Wall color in the bedroom, pleasant to rest


Most interiors in the house are drawn up with the presence of guests and friends in them. An exception is a rest room. The color of the walls in the bedroom should contribute relaxation, and satisfy the taste of its owner as much as possible. When selecting tone, many additional factors are taken into account. The decoration of the bedroom begins not with the purchase of your favorite furniture, but the compilation of the color palette of the room.

Wall color in the bedroom, pleasant to rest

We select the color of the walls for the bedroom

Colors for a full rest

Wall color in the bedroom, pleasant to rest

Wall decoration in the bedroom

Once again, we decided to finish his house together with Vadik. It is necessary to develop wall design in the bedroom. I warned a friend to keep it in no hurry to buy furniture. In the living room we first selected wallpaper and paint, emphasizing the forms of sofas and chairs, combined in drawing with the upholstery and on the tonality of lighter than the laminate floor. The interior of the bedroom has different functions of the function. He must contribute to relaxation and full-fledged rest.

First you need to make an approximate color range in the interior, the design of the walls and the combination of the finish, decide on the style. For high-quality design, it is necessary to consider:

  • room dimensions;
  • windows location;
  • Host tastes;
  • Characteristics of colors.

Vadik loves purple, and wanted to completely paint the walls in the bedroom. The combination of juicy tones of energetic red and cold blue with the addition of the warmth of brown, purple causes many senses. Luxury color reduces the room, makes it twilight. If you paint the ceiling in purple, then the room will seem below. Wonderful color with proper use. It is necessary to dose saturated tone, diluting the light shades close to them.

Red awakens activity in man, desire to act. But he quickly tires. Yellow will warm with a cold northern room. However, it will soon begin to cause irritation. Bright green and orange will not let relax. Raspberry and rich pink color in large quantities excite and cause aggression, especially in children. Blue tone oppresses.

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Popular are the ideas of the walls of the wall in the head of laminate and other panels. They can close the part of the ceiling, highlighting the sleep zone in a large spacious room. Wall panels for a bedroom with a glossy surface add illumination, with matte and texture reduce room space.

Dark tones, decoration of them ceilings, suppress and make a room visually less, closer. The interior design ideas should include calm tones, creating comfort and airiness space:

  • beige;
  • sand;
  • lactic;
  • olive;
  • swamp;
  • blue;
  • grey;
  • muffled purple;
  • light pink;
  • cream;
  • peach.

Brown and black can be used fragmentary to beautifully allocate individual elements, shove wallpaper, create focus on the background of light and white walls. First, ideas of style and color design are being developed. Then the furniture is bought and the desired color is selected.

Purple, red and burgundy wallpapers, having a large drawing of the type of Damascus and other species, better shove on the wall in the headboard. They should not fall in sight of a falling asleep. The rest of the walls are painted in bright tones or blew the wallpaper on which a small increasing drawing and monophonic.

The ideas of the ceiling finishes in the interior depend on:

  • heights;
  • wall colors;
  • room forms;
  • Location and size of windows.

Color decoration of ceilings is possible at their height of more than 2.5 meters. Then you can paint, making one-photo and paint.

Purple and lilac colors in the interior of sleeping and children's rooms

Wall color in the bedroom, pleasant to rest

Color in bedroom

Purple color in the bedroom will be better looking at a spacious room with south windows. It is desirable to paint in a rich color one wall. The rest of the rest should be lighter. Purple tone and large drawing with gilding create focus in the bedroom of classic, avant-garde, retro style. The lightest color of the walls in the bedroom balances the energy. Lilac bedroom and purple laminate in the headboard will create a type of wealth and muffle the excess of sun rays.

For white ceilings and laminate panels under the pine and the other light wood, the purple color for solar southern rooms are large in size. It will increase the space of a small bedroom room in lilac tones. Wallpapers are monophonic and in small, not a bright drawing visually spread the walls. Dark floor and white glossy ceiling will create an expanser effect.

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Lilac bedroom is suitable for children. In it, the combination of the main traditional tones for the boy is blue, and the girl is pink. Designers offer decoration of the bedroom of two different kids with three types of wallpaper. In the headboard lilac color. Zoning side partitions near the cribs in pink and blue. The ideas of the ceiling finishes can be different, but optimally neutral white.

