Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos


Paper baskets are made very quickly, carefully look and can be used for a wide variety of purposes. For example, you can pack a gift, put flowers or store trivia. A paper basket with your own hands can be created by numerous ways.

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

Flower heaven

Now it is very fashionable to make gifts unusual, so, refusing to classic bouquets in gift wrapping, florists offer to put flowers in baskets: Thus, the recipient of a bouquet does not need to think about a vase, because the flower arrangement will delight with the provided packaging. Create a basket for flowers is quite simple. There are different ways to do.

Imagine the process of creating a basket step by step.

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

In order to make a basket, you will need:

  • Square sheet of thick paper (you can use paper for scrapbooking);
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • line;
  • pencil.

First you need to draw a sheet of paper on nine identical squares and make four vertical outbreaks, as shown in the photo.

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

Then you should move to bend the paper on the lines.

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

Following, it is necessary to get parts in such a way that the squares whose asses were cut off, were opposite each other, and the neighboring with them were arranged at an angle to the base and connected. Connection locations must be punctured.

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

Finally, you need to cut a thin strip and glue it to the side parts of the basket. Optionally, you can make a postcard with a wish and consolidate it on the wall.

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

Other design ideas

There are still many ideas for the manufacture of paper baskets, and their use can distinguish depending on the target. For example, for Easter, the present in the form of a basket with eggs is relevant, for the new year you can make a basket with gifts, and for a feast - a napkin, taking this idea as a basis.

Article on the topic: Sun from the balls: Master class with photos and video

The scheme for each of the baskets presented below will help, first, create a product, and secondly, based on it to create your own masterpiece, decorating it in accordance with its own objectives.

So, the perfect gift design option will be a basket with long handles, made according to the scheme. So you can make a gift consisting of small jars, for example, with honey or with other sweets.

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

In a basket, a purse can be stored different little things, such as threads, buttons and other sewing supplies.

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

Woven basket can be created with the child, and then storing pencils in it, markers, handles.

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

Cute basket with a bunny can decorate a festive Easter table or become a gift wrapping for eggs.

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

Here is another scheme for which you can make an Easter basket.

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

And this universal scheme for creating a paper basket will be the basis for creativity, because it can be decorated with ribbons, paper flowers or stickers.

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

Another option for the manufacture of colors baskets in Origami technique is presented in the photo. You should use dense paper or cardboard so that the product holds the form.

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

Picture with a bouquet

A basket of paper can be the basis for appliqué. Such an unusual picture can be given to any holiday or decorate your interior. Making it with the child, you are interested and useful to spend time.

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

Such an applique can be used in the manufacture of cards or gift design.

To create a picture with a flower basket, you can use a diagram with finished elements. To do this, cut the items and glue them to the base.

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

For appliqués with a basket, you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • Colored paper 3 colors;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • line;
  • White paper sheet.

In order to make an applique with a wicker basket, you need to lay a rectangle of one color with a length of 18 cm, 10 cm wide for vertical stripes 1 cm wide. For the convenience of weaving, you need to leave the edge of the bands 1 cm. Then from the paper of another color to cut 8 bands 1 cm wide and 18 cm long.

Article on the topic: Knitting cape and poncho. Japanese magazine with schemes

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

Then it follows the strip into the cut rectangle.

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

The following stripes must be inserted in a checker order.

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

Protect the sheet to the end. Must get a braided rectangle. When working it is worth paying attention to the connection of parts, they must fit tightly to each other.

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

Now you need to prepare the basis for the basket. To do this, on a sheet of white paper, you need to draw a pattern, cut the part and stick it on the resulting braided rug.

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

Crop the rectangle on the template, leaving the edge of 1 cm.

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

Breast the edges from the wrong side and glue them to the base.

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

Printed a basket into cardboard.

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

Now you can collect a bouquet, sticking paper flowers or fruits over the basket.

Paper basket with their own hands for colors: schemes with photos and videos

Such an applique will probably enjoy your child and will give pleasure from its creation. In addition, on the basis of the proposed master class, you can make pictures associated with the time of year. So, for the autumn bouquet, you can use dried leaves, as well as paper mushrooms, for summer - make dandelions from paper, and for spring - snowdrops or tulips.

Video on the topic

Other paper shopping ideas are presented in video.

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