Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)


Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Owls like birds loved many. These amazing nightscaping of the ages of centuries were a symbol of wisdom. To date, on the shelves of various shops and souvenir shops, you can find a wide variety of goods and objects with symbols of owls. This and all kinds of decorations: pendants, earrings, rings, pendants, brooches, hairpins. Also, the images of WID are present on the kitchen utensils, dishes, bedding, towels, curtains, tablecloths, bedspreads and plaid. Owl has recently become a bright trend in the fashion world, so you can often meet T-shirts, sweatshirts, pajamas, bathrobes with attributes of these birds. In the interior of the premises, the Councils are found in the form of a variety of figurines, paintings, on wallpaper and textile.

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

This article is devoted to how you can make a funny pad in the form of owls. Such a pillow can decorate the interior of the living room, bedroom or children's room. If you have little children, they will gladly fall asleep in the arms of this wonderful thing. And how nice will be your loved ones to get such a handmade gift for any holiday. Step-by-step instructions set out in this article are two different options for how to sew a pillow-owl. These master classes will help you easily implement ideas in practice.

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

What is needed to sew the owl pillow with your own hands

To do this, prepare all the necessary materials and items:
  • Paper patterns (ideally from a millimeter);
  • Beautiful pieces of fabric of contrasting color;
  • Singry procession or wool as a filler;
  • Two buttons or eye beads;
  • Needle and threads;
  • Glue for fabric;
  • Pencil.

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Master class manufacturer of pillow - owls number 1

This master class provides for tailoring toys with a symbolism of owls.

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

First you need to draw and cut parts from paper according to the parameters specified in the photo. Next, with the help of paper stencils, such details are cut out of the fabric. It should be noted that the patterns from the fabric should be with a bunch of the seams, that is, a little more paper stencils.

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Further, fabric parts are fixed to each other by means of threads and needles as in the photo.

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

There should be a cone-shaped pyramid. Its upper part should be separated using a pin.

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Then this pyramid is stuck with a soft filler and is sewn downwards. The tip separated by the pin is bent and sewn to the main part of the cone. It turns out ears and beaks.

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Next, out of the circles and beads are made and sewd on the beak sides. From the bottom, the prepared pre-sustained base is sewn so that the toy is stable. Funny pillow - toy in the form of owls.

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Master class of manufacturing Pillows - owls number 2

The second master class involves sewing pillowcases for standard shape pillow (square or rectangular) with appliqué in the form of owls.

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

For sewing pillowcase, it is necessary to prepare 3 cuts of fabric. The first for the front part with a 1 cm of 1 cm on the seams and a second piece of fabric for the rear. It should be 5 cm more than the first. The second piece is later divided into 2 identical halves.

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

For the manufacture of grids as in the first master class will need paper applications.

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Then they are transferred to the fabric and cut out of contrasting pieces. Do not forget about small allowances on the seams. All parts are duplicated, stitched with an inside and turned out.

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Further fabric figures in turns are sewn to the front of the pillowcase.

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

After the application is transferred and fixed, the pillowcase itself is sewn and puts on with the corresponding pillow in size. All this is done using a sewing machine or by needle and thread manually. The pillow with the image of the owl is ready.

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Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Elvira Goli for DecorWind.ru

Owl pillow with her hands - Photo

If you want to sew a pillow-owl, it is not necessary to follow the instructions above thoroughly. You can take a few ideas from these photo pillows with owls or pillows in the form of owls, and use them. By the way, is a great idea for a gift. First, the owls like almost everyone, and secondly, it's certainly everyone loves stylish gifts made by their own hands. And here are the ideas:

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

Pillow Owl with his own hands (2 master class)

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