What to do if there appeared in the parquet


Parquet or a board of this kind that adorn the floors of an apartment or a country house will undoubtedly give him charm and comfort. Nevertheless, the careless handling of such a coating can cause different kinds of damage. This can be both an illiterate movement of heavy items and wearing the shoes in the room. Therefore, sooner or later, every hostess is faced with the task, how to remove scratches on the floor.

How to remove scratches on a parquet board at home

What to do if there appeared in the parquet

A parquet board, adorning the floors in the apartment, looks very expensive and presentable, it can become a special accent, which will give the highlight to the whole interior. However, the blows that have arisen on it are able to spoil all the impression. That is why it is important to find answers to the question of how to remove scratches from a parquet board.

It can be noted such the most effective ways to combat parquet damage:

What to do if there appeared in the parquet

  • It is necessary to choose a suitable shade of the means, the benefit of economic stores is presented a considerable range;
  • The wax is token by heating in the oven or microwave;
  • You need to apply this tool using a spatula, directly deep scratch;
  • At the end of application, it is necessary to crush the surface;
  • When the tool serves, damage damage should be polished with a soft tissue.

What to do if there appeared in the parquet

  • scratch need to grasp the core, as a result of which it will acquire a dark shade;
  • It is important to remember that there should be no such method on the floor of light tones, because the lathe paint will only emphasize damage.

What to do if there appeared in the parquet

What to do if there appeared in the parquet

What to do if there appeared in the parquet

What to do if there appeared in the parquet

  • The color of this means should be darker on the tone than the parquet board;
  • First, remove dust from the floor surface and other contaminants;
  • Then apply a putty to a scratch or chipping and crumple it;
  • After the layer is completely dry, it must be pasted using sandpaper;
  • In conclusion, it is required to cover the damaged area of ​​the parquet board.

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What to do if there appeared in the parquet

  • Clean the gap and expand it a little with the help of the chisel;
  • After the damage is cleaned, it is necessary to put a small wooden clina, lubricated with glue;
  • When the surface serves, remove the excess means and polish the floor.

How to remove scratches on a lacquered parquet

Parquet, which has a lacquered coating, is quite difficult to put in order after the occurrence of various kinds of damage. Nevertheless, modern means have made several methods that decide how to remove scratches from the parquet of this type.

What to do if there appeared in the parquet

What to do if there appeared in the parquet

It is worth noting that it is not too difficult to remove scratches from the lacquered coating, but in the case when they are too deep, it makes sense to cause a special brigade, which, applying modern materials, with ease solves this problem.

Parquet Board Care Rules

What to do if there appeared in the parquet

To avoid damage to the parquet, you must purchase silicone linings on the feet of furniture.

After the repair is completed, a parquet board is on the floors, you need to clearly imagine the basics of care for it in order to prevent the likelihood of damage to the appearance of the appearance.

  • When going to move the furniture, and just post it on a parquet board, it makes sense to take care of the acquisition of special silicone settings on the legs. The latter are perfectly soften and facilitate their movement on the floor, absolutely excluding possible damage to the parquet.
  • In the case when pets live in the apartment, you need to follow their claws and to trim them in a timely manner, and, in mandatory, wash your paws after walking on the street.
  • For washing a parquet board, you need to use special funds, the choice of which in the business stores is very large. In addition, it makes sense to regularly use mastic, varnishes and polyters, which will make the surface of the parquet well-groomed and shiny.

What to do if there appeared in the parquet

  • We will not be able to walk around the house in slippers on a soft sole and, if possible, avoid shoes on sharp heels.
  • You should not wash the parquet board too often, the perfect version of its purification is the vacuum cleaner, followed by a wet rag floor cleaning.

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A parquet floor decorating a dwelling is able to please their owners with an excellent appearance for many years. However, it is possible to achieve this, only paying close attention to the care of it and timely removing the damage and scratches in a timely manner.

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