Locks for the inlet metal door: selection rules


Dogs for doors, are the basis of your safety, because they are your night watchman who protect your peace at night, and protects your property from uninvited guests during the day when you are at work. How do you choose the lock, what are the types and many other things, You kindly will tell our article, which is below present to your attention.

Value of locks

Locks for the inlet metal door: selection rules

Everyone, should think not only about his welfare, about work, about the health and the affairs of the urgent, but also about the security, both and their family. To achieve the required level of security, each person can help locks for doors that need to be installed on the entrance doors produced from durable material, namely metal. Many manufacturers of Chinese and other devices initially plan so that their product is suitable for metal doors.

Castles for metal doors are designed to protect you from unexpected guests, and from other uninvited visitors.

As a rule, every item has its own - purely individual purpose. The castle is necessary so that no one can get into your apartment, besides you, if earlier, the experienced thieves of the bearings, with the help of the knee, with ease and agility, opened any mortise or other bolsters, then in our time the situation has changed much. Open, good, high-quality protective mechanism for the metal door can not be far from every bear.

The newest technologies in our security service.

As you know, scientific progress in place is not worth it, it is constantly moving, grows and put up, and of course she touched this sector of security, namely mortal metal locks for the entrance doors. Thanks to its unique device and a complex system, reveal the modern lock for the metal door is practically unable, even the most experienced Warming Warm, the fact is that its device is provided with a security system that blocks any extraneous intervention, but the moment knows the native key.

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Mortise metal devices.

Cutting metal locks for Chinese and other doors are several types. Next, we will consider them.

Locks for the inlet metal door: selection rules


  • For a wooden door. There is a wide variety, among the castles for wooden doors. Between themselves, they differ in size, the number of parts of the mortise lock, which are referred to as the rigleels of the device of this type, there are both cruciform and cylinders. They provide an average degree of protection due to the presence of all sorts of combinations, which can only be opened with the help of the original key, or when the correct code is known, if it comes to the code lock.
  • Castle for the input door metal.

    Locks for the inlet metal door: selection rules


    By itself, the castle is a guarantor of security, only in a blow, with the door itself. In this case, the strength and reliability of not only the castle, but also the iron or metal reliable door itself is important. As a rule, the castle for the door made of metal, and itself is made of durable iron alloy. Equipped with the most reliable mechanism, it is practically not susceptible to hacking. On the other hand, it is quite difficult to knock out the reinforcement, quite difficult, even for an experienced thief.

  • Curling locks for narrow-profile metal doors. These locks have a more complex structure, and they differ from the usual narrow plank and a small bexet.

Locks for the inlet metal door: selection rules

Cutton Country

Such species have additional devices in their presence, as a latch, as well as they are made of reinforced iron. The castle for a metal door with a narrow profile is essentially a quality benchmark among the similar designs.

  • Overhead door locks. Are a simpler device, and as a rule they are used in residential premises. Such a mechanism will not be able to provide the necessary, according to modern standards, the safety rate, even if installed on the inlet iron surface.

How to choose a castle.

Before you buy an input lock for Chinese doors, it is necessary to carefully study its design, and only after that, you can proceed to the selection of the device. It will not be superfluous if you consult with a specialist before you get it for the input door. As a rule, door locks, although they go according to the standard, but they differ among themselves types that were painted slightly higher.

And before you buy a lock for the metal or lock for the front door, you need to carefully examine its design, its parameters and find out exactly what type of lock is the best way to suit you. The correctly selected key mechanism will provide you with security for which you will never experience.

Next, a table will be given in which quantitative information is given in more detail, how many secrets correspond to a specific castle class.

View of the castle.Number of secrets for class
Cylinder mechanism2500.5000.10000.25000.
Disk cylinder mechanism30000.100000.200000.300000.
Suwald mechanism1001000.50000.100000.

The history of the emergence or excursion to the past

The history of the emergence of Chinese castles takes its beginning in the oldest times, long before the Nativity of Christ. As is known to science, the very first devices were found in Egypt, China and Meternrech, although, which of the peoples inhabiting these ancient countries first invented the castle for the door - a story silent.

The first devices were pretty primitive, and reveal such a castle for the door, did not make a job, any man with dexterous hands. Of course, the technology changed over time, the material also changed from which the castle was made for the door, (first they did from the tree, then began to do from iron), their form, design and much more were changed.

Locks for the inlet metal door: selection rules

Locks for the inlet metal door: selection rules

Locks for the inlet metal door: selection rules

Locks for the inlet metal door: selection rules

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Locks for the inlet metal door: selection rules


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