Spikelet - Pattern for Knitting Children Plaid


The spikelet is a pattern for knitting a baby pad. A very beautiful bilateral pattern called "spikelet" knits in lush and relief columns. The pattern is not suitable for knitting a crochet of a children's warm plaid. Looking like a knitting pattern below.

Spikelet - Pattern for Knitting Children Plaid

Spikelet - Pattern for Knitting Children Plaid

ATTENTION: The scheme at the beginning of each row (only 12 rows) does not indicate the lifting air loops, there must be 3 in each row.

Spikelet - Pattern for Knitting Children Plaid

Relief concave column with an attachment ties according to the scheme below:

Spikelet - Pattern for Knitting Children Plaid

Knitting embossed lush column:

Spikelet - Pattern for Knitting Children Plaid

Turning the pattern of spikelets Children's plaid, in the last row, they check one row by the columns without a Nakid.

Spikelet - Pattern for Knitting Children Plaid

See also:

Knitting baby plaid with bears

Children's Plaid Rainbow Crochet

Children's crochet. Schemes

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