Provence Balcony with your own hands (photo)



What associations are the first to have when mentioning Provence? The noise of the sea, tart, sweetish smell of lavender and phlegondrance, gentle sun. Hands are still stretching to stroke rough, elevated by the salt sea wind of the terrace board. It seems that these are just dreams and need to wait for a vacation to touch them? Not at all. You can not just carry out this dream, but also leave it next to you, making part of your daily life. Change the interior of the entire apartment is not easy: for this you need and time, both, and talent, and the knowledge of a professional designer. But here to try to reveal your potential and go to arrange a small part of your house for everyone. It is enough to arrange a loggia or a balcony in the style of Provence.

Provence Balcony with your own hands (photo)

The main color of the balcony is provened white, better dairy shade. It is worth choosing the primary color to whom your loggia or balcony will shine.

The key to the embodiment of this style will serve precisely those images that are associated with the south of France, and an understanding of how style was formed.

This style is measured, quite simple, but charming provincial life. And the choice of materials, colors, furniture and accessories are subordinated to this feature, due to it: everything is natural, just enough and it is possible to make on their own.

Color solution

Provence Balcony with your own hands (photo)

Upholstered furniture and accessories need to make a barrel: upholstery in flower or striped, many lace and embroidered pillows.

And now you need to remember the sea, the sun, the lavender fields and orange trees in bloom. All this will be the basis for the color palette of the Provence style: gentle blue, purple, purple, sea wave color, pale orange and all shades of beige, terracotta and mint-green - here is its main colors. It should be borne in mind that the colors should be chosen from the pastel gamma. Mute, as if burntown in the sun. Well, and the main color will be, of course, white, better dairy shade. It is worth choosing the primary color to whom your loggia or balcony will shine.

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White required to make the ceiling and window frames, if the loggia is glazed. If you live in a brick house, a layer of white paint, slightly carelessly applied to the masonry, will be quite by the way.

But the upholstered furniture and accessories can be made too: the upholstery in the flower or strip, many lace and embroidered pillows - this is what you need. But you do not need to forget that the ornament on the tissues should be necessarily natural: vegetable or floral. Only a strip is allowed from geometric patterns. A bright emphasis can serve for forged products that are also an element of this style. On the open balcony you can make forged fence, hang the lamp.

The closed loggia can be decorated with candlesticks or flower coins of ferrous metal. You can perform a scenery in the form of coarse wooden beams on the ceiling to add accent into your balcony.

Selection of finishing materials and furniture

The main requirement for finishing materials is naturalness. There are no laminate, nor linoleum, nor even modern parquet flooring. It is worth forgetting about the suspended or stretch ceiling and the walls of the walls with plastic panels or clapboard. It is best (and easier) just to stack the walls and paint them into the selected color. Plaster can be rude, performed deliberately carelessly.

Through the paint can peck wall laying. For a loggia or even an open balcony, a tile imitating brick is just suitable. You can bind one of the walls with natural stone of different sizes with a rough surface structure.

Wooden panels in the form of a simple vertical or horizontal lining will also fit into the style of Provence.

Provence Balcony with your own hands (photo)

You can bind one of the walls with natural stone of different sizes with a rough surface structure.

The floor on the open balcony is best done from ceramic tiles with a matte surface or out of porcelain stoneware. The glazed loggia allows you to expand the choice of material for flooring - it can be all the same tile, and there may be roughly treated or painted wooden boards. To do this, use special paint for floor coverings.

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Well, that's all. The main part of the work was done, and you are already one step from the time to drink a cup of coffee, sitting in the morning on your balcony in the style of Provence. It remains to spread the furniture, plant flowers in flower pots and hang curtains. Remember that such a loggia should not contain any wardrobes or other built-in furniture. Provence style also does not assume nickel-plated parts, chrome fittings or glass surfaces. If the furniture from the wood array for some reason is not available, it is better to choose furniture from MDF and chipboard of light tones, with a coarse, imitating natural wood, texture. You can independently create or arrange a decoupage in the technique. It will also look good wicker chairs, small dressers and tables. Fabrics for upholstery is better to take natural, cotton or linen, with a gross weave of threads. Wooden or forged shelves and stands on which pots with flowers and curly plants cozy will be cozy, will become the final stroke of the interior.

Provence style is an exquisite simplicity, filled with peace and tenderness, which is created by natural materials and natural, natural colors.

Provence Balcony with your own hands (photo)

Provence Balcony with your own hands (photo)

Provence Balcony with your own hands (photo)

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