How to beat the wallpaper in the hall, which was beautiful, ideas and practice


Among all rooms of the apartment is allocated one room, the hall. It is he who reflects the stylistry of the entire dwelling, getting on the fore and meeting the guests. Therefore, the planning of the interior and the design of the hall must be performed perfectly.

How to beat the wallpaper in the hall, which was beautiful, ideas and practice

Luxurious decoration of the Big Hall

However, excessive efforts do not have to do, you just need to choose the appropriate wallpaper and gently, beautifully shove them in your hall. Well, what wallpaper should be chosen for your main premises, we will now tell.


If you do not seek to make an ultra modern interior with original finishing materials, you will most likely need classic wallpaper. Under the classics, we understand the canvas in rolls produced from paper, vinyl, phlizelin. The design of any room can be skillfully built with the use of such wallpapers, sticking them in the hall will be the right solution.

How to beat the wallpaper in the hall, which was beautiful, ideas and practice

Wallpaper with simple drawing for a small living room

Paper flavor

The most first wallpapers produced by mass production were paper. Since then, technology creation has changed a lot, but the paper is still valued, primarily due to its ecology and prices. Paper wallpapers are separated into several types: single-layer, two-layer, washable, with acrylic spraying.

  • Single-layer - relics of the past, they are subtle, uncomfortable, most often ugly, we will not take them.
  • Two-layer - strong and durable canvas, comfortable in operation and inexpensive, in stores there are a variety of colors. There is some relief, which is nice. Suitable view for normal repair in the hall, bedroom, children's.
  • Washable - Similar options are used more for the kitchen, which clearly gives us to understand the style of drawings on the wallpaper canvase. The ideas of applying such wallpapers for the hall will not be good.
  • Paper with acrylic foam - gorgeous wallpapers with some terrain, intricate patterns, pleasant colors. Such canvas are quite acceptable to use in the hall, that's just you need to be extremely neat with them, because the texture is very gentle.

The biggest disadvantage of all paper finishing materials is their weak moisture resistance, which does not allow canvas. In addition, strong moisture drops can be reflected in the appearance of the sailed wall. On the other hand, the remaining options will not be such budget, which other finishing materials will be worth such small money.

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How to beat the wallpaper in the hall, which was beautiful, ideas and practice

Use in the living room of paper wallpaper

If you want to make a cosmetic repairs to give yourself time to generate more ambitious ideas for the design of your hall, then paper wallpaper is your choice. It is worth punishing them only, and the question with the finish will be closed for 5-7 years.

Vinyl quality

If you want to make high-quality repairs, salary walls for a long time, if you have already turned into a ready-made hall, then in this case, without a doubt, you need to choose vinyl wallpapers.

Vinyl wallpaper is a modern, very high quality and strong finishing material. They are produced on paper and fliesline bases, depending on the size of the web. If the web is narrow, then the base is paper, if wide, meter, then flizelin is used.

How to beat the wallpaper in the hall, which was beautiful, ideas and practice

Wallpaper in the living room with flower theme

Fliselin is an advanced paper, it is based on cellulose and fabric fibers. Thus, the material becomes strong, durable, and perfectly suitable for mounting the wall of the wallpaper canvas. In addition, wallpaper on the fliesline basis is easy to mask small wall surface defects.

Vinyl coating can also be different, depending on the technology of its production:

  • foamed vinyl - the weakest, poorly carrying moisture, budget;
  • washable vinyl - soft, moisture-proof material, with an obvious relief, more often than kitchen topics;
  • CD-Vinyl - more durable material, moisture resistant, with minimal relief;
  • The vinyl of hot stamping is the strongest type of vinyl, has the maximum qualitative characteristics.

Vinyl wallpapers are 80-90% of the range of all wallpaper stores. Over the creation of these finishing materials, factories are working worldwide. Each country has advanced bulk production. If you take Russia, then we have such mast producers, like a palette, elusive, Mayacprint. In addition, many foreign brands, seeking to go to our market, are building their wallpaper factories in the Russian Federation. For example, Erismann, a well-known German wallpaper manufacturer opened its production in the city of Voskresensk.

