Plants against animals: Benefits, Disadvantages, Conclusion


Sometimes it is very difficult to choose between animals and plants, who is better to start at home? There are many arguments for and against everyone, for example, the plant is not required to walk, but it is constantly necessary to water, and it will not be able to play with it.

Plants against animals: Benefits, Disadvantages, Conclusion

Pros and cons of houseplants

The first and indisputable plus of houseplants is the fact that they purify air, converting carbon dioxide into oxygen and eliminating malicious chemical compounds . Yes, and the atmosphere itself in the house becomes more cozy, if there is a greens in the room.

Plants against animals: Benefits, Disadvantages, Conclusion

Also important is the healing properties of some plants, for example, aloe juice, which is beneficial affecting human skin. Such plants are actively used in cosmetology and everyday life.

Plants against animals: Benefits, Disadvantages, Conclusion

Do not forget about the aesthetic side of the question - plants are used and as part of the well-thought-out room interior.

Even if you have no experience to care for indoor flowers and there is no time for this, you can always choose those varieties that do not require constant attention and watering, for example, cacti. But after all, not everyone likes such plants, so you should look for information about unpretentious home flowers and choose something more suitable for yourself.

Plants against animals: Benefits, Disadvantages, Conclusion

Before buying a bedroom plant, think about where you post it, because even with careful care, but the wrong location, the flower just dies. For example, some love constant sunlight, and others in such conditions immediately dry out. Follow not only information, but also by patience, periodically rearing the flower and watching it. As soon as the plant gives new leaves or begins to bloom, it means it is precisely in the place where it is necessary.

Consider that some plants can hire a danger, for example, poisonous poisonous for pets.

Plants against animals: Benefits, Disadvantages, Conclusion

Flowers actively moisturize air and even fight dust. But this is not all - healthy plants create their own energy charge and improve the total energy in the room.

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There are quite dangerous plants, for example:

  1. Tropical monster plant. Caring for it should be carried out exclusively in gloves, as the juice provokes swelling, and the leaf that carved a small child in his mouth leads to poisoning. To safely place the flower higher, so that no family member can contact him.
  2. Mokha, relandendron and browing are also dangerous for health, so such plants are better not to keep.

Plants against animals: Benefits, Disadvantages, Conclusion

As for the most favorable healthy plants, it is:

  1. Melissa and Geranians acting soothing on health, especially during sleep.
  2. The positive energy is created by Begonia and Pelargonium - they can be placed even in the bedroom, as well as geranium.
  3. Chlorofitrum, cypress and laurel struggle with viruses and bacteria, that is, they are perfect for breeding at school.
  4. The lemon tree has a positive effect on memory, so it is better to install it in the working area.

Plants against animals: Benefits, Disadvantages, Conclusion

Chlorophytum has most popular in recent times, since it is better than others fighting air pollution and eliminates microbes. He even eliminates formaldehyde, improving the mood and giving power to everyone who is constantly in contact with it.

Pluses and Cides Pets

Take an animal at home - extremely useful for the health of an adult, and especially for the baby. To the indisputable advantages of such a neighborhood, the following can be attributed:

  • heat source and affection;
  • Real disinterested friendship;
  • Help in social adaptation for children;
  • Accuction to discipline and responsibility, because each of them needs to be careful, walking and feed several times a day.

Plants against animals: Benefits, Disadvantages, Conclusion

The most important plus availability of a pet is endless happiness, because he will not let you be bored.

Plants against animals: Benefits, Disadvantages, Conclusion

But do not forget about the negative sides of such a neighborhood:

  1. Possible presence of an allergic reaction.
  2. Permanent care.
  3. Possible development of infections, even subject to constant visits to the veterinarian.
  4. The presence of a characteristic smell.

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Plants against animals: Benefits, Disadvantages, Conclusion

Nevertheless, the main minus can be called the fact that with a pet sooner or later will have to say goodbye, since the period of his life is much less than human.

How to protect indoor plants from domestic animals (1 video)

Difficult choice: indoor plants or pets? (10 photos)

Plants against animals: Benefits, Disadvantages, Conclusion

Plants against animals: Benefits, Disadvantages, Conclusion

Plants against animals: Benefits, Disadvantages, Conclusion

Plants against animals: Benefits, Disadvantages, Conclusion

Plants against animals: Benefits, Disadvantages, Conclusion

Plants against animals: Benefits, Disadvantages, Conclusion

Plants against animals: Benefits, Disadvantages, Conclusion

Plants against animals: Benefits, Disadvantages, Conclusion

Plants against animals: Benefits, Disadvantages, Conclusion

Plants against animals: Benefits, Disadvantages, Conclusion

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