Beautifully looks in the interior of the bedroom. A combination of purple and lilac flowers. Ideas can be different. Each is developing its design. The background is better to do light. Dark inserts or stripes must adjust the shape of the room. Vertical visually raise the ceiling. Horizontal drawing will expand the room.

Northern bedroom in warm tones of peach and beige

Wall color in the bedroom, pleasant to rest

Wall Color in Bedroom

The peach bedroom will warm the room on the western side. She absorbed gold sun rays and fruit blush. In the eastern interior, the decoration of walls and ceilings will be better looking at beige and cream tones.

The wall in the headboard, if there is no laminate, you can paint in the raspberry and apricot and apply a drawing with a drawing of any species. The size and brightness of the ornament directly depends on the dimensions of the room. The less the bedroom, the smallest and the quiet pattern.

Brown and chocolate look better on separate details of furniture and in high plinths. The warm heating background can be their bright shades:

  • beige;
  • coffee with milk;
  • wet sand;
  • cream;
  • terracotta;
  • Fir milk.

Warming visually in the interior will be laminate panels with wood pattern. They can be separated 2 adjacent or opposite walls of the bedroom. Natural pattern of wood looks better, but one-piece board is less practical and significantly more expensive.

South room is better to paint in cool gray and blue

Wall color in the bedroom, pleasant to rest

How to choose the color of the walls in the bedroom

Vadik was interested in how to make a calming design in the interior with large windows south. It is better to paint the walls or stick the tapers into a large drawing. Of several types of stretch ceilings, which is precisely preferred. Which wallpaper glued in the bedroom and is appropriate to glossy laminate. I advised him to choose from cold tones:

  • blue;
  • white;
  • grey;
  • turquoise;
  • silver;
  • sand.

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Wall color in the bedroom, pleasant to rest

Gray Glow

For natural style use the ideas of the design of muted shades of green:

  • olive;
  • swamp;
  • aquamarine.

These tones create an atmosphere of freshness and coolness. They are used in the interior of the southern countries. In the bedroom of this color, laminate under the tree and panels from natural tones textiles look great.

Wall panels as an element of decor in the interior and additional insulation

Wall color in the bedroom, pleasant to rest

Wall panels in the bedroom

The idea of ​​the design of walls in the headboard and ceilings includes wall panels for the bedroom. They are placed:

  • over the entire surface in the headboard;
  • highlight a fragment near the bed;
  • continue to the ceiling as an element of zoning.

Panels not only give the bedroom in charge, emphasize the style. They serve as an additional insulation and absorb noise. The surface may be smooth and textured. There are many types of materials for wall cladding panels:

  • laminate;
  • gypsum;
  • textile;
  • Natural tree;
  • bamboo;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • ceramics.

The most popular, in the interior of the bedroom, laminate with a drawing under the tree. They are separated by the walls of fragmentary and completely, the partitions are squeezed, used for zoning. The location of the board can have any direction. A large selection of drawings and colors allows you to combine different types of laminate, exercise your ideas for interior design.

Natural wood breathable, eco-friendly material. Its use limits the high cost and the need for permanent care. Boards can be painted in any color and protect against moisture. At the same time, the attractiveness of the natural drawing is lost. Significantly the tree covered with wax or varnish.

Drawing and combining wallpaper for the bedroom

Wall color in the bedroom, pleasant to rest

Combination of colors in the bedroom

Deciding the issue with the choice of laminate, Vadik asked what wallpaper is better glued in the bedroom. Quality decided quickly. Material for decoration walls in the bedroom should be natural:

  • paper;
  • acrylic;
  • bamboo;
  • cork;
  • Textile.

To create a cozy and elegant interior, use combined wallpapers for the bedroom. Manufacturers produce ready-made collections of companyon wallpaper, which are harmoniously combined with a tonality. One species is usually with a pattern, the second one-window.

The combination of a budget version and a beautiful quality finish of the room - paper wallpaper duplex. They are durable and long retain their appearance. The cost allows you to often change them by creating a new image of the bedroom.

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