Regulations for installing a gas boiler


Gas still remains the cheapest fuel type. Accordingly, the cheapest heating is obtained on natural gas. True, the installation of a gas boiler is associated with certain difficulties - the premises must comply with fire safety standards.

Regulations for installing a gas boiler

To install powerful gas boilers, a separate room is required.

Gas boiler installation standards

In order to do not have trouble when receiving a gas boiler, the installation is required to choose in accordance with current standards. The installation of a gas boiler in a private house (single-wired or blocked) is regulated by SNiP 31-02-2001, and the installation rules in apartment buildings are registered in SNiP 2.08.01.

For private houses

According to the norms, the gas boiler can be installed in the ventilated area, which is:

  • on the first floor of the house;
  • in the basement or basement;
  • in the attic:
  • Gas boilers with a capacity of up to 35 kW (MDS 41.2-2000 to 60 kW) can be installed in the kitchen.

With regard to the installation of boilers in the kitchen, two norms are currently operating. According to one document, it is possible to place heating devices with a capacity of no more than 35 kW, according to another - no more than 60 kW. And we are talking about heating devices. Gas plates or other technique using gas is not taken into account.

Regulations for installing a gas boiler

How and where to position the gas boiler

How to do? You need to find out what the rules hold in your Gorghause. After all, it is their representatives will be commissioned. Actually, all the subtleties should tell you the designer, but also to know this is desirable - you will need to prepare the installation room.

Now about where and how gas equipment can be placed. It will be about gas boilers and columns, their power is summed:

  • with power up to 150 kW inclusive - in a separate room on any floor, including in the basement and basement;
  • From 151 kW to 350 kW inclusive - in a separate room of the first, basement or basement, as well as in a separate attached room.

More powerful installations in private homes are not used.

Requirements for kitchens on which a gas boiler is installed

When placed in the kitchen of a flow gas water heater or a heating boiler with a capacity of up to 60 kW, the room must meet the following standards:

  • The volume of the room should be at least 15 cubic meters, plus 1 cubic meter for each kilowatt power of the gas boiler.
  • The height of the ceiling is not less than 2.5 m.
  • Ventilation:
    • extractority with a capacity of at least three-time space;
    • The influx is the same, plus the air to burning.
  • The presence of a window with a window. The area of ​​the window depends on the thickness of the glass. With a glass of 3 mm thick, the area of ​​one glass (only glass only) should not be less than 0.8 m2, with a thickness of 4 mm - at least 1 m2, glass 5 mm - 1.5 m2.
  • At the bottom of the door, a vent hole is needed (grille or gap between the door and floor) with a size of at least 0.025 m2.

    Regulations for installing a gas boiler

    Organization of branch of combustion products in the floor gas boiler

There is one more, which is not written in the rules, but which exists: the installation of the gas boiler is allowed only indoors with the doors. In the light of the latest trends - to remove partitions, and instead of doors to make arches - it may be a problem. Without the door, permission will not sign. Exit - put sliding (sliding) or folding doors. Another option is glass doors. They do not "ship" the interior, but they are perceived as doors.

All these requirements must be performed. With violations, you just do not sign an act of acceptance.

Requirements for individual premises

Requirements for individual boiler rooms are similar, but there are some differences:

  • The height of the ceilings is at least 2.5 m;
  • The volume and area of ​​the room are determined by the convenience of maintenance, but should not be less than 15 m3.
  • The walls leading to the adjacent premises must have a limit of fire resistance of 0.75 h and the zero limit of the spread of fire in design (brick, concrete, building blocks).
  • Hood with the same requirements: on outflow - three-time exchange, on the inflow in the same volume, plus air to burning.
  • The room should have a window. The glass area is not less than 0.03 m2 per cubic meter volume.

If the equipment is installed with a capacity of 150 kW, one of the mandatory conditions is the exit to the street. The second output can be equipped - into the utility room (not dwelling). It can be a storeroom or corridor. Doors should be fire prevention.

Regulations for installing a gas boiler

So remove the chimney from the wall gas boiler with a closed combustion chamber

Please note that when calculating windows is the glass area, and not the size of the window opening. Moreover, in some cases, the presence of at least one glass with an area of ​​at least 0.8 square meters is required. If you increase the windows problematic, you can make a similar window in the door (the standard does not say that it should be in the wall).

How to add boiler rooms

Sometimes in the house there is no possibility to highlight a separate room. In this case, the boiler house is attached. The standards in the height of the ceilings, the volume, glazing and ventilation remain the same as for individual premises, only more specific norms are added:

  • The boiler room is attached to a solid wall. The nearest window or door should be at least a meter.
  • Walls must be non-flammable. This means that they should provide 0.75 hours before ignition (45 minutes). Such materials are brick, concrete, rikushnyak, slagoblock, foam and gas concrete.
  • The extension walls should not be combined with the main building. That is, the foundation is made separate, incoherent, all four walls are built.

