Interesting options how to decorate aquarium


We tell how to choose a beautiful soil and safe underwater figures, which plants are better to plant, and also share other ideas for decorating an aquarium.

The decoration of the aquarium is a simple, but responsible occupation. It is necessary to select the decor so that it is simultaneously beautiful and suitable for fish. In addition, it is important to remember that a beautifully decorated aquarium can become a stylish interior addition: it can take care of the house in an environment, a modern apartment and even find a place in the trend vabi-sabi interior - the main thing, correctly choose filling and decorations.


Soil is the main decorative element of the aquarium, especially if there is no place for figures or corals. Bright bottom attracts attention and makes it possible to plant algae. In addition, it lives microorganisms that process the organic and purifying water.

Soil can be natural or artificial. It includes pebbles, sand, seashells; To artificial - plastic or glass stones and balls.

Before lays out into the aquarium, the ground is trained. If the sand and pebbles were going on nature, they were washed and extraneous impurities and algae. The sand is additionally passed through a small sieve. Any soil, even the store, is recommended to boil before use.

Before designing the bottom, make sure that the stones are smooth and do not have sharp corners so that the fish will not hurt about them.


Interesting options how to decorate aquarium


Interesting options how to decorate aquarium


Interesting options how to decorate aquarium

Artificial soil bought in pet store has several advantages. It is safe for fish, easy to care and is produced in different colors.

Underwater figures

Underwater figures - one of the most interesting ways to decorate aquarium. Their placement requires free space and somewhat complicates the cleaning process, but with their help you can create interesting compositions.

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When choosing underwater figures, you must pay attention to what they are made. If these are natural materials, such as a tree or stone, they must be sterilized. If plastic - make sure that it will not highlight hazardous chemicals. Figures must be made of plastic HDP, HDPE and LDPE.


Interesting options how to decorate aquarium


Interesting options how to decorate aquarium


Interesting options how to decorate aquarium


Interesting options how to decorate aquarium


Interesting options how to decorate aquarium

Also taken into account the breed of fish living in the aquarium. Some of them need secluded shelter, others need more free space.

Background for aquarium

Another simple decor way, which can even be done with your own hands - background for aquarium. It can be the usual self-adhesive paper that is applied to the back outer wall, or a bulk texture, imitating stones and corals, which is fixed inside the aquarium.

The background primarily helps to successfully hide equipment, filters and wires from the lamp. But, in addition, its color and texture create the final image of the aquarium. At the same time, it is worth a preference to a monochromatic nonsense background, if the decor and the inhabitants of the aquarium are bright and striking. If the desire arises to diversify the appearance of the aquarium, the background is selected bright.

Consider the design of the room in which the aquarium will be located. If the interior is neutral, then the bright background and the aquarium itself can become an interesting accent. If in the room and so enough decor, it is better to give preference to a quiet design or well consider the combination of colors and details.


Interesting options how to decorate aquarium


Interesting options how to decorate aquarium


Interesting options how to decorate aquarium


Interesting options how to decorate aquarium


Aquarium algae is divided into two types: artificial and alive. The choice directly depends on the type of fish. There are those that breathe atmospheric air, the neighborhood with artificial algae will not hurt them. Among them are the labyrinth fish of Cockerel and Macoopod.

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If it is planned to start fish, which is important to the concentration of oxygen in water, it is better to stop the choice of algae.

Live algae

Very effectively in the aquarium, algae Cababea, rogol, ammania and Rotala look at the aquarium. All of them are easily leaving in natural and artificial soil, do not require special care and turn the aquarium into the underwater forest. Selecting oxygen, they absorb excess carbon dioxide and make water in aquarium cleaner.


Interesting options how to decorate aquarium


Interesting options how to decorate aquarium


Interesting options how to decorate aquarium

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Artificial algae

Such algae have their advantages. Explicit advantages include cost-effectiveness and durability. They are indispensable in aquariums, where fish feed not only feed, but also by plants. In addition, they do not grow and do not need a weeding.


Interesting options how to decorate aquarium


Interesting options how to decorate aquarium


Interesting options how to decorate aquarium

Corals and anemones

These invertebrate animals create an exotic and unique atmosphere. They require attentive care and a large aquarium, at least 200 liters, so suitable experienced aquaries.

Corals have a hard skeleton and need to constantly filter water. The home aquariums use corals living in symbiosis with algae and do not require special feeding. These include dendroneph, Gorgonaria and Clawulyria.

When choosing a coral, remember that it may be neighboring only with herbivores, which will not want to turn it on in their diet.


Interesting options how to decorate aquarium


Interesting options how to decorate aquarium

Anemones - a subspecies of corals, not having a skeleton and the batter of the bottom with the suction cup. The most unpretentious for the decoration of the aquarium Anemone - Aktinia Konskaya, bubble and carpet.

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