Color of wallpapers for the hall: 4 selection criterion


Color of wallpapers for the hall: 4 selection criterion

There is a wide variety of wallpapers, differing in texture, color and material. The design of the hall is an interesting and very responsible occupation. In this room you can give the absolute will of your fantasy. One of the first priorities when repairing the hall is the choice of wallpaper. It is important to all here: both color, and texture and composition of the material, because in this room you will receive guests who, according to their interior, will be able to judge your taste. So that the chopers harmoniously fit into the design of the apartment, they should be suitable color, which sometimes happens very difficult. However, when you understand all the nuances of the accompanying room, you can cope with this problem without the help of a professional.

Wallpaper color nuances for hall

Asking the question: "What wallpaper to choose for a hall?", We often take into account only our taste and desire. However, there is a lot of nuances who must necessarily affect your choice.

Color of wallpapers for the hall: 4 selection criterion

Posted by the hall of originality using bulk photo wallpapers

What to take into account, choosing wallpapers for the hall:

  1. The size and layout of the room can be slightly adjusted to the right choice and combination of wallpaper. For example, light wallpaper visually will make a small room more spacious, and the dark on the contrary will reduce it.
  2. If you decide to combine the wallpaper of several species in the same room, which take into account that their coloring and patterns should be combined with each other. For example, you should not use classic monograms and strict geometry in one room.
  3. Wallpaper color should be selected in line with the interior style. Bright and juicy tones will fit into modern interiors, pastel - in classic.
  4. In the hall you will receive guests, so if you did not make a design project and are not sure that the idea you have conceived will be successful, then it costs to refuse it. Otherwise, your guests may have an incorrect opinion about your taste.

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Taking into account all these nuances, you will be able to independently choose the wallpaper yourself for your hall, which perfectly fit into his interior. It is only important to connect your fantasy and practical knowledge.

Wallpaper color depends not only on the idea of ​​the designer, which created them, but also from the materials from which they are made. So paper and vinyl canvases may have a variety of colors, and natural cholerars are always available in a bit muted tones. Fliseline Wallpaper Glass equipment is usually sold in white as the manufacturer suggests that after sticking on the walls they will be painted.

What color of the wallpaper to choose for halls with different interiors

As mentioned earlier, the color of the wallpaper is very dependent on the style of the interior. If you decorate the hall with wallpaper that fit into the interior, but contradict the design concept, you will not get the idea that you wanted to implement. Then the room will not be stylish and interesting, it will turn into a boring room. The interior styles are quite a lot, so they are very easy to get confused. To facilitate your task selection of wallpaper coloring, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of the most popular types of designs.

Color of wallpapers for the hall: 4 selection criterion

When choosing wallpaper for the hall, you should consider the style in which it is completed

Styles and interior, and what wallpaper are suitable for them:

  1. The classic prefers pastel shades. It may be gentle pink, sand, light blue, light brown, etc. Patterns for such an interior should be smooth and noble, for example, the royal lily, monogram, Damascus, etc. Such a decoration can be added brown and white furniture, with golden wrought-made legs.
  2. High-tech can be arranged black, white or any other bright and juicy. Wallpaper for such a style must be either monophonic or strict geometric.
  3. Avangard style prefers bright wallpaper colors. The canvas can have very motley drawings. This is a very difficult style, because you need not only to choose the combined rich shades among themselves, but also do not overload the interior.
  4. The name minimalism speaks for itself. Such interiors do not like bright shades and do not tolerate the prevalence of more than two different colors.
  5. For the modern style you can choose almost any shade of wallpaper, while the drawing on them should be either geometric or vegetable. In this interior, it is interesting to look at the combination of pastel shells with one bright insert.
  6. Innocent and cozy Provence complements the wallpaper of gentle yellow, cream or light lilac. A distinctive feature of such an interior is the use of a trellis with a floral pattern resembling sitherges.
  7. Oriental styles allow you to use both bright shades and muffled. At the same time, it is desirable that the drawing on them has either traditional (for the East) or philosophical character.

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There is a huge number of interior styles. You got acquainted with the main. Other designs, one way or another, intersect with their concept.

The interior of the hall should reflect the character and taste of the owner, so try to ensure that the interior style you have chosen meets all family members. Interesting results can be achieved by combining wallpaper of different colors. However, in this case, it is necessary to make a design project in advance, and choose the rest of the finish and the content of the hall.

Bright or dark wallpapers in the hall: What is better

What wallpaper is better fit for the hall, bright or dark, it is impossible to say unequivocally. It depends on the size of the room, and from the style of its interior, and on which side of its windows overlap.

Color of wallpapers for the hall: 4 selection criterion

With the help of light wallpapers, you can visually expand the hall

If you are the owner of the room of the right square room of small size, it is best to use light cold shades. However, in some cases, with successful combination, bright colors will not interfere with this room.

In a close rectangular room, you can break the combination of light and dark wallpapers. At the same time, dark wallpapers must be blocked on narrow walls, and light - on broad. Thus, a visual room will acquire a more correct form.

In large light rooms, you can safely use dark wallpapers. They will not affect negatively on the feeling of guests, but they will make the interior more unusual.

Very modern and unusual will look in the big room black and white wallpapers. Such a designer move will tell about the good taste, and the nonstandarity of the owner's thinking.

In dark halls it is worth abandoning the use of dark wallpapers. They will make a gloomy and lifeless room. However, the problem of lack of light can be solved by setting several point lighting devices.

Dark wallpapers in the hall with photos

Dark wallpapers always attract attention. They look very bold and unusual. However, if they are misunderstood, the interior of the hall will be hopelessly spoiled.

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Color of wallpapers for the hall: 4 selection criterion

Dark wallpaper looks well in the hall made in the style of modern or high-tech

As mentioned above, you should not use dark wallpapers in an apartment with small dark rooms.

This option is best suited for modern interiors. Black or gray wallpapers will complement white floor and ceiling, as well as lacquer furniture simple and concise form.

Black wallpaper, contrary to the opinion of many people, will not look gloomy. With competent use, they will revive the interior and add it a raisin.

How to choose the color of the wallpaper for the hall (video)

The color of the wallpaper for finishing the hall must be chosen with special attention. After all, it must fit the style of the interior, and to harmonize with the surrounding items. Of course, you can use the services of a professional designer, but not always someone else's person, will be able to reflect your character in my work. Check all the options for choosing wallpaper for the hall, and you can independently create a stylish and unique interior.

Details: Light wallpapers in the hall (interior photo)

Color of wallpapers for the hall: 4 selection criterion

Color of wallpapers for the hall: 4 selection criterion

Color of wallpapers for the hall: 4 selection criterion

Color of wallpapers for the hall: 4 selection criterion

Color of wallpapers for the hall: 4 selection criterion

Color of wallpapers for the hall: 4 selection criterion

Color of wallpapers for the hall: 4 selection criterion

Color of wallpapers for the hall: 4 selection criterion

Color of wallpapers for the hall: 4 selection criterion

Color of wallpapers for the hall: 4 selection criterion

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