    Regulations for installing a gas boiler

    An extension should be built on a non-visible foundation

Note that the extension must be registered. Without official documents on her, no one will give you gas. And yet: when it is design, lay all the rules without deviations, otherwise they will not accept. If the installation of the gas boiler is planned in the already existing room, some deviations can close their eyes or offer a certain compensation (with the lack of volume, the height of the ceilings may be asked to increase the glazing area). For newly under construction buildings (and attachments too) there are no such discounts: all regulations should be laid in them.

United Kitchens

Today it became fashionable to have studio apartments or combine the kitchen with the living room. It turns out a single large space in which it is easy to implement designer ideas. But, the gas service regards such a room as a residential and put gas equipment prohibits.

Regulations for installing a gas boiler

Install the gas boiler in the kitchen only in the presence of working ventilation and doors

With the apartment-studio, it will not be possible to solve the problem, and there is a combined output. If you are only planning to combine the kitchen and living room, when documenting the documents, the room has a kitchen-dining room. This room is not residential, so there will be no restrictions. If the papers are already decorated, you can try to remake them or go to another way - install the sliding partition. True, in this case, the alteration of documents will be removed.

Place to install a gas boiler

If we speak specifically about apartments, then gas boilers are installed in them mostly in the kitchens. There are all the necessary communications: water supply, gas, there is a window and extract. It remains only to determine the appropriate place for the boiler. For such an installation, wall (mounted) boilers use. They are installed on several hooks fixed on the walls (usually go in the kit).

As for the installation in other premises of the apartment or at home, as a rule, none of them passes according to the requirements. For example, there is no windows with natural light in the bathroom, the corridor is usually not suitable in size - there are not enough tolerances from corners or to the opposite wall, usually no ventilation is completely or in an insufficient volume. With storage rooms, the same trouble - no ventilation and windows, lack volume.

Regulations for installing a gas boiler

The exact distance from the walls and other items is indicated in the operating instructions for the boiler.

If there is a stairs to the second floor in the house, the owners often want to put the boiler under the stairs or in this room. In terms of volume, it usually passes, and on ventilation will have to do it very powerful - the volume is considered in two levels and it is necessary to ensure its three-time exchange. This requires several pipes (three or more) of a very large cross section (at least 200 mm).

After it was decided on the installation of a gas boiler, it remains to find a place for it. It is selected based on the type of boiler (wall or outdoor) and manufacturer's requirements. The suggestion is usually written in detail the distances from the wall on the right / left, the height of the installation relative to the floor and the ceiling, as well as the distance from the front surface to the opposite wall. They may differ from different manufacturers, so it is worth carefully studying the manual.

SNU installation rates

In the absence of such recommendations in the equipment passport, the installation of a gas boiler can be carried out according to the recommendations of SNIPA 42-101-2003 P 6.23. It says:

  • The gas boilers can be installed on non-aggravated walls at a distance of at least 2 cm from it.
  • If the wall is employed or combustable (wooden, frame, etc.) it must be protected by a non-burning material. It can be a three millimeter sheet of asbestos, on top of which a metal sheet is fixed. Also, the protection of the plaster is considered a layer of at least 3 cm. In this case, it is necessary to hang the boiler at a distance of 3 cm. The dimensions of the non-controlled material must exceed the size of the boiler by 10 cm from the sides and below, and from above should be more than 70 cm.

Regarding the sheet of asbestos, questions may arise: today it is recognized as a dangerous material for health. It is possible to replace it with a layer of cardboard from mineral wool. And even consider that ceramic tile is also considered a non-burning base, even if it is laid on wooden walls: a layer of glue and ceramics just give the required fire resistance.

Regulations for installing a gas boiler

On the wooden wall, the gas boiler can only be hung in the presence of a non-burning substrate.

The installation of a gas boiler relative to side walls is also regulated. If the wall is non-combustible - the distance cannot be less than 10 cm, for flammable and hard-hand it is 25 cm (without additional protection).

If an outdoor gas boiler is installed, the base should be non-flammable. If the floor is wooden, make a non-flammable stand, which should provide a limit of fire resistance in the range of 0.75 hours (45 minutes). These are or bricks laid on spoons (in 1/4 bricks), or a thick ceramic floor tile, which is put on top of the asbestos listened on a metal sheet. The dimensions of the non-combustible again - by 10 cm more than the dimensions of the installed boiler.

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