At what height correctly hang a TV from the floor


Today, the TV is a practically unchanged attribute in every home or apartment. And if earlier it was cumbersome devices, and the question where to put the TV, did not stand sharply, now everything has changed. The TV became part of the interior, and its location plays an important role.

In addition, several televisions are often buying for home or apartments. And then their competent accommodation is simply necessary to avoid discomfort. Immediately it should be said that there are no compulsory rules and directions, at what height is it is necessary to locate the TV. There are a number of recommendations that need to know.

First of all, you need to determine which wall your TV will hang. Because from the base material of the wall will depend on which a set of necessary fasteners will have to be used. If the wall material is plasterboard, do not recommend hanging the monitor heavier than 35 kg. But there is a way to get around this limitation - use specialized fasteners, so-called "Molly".

At what height correctly hang a TV from the floor

When carrying out repair work, it is necessary to immediately decide where there will be a TV. And, accordingly, take care of the laying of cables and the manufacture of additional outlets. It is desirable to position the sockets for the future plasma panel, at a distance of about 10 cm from the lower or top edge of the monitor, depending on the convenience of access.

The installation of 4 additional outlets on the wall is recommended, three of which are electric and one - television. In a situation where the repair was already made, and with the location of the furniture managed to determine only at the last moment, the wires should be hidden under the floor plinth or a special box.

If you connect fantasy, a box, hiding wires, can harmoniously fit into the interior.

Choosing a place where the installation of a television screen is planned, it is necessary to take into account the location of furniture, windows and other light sources. Straight sun rays and glare should not fall on the screen, otherwise consider something on it will be difficult and pleasure will not bring such a view.

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The location of the television in the room and its height relative to the floor must be carefully selected, as in the end it will affect well-being and comfort. To do this, consider the nuances of the placement of the "Blue Screen" in different rooms, taking into account their destination.

In the bedroom

At what height correctly hang a TV from the floor

Here the height of the fastening of the television panel on the wall depends on the position from which it is planned to view. For the bedroom, it should be lower than standards adopted for other rooms.

Viewing the bedroom is most often happening in bed, so the panel is best to hang at a height of no more than 100-120 centimeters from the floor and a bit at an angle directed downwards. This will allow you to watch your favorite programs, conveniently adding to bed.

In the living room

At what height correctly hang a TV from the floor

The most frequent place where TVs are installed - living room. They are usually opposite the audience, that is, sofas and chairs. Selecting the panel size, it is necessary to consider the dimensions of the living room. The small room should have a television panel with a small diagonal. Because too close distance and violation of the prospects can cause discomfort, vision voltage, and then the headache.

In the case of a spacious living room, you can allow you to install a large dimension monitor. Secure it directly on the wall. So the space of the room is liberated, and the design will look more modern. TV diagonal pick in accordance with the size of the living room.

It is recommended to install the TV at a distance of 3-4 times more than its diagonal. That is, with a diagonal of 100 cm, the venues for viewers should be removed from the screen by 3-4 meters. Immediately you need to take into account, at what distance from the floor it is best to hang the plasma panel. Most often, the height ranges from 70 centimeters to 1.25 meters.

There is a simple way to decide which height is better to hang a TV on the wall in your living room. Residently arrange where you plan to watch TV and close your eyes for a few seconds. Then you need to open your eyes and just look at the wall on the contrary. The place where the look will stop, most likely will be optimal for the location of the screen in your case. On the recommendation of the doctors, the angle of inclination of the screen should be about 30 degrees, and the optimal height of the floor is about 1.35 meters.

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In children

At what height correctly hang a TV from the floor

In the children's room, the height from the floor, which will have to hang the television panel on the wall, it happens different. After all, the child is rarely delayed in one place, even to view your favorite transfer. Children are actively moving, and their classes can occur anywhere: on the floor, at the table, in bed.

It is difficult to choose a clear guideline. But the need to take into account the mobility of children suggests that the altitude of the location should be 10-15 percent more of their growth, as it is necessary to exclude the danger of a random collision of the child with the technique in the midst of the game.

It is not recommended to install large plasma panels in the nursery, as they can cause impairment of vision in the child.

In the kitchen

At what height correctly hang a TV from the floor

In the kitchen, comply with the standard rules difficult. Most often, the kitchen is a small room, and the place for fastening the TV at the recommended height is simply not. It is necessary to take into account the presence of heating devices that can spoil the equipment.

In addition, during the preparation of dishes, the favorite programs and programs simply listen. Also, the location of the kitchen furniture is unlikely to give the opportunity to install the TV panel opposite the eyes. Therefore, in the kitchen, the height of the floor fastening exceeds human growth. The most common place for fasteners is in the corner above the refrigerator.


At what height correctly hang a TV from the floor

If the solution to hang the TV on the wall is made finally, you will need special wall mounts (brackets). The bracket allows you to adjust the tilt and turn to convenient viewing. Fastenings are: fixed, inclined, oblique-rotary and movable.

Fixed mounts allow you to rigidly fix the TV panel at the selected height.

Inclined mounts are designed to fix the angle of the vertical tilt of the monitor. Do not allow adjustment in the horizontal plane.

Slope-swivel attachments make it possible to rotate the TV screen which asient, in any plane.

Moving fasteners have the functions of oblique-rotary, plus allow you to move the TV from the wall.

The general rule to select the height of the televisions in any premises is safety and aesthetics. Do not have the technique where it can be easily hooked, knock or damage, and the wires and cables should not be confused under your feet or spoil your interior.

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