How to draw a drawing on the wall in the bathroom


Working out the design of the bathroom, you can stick to classic canons, and you can implement bold ideas. One of these bold ideas can be considered graphics on the walls applied by manually.

How to draw a drawing on the wall in the bathroom

Tree branch drawn on a tile in the bathroom

Pictures on the walls in the bathroom look very unexpectedly and interesting if on their topics fit into the overall picture of the interior. They can be combined with a common view of the room, and can be a bright spot, contrast, key notew.

In addition, your children will appreciate such a step and will be delighted with such an interior. Of course, it is not only about the drawings of the children's theme, you can choose almost any image.

Pictures on the walls in the bathroom, the solution of the problem

Deciding on such a bold solution to convert the bathroom, you can go two different ways.

Simple way

Simple, but often an expensive way to contact professional artists, decorators, designers. They will be able to advise what to choose color, drawing, as well as arrange it on the walls of the bathroom or bathroom.

How to draw a drawing on the wall in the bathroom

Small but harmoniously inscribed pattern on the wall repeating ornament on the bath

Recommendations of professionals on color combinations, illumination and general factor factors can be very useful, especially if you are not counted in these things.

It is very difficult to estimate the cost of such work, it can be very expensive, depending on the level of professional level.

Sophisticated way

A more complex, but very interesting way - to develop or prepare stencils, choose materials and embody ideas in life with their hands and neighbors on housing. Choosing this path, you will have to show not only designer abilities, but also the abilities of construction.

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How to draw a drawing on the wall in the bathroom

Flowers and birds, homemade simple drawing, made by hand

It will be necessary to purchase construction materials and produce all manipulations with coloring substances. However, in this case, you can feel free to say that all drawings on the wall in your bathroom are fulfilled you yourself, without third-party helpers.

Preparation for the original painting of walls in the bathroom

Suppose you decided to go on the second way, make a drawing in the bath on the wall with your own hands, let's talk about what sequence and how to do everything.

First of all, you need to take care of building materials. We will make a small list of tools and materials that we will certainly need to work.


You can choose a paint in a jar or cylinder, it is recommended to use a water-dispersive waterproof or acrylic, non-smell for the bathroom. Color You can choose ready, or use white and kel to turn it into the desired shade.

How to draw a drawing on the wall in the bathroom

French topics in masterpiece image on the walls of the bathroom

By the way, the solvent for such paints does not need, they are easily clean and diluted with water.

Tool for painting

Tassels, rollers, baths for rollers can be found in any construction store. Choose a brush with a natural pile, they climb less, and you do not have to remove the villi from the picture on the wall. For decorative work on a flat surface, rollers from the foam rubber are perfectly suitable. Bath for roller need to buy in size, large in size will cause you inconvenience.


If a stencil is necessary for the drawing, then you can make it yourself, it is also possible to order its manufacture in the printed workshop.

How to draw a drawing on the wall in the bathroom

Simple stencils with fish for every taste

To mount the stencil on the wall you will need a painting tape (crepe). In this case, the scotch is not used in this case, since it leaves adhesive traces than to damage the wallpaper and even tiles.

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How to draw a drawing on the wall in the bathroom

Small original images located on all bathroom walls

When working with a stencil, avoid paints for it, it can lead to blurring of the image. Special attention is paid to the drawing borders so that they are as even as possible, the use of painting ribbons will help you with this.

If you have artistic drawing skills, you can create a masterpiece and without stencils. Draw on the wall in the bathroom or toilet as simple as on canvas.

How to draw a drawing on the wall in the bathroom

Tile with drawing flowers, beautiful and bright

Some simple, professional movements and you have a flavored landscape in your bath. To do this, choose a pretty pattern on the Internet and transfer it to the wall.

Recommendations for the preparation of wall drawings

If the image is small, then it can be printed, cut and putting it on the wall, transfer the general contours on the bathroom wall.

There is another way to transfer contours from the monitor on a sheet of paper. To do this, you need to darken the room and attach paper to the monitor. His bright light will help you clearly see the outlines of the drawing, which you calmly enter the pencil.

Next, we produce the actions described above, transferring the contours to the surface of the wall.

How to draw a drawing on the wall in the bathroom

Art painting of walls in the bathroom

We recommend that you choose a quiet time to paint the bathroom drawings, in which you will not be disturbed by outsider. Hurry and bustle can lead to undesirable consequences. Focus on your work, and the result will be impressive.

On the choice of the plot of the drawings, we cannot give recommendations, describe when choosing your taste, but I would like to note that pictures with smooth and clear edges look perfectly on the walls. The required images can be found in drains and design sites, the use of search engines will help you in this matter.

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How to draw a drawing on the wall in the bathroom

Gorgeous artistic design of the bathroom

If you come to the process of creating a drawing on the walls of your bathroom with a proper fantasy, then your result will also like your relatives.

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