But small ornaments on the contrary act soothing.

In large homes, designers often apply the original approach to the choice of the colors. They paint the rooms into close in the spirit of the tone, and then moving from one to another is extremely smooth and fast. However, with this approach, it is necessary to carefully select furniture under the chosen overall style of the house, and this is difficult. In our domestic realities, it's easier and cheaper to do on the contrary, pick up the wallpaper to the furniture.

Creating a colorful finish of the house, apartments, rooms, it is always to keep in mind the fact that it must first be attended by Aura comfort.

Most often in our apartments of normal dimensions, and a corridor or an entrance hall may be a narrow and long room. Especially in old, Khrushchev homes are a small, narrow and dark room requires good lighting and repair. In the hallway, it is always desirable to glue high-quality vinyl wallpapers, not afraid of moisture that can be sched at any time.

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What wallpaper to choose for a narrow room, tips and recommendations

Calm color gamut in the room

In addition, you can use the already described light dark color scheme, plastering light wallpaper from above, and the dark ones, on which the dirt will be not so visible. Wallpaper separator will perfectly perform a wobbly border, which will create a smooth transition. Increase the volume of rooms will allow wallpaper gray, blue, blue and other cold tones.

Various recommendations will help you adjust any space, be it overly narrow or wide, long or short. The main thing is to achieve optimal for comfortable residence of proportions, then it will be easier to create a high-quality interior.

If you think that it is not able to pick a good wallpaper for your non-standard room, contact your familiar designers. With their help, it will be exactly possible to build a good interior, whatever geometric problems are thaila.

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