Telescopic platband: the essence and function of the product


The role of the final decoration of the installed door design is performed by handling products - platbands. Modern door platbands are presented on the shelves of building pavilions in a huge assortment of all sorts of colors, forms and manufacturing material. Many with the title telescopic platband face for the first time, therefore it is worth revealing the essence, function and features of this hand.

Varieties of managing products

In consumer accessibility, building pavilions are offered a wide range of platbands on the door. In the modern form of use, their role is reduced to decorating the doorway after the installation work of the overlap design.

Telescopic platband: the essence and function of the product

Door platbands of different sections

Buying demand creates a proposal, so the route on sale is presented in a wide variety of color shades of finishes. At the same time, if the platband is wooden, then it is set in its true form, without additional processing and outdoor decoration

The dimensions of the simplicity are permissible to choose any, like forms:

  • Simple flat planks;
  • smoothed semicircular;
  • boilers;
  • figured;
  • Carved products of architecture crafts.

Telescopic platband: the essence and function of the product

Molding carved decorative

If, during the selection of the handling, the form is not the main criterion, only applies to individual preferences. The color gamma will give reason to think, because the platband is in color, in the perfect parameter, must match the tone of the door.

Telescopic platband: the essence and function of the product

Putnies perfectly coincide with the color and structure of the material with the door and plinth

Under the veneered or laminated door, it is extremely difficult to pick up door trimbs. That is why it is possible to advise you to buy a breeder from a natural tree without finishing, and punish it into the necessary tone.

It is worth noting that the door design of the factory type of production must be equipped with platbands necessarily. It is as a visual reduction of the block, trading platforms offer the buyer the price for the door itself with the door box, without a configuration of the handle.

Telescopic platband: the essence and function of the product

Standard Minimum Color Spectrum

The price of platbands, of course, is absolutely available for all segments of consumer demand, but the problem of the selection of the desired color can knock you out of the rut. Therefore, purchasing door structures, everyone should know its full complete set. Peer not in one shopping tent, and make sure that the selected door is really not completed, or is equipped with platbands.

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Under the internal (interroom) doors of the color of the platbands as the framing is selected in the tone of the structure itself. For the entrance door from the inside (from the side of the apartment), the color of the platband is better to choose in the tone of the decoration of the walls of the corridor.

Telescopic platband: the essence and function of the product

Tubes on the doors of various manufacturing material

As for the material of the manufacture, the handling products are made from almost all materials that are used for the interior decoration of the residential premises:

  • MDF and other composite materials;
  • natural wood;
  • steel and aluminum;
  • PVC.

As a facing material can be used:

  • Paint and varnish formulations;
  • film for lamination;
  • veneer and ecosphon;
  • Facing plastic.

Cash on the door there are two types:

Telescopic platband: the essence and function of the product

Simple Patch Type

  1. Independent simple details.
  2. Dependent telescopic handling materials.

Simple platbands on the doors are overhead details that do not depend on the quality of the box, the presence of good and other design elements. Their consolidation is made in different ways: nailting, self-drawing, adhesive compositions.

Telescopic platbands are the dependent part of the door design with the lock connection.

Telescopic platband: the essence and function of the product

M-shaped platband (telescopic)

To understand the device of a M-shaped jogbook, it is worth considering it in more detail.

Telescopic platform device

In essence, its design, platbands on the doors are designed to perform a number of the following complex of functions:

Telescopic platband: the essence and function of the product

M-shaped platband included

  • Hide technological gaps, installation and mounting defects after installing the door box between the wall and the louting;
  • carry the function of insulation of the opening, than to strengthen the effective qualities of the overlap design itself;
  • eliminate drafts, dust and moisture entering the adjacent premises through the technological gaps between the wall and the louting;
  • serve as a decorative passage passage, tie the door block with interior design.

Telescopic platband: the essence and function of the product

Photo before and after installing a telescopic platband with bad weather

Telescopic platbands with a locking way of installation in essence of its functional affiliation are no different from simple overhead molding products.

