Protection and impregnation of wood worked oil


Wood processing rules exist since the beginning of the construction of houses from wooden log cabins. From rotting, damp, beetles, burning Tree protected with all sorts of means: shrank the clay, coated with varnishes, impregnation and paints. And even more simplest ways, up to the choice of the most dry place for construction, a solid roof that protects against the flow, raising a cut on piles. Modern processing trends already assume water-repellent and protective functions of the tree.

Protection and impregnation of wood worked oil

Oil processing protects wood from: beetles, rodents, mold and rot.

Possible wood processing tools

The technology of impregnation of wooden sleepers for the railway canvase offers processing with creosote, simply tar oil. In addition to him, other treatment of wood is possible with the following substances:

  • wax mixed with solvent;
  • linen oil, which contains a solvent;
  • Oliflas;
  • Exhausted machine oil.

Protection and impregnation of wood worked oil

The composition for impregnation of wood.

Regarding the latter, you can hear many disputes. Especially dangerous oil used on industrial industries and heavy machinery. Another option is to use machine oil from passenger cars. After a few days, it loses the caustic smell and destroying properties. Undoubtedly, this substance, like an oil impregnation, can be used exclusively for processing non-residential wooden rooms. For example, sheds, warehouses, various wooden buildings, caravals of wells, attic elements and other designs. Experienced carpenters have long been treated with oil hidden elements of buildings, such as rafters, ends and beam overlapping, inside and lags of floors and walls of walls going under the trim.

Processing the wood with waste oil is worth it in those places where the possibility of contacting the tree with the ground is large, where the log house has outdoor surfaces, which will later suffer from external temperature and other effects, for example, near the roof or foundation.

Machine Oil Processing Features

For the lack of other means of working out wood, such as tree lacquer or polymer paint, you can apply the exhaust oil where the remaining protection of powerless and the owners do not pursue the aesthetic goals of the decoration of the facade of the building.

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The advantages of using such impregnation for wood is low cost and reliability.

Oil treatment Tree protection against beetles, rodents, mold and rot for a long time, save wood hardness and color.

Even a partially affected area of ​​a wooden log cabin can safely cover with oil.

For optimal impact, it is recommended to prepare a mixture of tar and oil. Gudron paste melted in a metal container and into the waste oil composition that has not cooled to the end. The proportion of the mixture should be 1: 1. If the oil is already added to the cold melted tar, then it is better to pour its smaller amount. But apply such a mixture on the wood surface is best in warm form. After applying, the oil itself absorbs and dries without additional assistance.

As for the flammable properties of the used oil fluid, it is also a controversial question. The fact is that the machine for the engine engine initially add special substances that prevent the burning at high temperatures. The tree impregnated with waste oil will burn worse than the unprocessed. Nevertheless, it will be burning, so before applying it on the surface of the tree, you need to take care of the safety of the wooden structure.

For the impregnation of wood it is forbidden to use transformer and transmission oils. By the need to give preference to spent oil liquids of mineral properties.

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