How to beat the wallpaper in the hall, which was beautiful, ideas and practice

Bright German wallpaper in the living room

The range of vinyl wallpaper allows you to create the necessary interior design according to a specified project. There are wallpapers with drawings of all possible topics, most colors, are constantly published by new collections. If you need to make the repair beautiful and efficiently, then it is better to find vinyl coatings for the walls. Although flizelinic options are performed, if you need a painting wallpaper, since the design of the hall involves the presence of monochrome walls.

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Flizelin under painting

When I want to make beautiful, smooth walls in the whole hall, you can use ready-made one-photon wallpapers, that's just the shade of color will not always be perfect. But the color can be chosen yourself, and to get it, just paint special wallpapers.

Wallpaper Painting came to us not so long ago. They use in demand not very much, because they need for private options. Fliselin acts as an excellent substrate not only for the vinyl decorative component, for paintwork, it will also be excellent base.

How to beat the wallpaper in the hall, which was beautiful, ideas and practice

Use of wallpaper in painting in the hall

Flizelin wallpaper under painting are made of several layers of material. A small relief is present on the wallpaper canvas, which as it turns out. It is worth noting that depending on the type of material under painting from the phlizelin, they can keep it up to 15 layers of paint.

Thus, we use the kicks using the desired color of the paint and apply it to the white plated walls. Repair using such wallpapers will cost a little more expensive, because it will still have to buy paint and tools to apply it, but the hall will be quite beautiful. Rate the design project of its main premises, it is possible to stick and paint the fliesline wallpaper.

Subtleties and nuances

There are no special rules in the design of the hall, in this room you can do what you want, but generating ideas and planning design, it is worth sticking to simple rules for creating a good interior.

The adjustment of the room of the hall at the level of perception can be made with the help of wallpaper. The room increases in the direction of the picture. The easiest example is striped walls. If the strips go vertically, the ceiling height increases, if horizontally, the length of the room.

How to beat the wallpaper in the hall, which was beautiful, ideas and practice

Creating an accent wall in the living room

If a visual increase in space is required, then the bright options must be blocked, cold shades and linen looks perfectly, like a silk screen. In addition, light wallpaper will perfectly fit into the interior of the little hall, in a room with bad lighting. Dark colors in such premises will not be placed.

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For a large room, rich in color, choose bright colors, they will look excellently. Of course, it is not worth putting the whole room with such wallpaper, arrange priorities, distribute accents. Beautifully will look a harmonious combination of 2-3 colors, it should be moved from excessive use of black.

How to beat the wallpaper in the hall, which was beautiful, ideas and practice

Successful interior of a typical hall in domestic apartments

The drawing on the wallpaper for the hall can be any. If you combine in the hall several types of wallpaper, try to the ornaments in one stylist. It is permissible to glue the canvas with a pattern in accent zones, and the rest of the space is filled with background wallpaper. This interior design is very popular in our time.

When using photo wallpaper, it is necessary to take into account the texture of the material, the size of the pattern, its stylist and location. In fact, it is not easy to enter a photo gallery in the interior of the hall.

Couple words about combining

Create an interesting design in the hall will allow combining several types of wallpaper. The principles of combination can be divided into 4 types:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • chaotic;
  • inserted.

Horizontal combination is most often used in offices, for rooms in apartments, this kind of combination is not the best. Some ideas can be implemented in the hallway, where you need to separate the bottom of the wall from the top, but for the hall this technique does not fit.

How to beat the wallpaper in the hall, which was beautiful, ideas and practice

Use in Suskography Living Room

The vertical combination of wallpapers on the contrary is perfect. To this combination, we will draw the alternation of wallpaper strips, separation of the room to the zone, the creation of accents. Most importantly choose a very similar wallpaper in color, drawing and texture.

Chaotic combination of designer wings. Only they can create order in chaos, one hundred people should not even try.

Combination with the help of inserts involves creating huge wobbly panels allocated by a special border (molding). To create an indescribable atmosphere of luxury, such a combination of wallpaper was used in past centuries.

Whatever wallpaper you have not chosen to stick in your hall, the main thing is to correctly enter them into the design of the room, then the interior will look beautiful, and you will be satisfied. Well, in order to come up with a design project, a hall can be brought to the finish of this room on the Internet, on the design sites of the most different format.

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