What can the apartment number on Feng Shui say?


What can the apartment number on Feng Shui say?

You chronically do not carry and you do not know why? Perhaps trouble is the apartment number on Feng Shui. Humanity since ancient times herself to mysticism. Of particular importance was paid to various signs and their influence on human life.

It concerned the numbers. Remember the Russian folk fairy tales, in which the peak of bliss was considered the seventh sky, and in order to protect themselves from the unclean, followed three times over his shoulder or three times to cross. Unfortunately considered the number 13.

Magic properties of numbers

His signs and beliefs were in the residents of the Middle Kingdom. The Chinese noticed that every phenomenon of nature possesses its energy and in its own way affects people: the land feeds, water gives life, the wind brings changes. A thousand years ago, the doctrine of Feng Shui was born, which means "wind" and "water". Studying their influence, the inhabitants of China tried to turn their energy to themselves and determined where it was better to build housing, and where it was impossible to settle.

What can the apartment number on Feng Shui say?

At home, in turn, shared for favorable and unfavorable zones.

The influence of the number of the apartment on the life of a man began to study with the advent of apartment buildings. As it turned out, the number 13 - "fatal" not only with us.

For example, in many countries, apartments at number 13 does not exist.

There are no such rooms in many hotels and ships. And the number 28, on the contrary, is very popular, and from those who wish to settle in the room promising prosperity, there is no penalty: it is forced for a half a year ago.

What caused such a rejection of some numbers and attributing the magic properties to others?

According to Chinese teachings, each apartment number on Feng Shui has its own energy that has a positive or negative impact on the owner of housing.

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This concerns not only accommodation places, but also work premises. There are examples of bankruptcy of some foreign banks and companies whose leaders did not pay attention to the numbers.

Pros and cons of numbers, the patronage of the planets

Zero. He is credited with duality. Some scientists consider zero perfect. Their opponents argue that life in such an apartment is similar to "standing water", because zero is emptiness. Although there is a third option - a neutral sign, and there are no reasons for anxiety.

What can the apartment number on Feng Shui say?

Nine. The patron saint of the nine for a long time is Neptune. If there is "9" in the apartment's room, the problems with water are not excluded. The hosts must come to terms with the fact that the cranes can often fail.

Things will be lost, and promotional scores: the house, play, and then give! - Will not help. It feels well that whose activity is related to water. It is not necessary to be a sailor, you can simply work on a liquor plant or an enterprise producing juices.

Eight. The figure is a symbol of infinity and perfection. The influence of uranium gives the owners of the apartment world in the family, support and friendship. The owners will not spend evenings alone. Tired of visitors and want to relax? Alas! Apartment number obliges to keep brand!

Seven. Saturn will deliver the owner of the apartment a lot of trouble. Permanent tests will accompany the owner of this house. The family living in this apartment will be very friendly and, possibly numerous. After all, it is known that "family" is seven ourselves (what the last symbol is talking about). Also, the seven contributes to the growth of the welfare of the owner of the apartment.

Six. The value of the figure affects the goddess of the Venus love. So, love and mutual understanding reigns in such an apartment. Venus transfers all their positive qualities to the owners. The apartment will never be quarrels. Comfort and harmony, beautiful dishes and flowers, paintings and elegant trinkets. Weekend owners of the apartment will be carried out in the theater. And, of course, trips in any directions, regardless of the situation of the year.

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Five. In the apartment, in the room of which there is a number five, say: Jupiter, you are wrong! - Not recommended. Because Jupiter patronizes the top five and should be preserved subordination.

What can the apartment number on Feng Shui say?

Housing hosts may be associated with religion or science. Often, teachers of schools, universities, employees of research institutes can be found here. Therefore, there will be many books in the house and prevail spirituality.

The society will occupy the dominant position, the apartment and comfort will be in the second plan. Some asceticism is possible or, in contrast to him, (if the owners have achieved certain heights) excessive luxury.

Four. The figure is under the protection of Mercury (the sign of the element is "Shui" or water). The owners have a wide range of communication. As a rule, "4" is in the rooms of apartments of politicians, judges, lawyers, bankers, brokers, media workers. Eloquence, the ability to say from the tribune - the advantages of housing owners. The phones will be broken around the clock, and wishing to find in their work of the flaw will be more than goodwires.

Three. Mars encourages receiving rapid decisions. As a rule, the owners of the apartment are always Sanguiniki. They are ready to rise in three nights, if the "tube" will call them. Doctors "Emergency", EMERCOM employees, all whose activities are related to operational work. It is believed that the inhabitants of the troika are the lucky way: a number is associated with the Divine Trinity.

Two. The figure goes in pets at the Moon, which "always knows everything" due to good intuition and observation (contemplation). In such an apartment, the educators of children's preschool institutions and priests feel comfortable.

Unit. The sun is generously divided with the inhabitants of the apartment with its energy and warmth. Wind (Feng) and the Sun give the atmosphere of creativity. Therefore, writers, artists, masters in such apartments expanded. Like the Sun, they warm themselves with their warmth and creativity of others, like the wind they can break from the spaces based and change housing.

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That Russian is good, then the Japanese is bad

Paradox, but in some countries, some figures are considered happy, in others - harbing troubles.

In Russia, the Troika and Seven have always been unique. They could be made to make desires. But in Greece "7" symbolized trouble and was a reason for anxiety. In Japan, their problems: "8" for sound resembles "pain", with a negative shade there are four numbers.

Believe it or not to believe - everyone's case: Millions of people live in houses without any numbers and happy.

Those who would like to attract good luck to their apartment, specialists advise on a piece of paper to add the necessary combination of numbers. After all, the most successful is the number 88.

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