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Telescopic platband: the essence and function of the product

Homemade M-shaped corner

Nevertheless, the concept, telescopic, nor as not related to the telescopic things we know about. That is, the platband has no properties to be laid out, lengthen or decrease. It can move or regulated, and then exclusively in a single trajectory.

The type of platband under consideration is in a structural plan of the corner, where one of its shelves is increased and is slightly modified.

The enlarged side of the mold in the installation process is placed in a special groove of the end side of the door box or a good.

Telescopic platband: the essence and function of the product

Visual example of a telescopic design

When shrinking, it is permissible to adjust the depth of placement. That is, insert it smaller or deeper. Due to which it is permissible to correct many defects that occur when the installation of the interior door is made in a non-standard opening:

  • the missing part of the log is overlap;
  • Masked the box, which did not fit the opening of the opening to the smaller side.

Varieties of casing with a latch

Before installing the door design, not many are thinking about the selection of the door box to the size of the opening between the adjacent rooms.

Telescopic platband: the essence and function of the product

Type of configuration of the door design

In order to save wood material, it is not rarely the luttiki make narrow. As if the door canvas it will hold, but in the width of the wall she is narrow. Of course, such a misunderstanding can be sharpened to either close with another material, and on top to attach an overhead type of cash in the extended form of manufacture. But how to be if the wall is much wider than the box? For such a case, a telescopic platband is used, which is manufactured in two types:

  1. Telescopic standard platband.
  2. Advanced type of product under consideration.

    Telescopic platband: the essence and function of the product

    Complete set and general view of telescopic device

In the standard form, the pins is a corner and nothing more. Task Details Increase the width of the door carrier to the maximum to 2 cm.

The case of a casing in an extended form allows you to increase the size of the width of the box to 15 cm. This will make a cashier allows a Dobly Plank, which is an additional complete set. Dobor is equipped with a special groove, where the angular handle is mounted.

In essence, both products possess the same functional qualities, but the advanced type of product complements the possibilities of the handle.

Signs of selection: Material and size

Telescopic platbands, like their standard simplified counterparts, can also be selected regarding the requirements for overlapping the box of inappropriate size, and a suitable material to the door canvase.

Telescopic platband: the essence and function of the product

Telescopic platband PVC

As for the material used for the manufacture of handling parts, everything is in standard form:

  • MDF;
  • Chipboard;
  • PVC;
  • natural wood;
  • aluminum.

Telescopic products are covered with the same facing materials as simple overhead tickets:

  • Paint and varnish formulations;
  • veneer;
  • plastic;
  • Lamination.

The color scheme is as diverse and will not leave any door without finishing.

Telescopic platband: the essence and function of the product

Width of the decorative plank of telescopic platband

As for the sizes, this question can only be answered conditionally. After all, any jigging product is permissible if necessary, cut, both across and along. Just why cut along the material than the platband is wider, the more expensive, it is better to exchange the desired width on the hand.

In standard form, decorative planks are sold in the following sizes:

  • Width - 60-80 mm;
  • Length - two parts of 220 cm and one 120 cm long;
  • The width of the shelf inserted into the grooves of the goodness or the lutki is about 10-40 mm.

    Telescopic platband: the essence and function of the product

    The width of the shelf M-shaped platband: standard and enlarged

Dobly planks that are completed with a telescopic detection system of the doorway, produced with a width of 80 mm and up to 120 mm. The length of the dough remains standard and is equal to the length of the facing planks.

This is all that could be told about such an original product that some difficulties can solve when refining the doorway. Telescopic handling products, of course, is given more decorative role. This is explained by the fact that the elements that act as fasteners are completely hidden. Comparatives with overhead details of the same purpose, which are fixed by self-drawing or nailting, the design type of construction is the most successful solution for exploiting the opening.

Telescopic platband: the essence and function of the product

Telescopic platband: the essence and function of the product

Telescopic platband: the essence and function of the product

Telescopic platband: the essence and function of the product

Telescopic platband: the essence and function of the product

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Telescopic platband: the essence and function of the product


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