Drawings on the walls with their own hands will create a mood, and make interior unique


Standard houses do not have faces and are deprived of individuality. The color of the walls in various tones and sticking wallpaper will change little housing and will not be able to highlight it among the same planning of apartments. Provides the interior with an original look and make a room unique, pictures on the walls do it yourself. Even if you do not know how to draw, there will be ways to decorate the surface of the room with simple images.

Drawings on the walls with their own hands will create a mood, and make interior unique

Give the interior with an original look and make the room unique can drawings on the walls

Tradition wall decoration painting

In Russia, traditionally decorated their accommodation with drawings. On the walls, oven and between the windows, horses were concerned with swan necks, bright birds and lush flowers, spikelets and sun. Images were more successful and accessible to all, without special talents to paint. In the figure, it was possible to determine the locality where the person comes from.

In modern cultures, traditions are preserved to decorate the walls with painting. In the east, with the help of patterns with burgundy and gold paints, the inner decoration of the house give a rich appearance. Housing looks luxurious than his owner lives.

Japanese blooming sakura can be seen on cane shirms separating the room on the room. Between flowers, birds usually flute.

Drawings on the walls with their own hands will create a mood, and make interior unique

In modern cultures, traditions are preserved to decorate the walls with painting

In Greece draw grapes. Weave the vine, carved leaves and ripe borders. Complement the main theme of roses. These plants traditionally grew in the valleys and on the slopes of the mountains. Decorated gardens and palaces. Their images switched to the walls inside the houses of ordinary citizens who adorned housing with their own hands.

Modern apartment will decorate the drawing on the walls. It is necessary to think through the composition so that it corresponds to the thematic design and purpose of the room. Cabinet will look ridiculous with cartoon characters. The motley image in the bedroom will break the surroundings of rest and rest.

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Drawings on the walls with their own hands will create a mood, and make interior unique

Modern apartment will decorate the drawing on the walls

Preparation of surface surface

You can draw a picture in the technique of frescoes or to put the image on the dry plaster.

In any case, it is necessary to prepare the wall:

  1. Clean the surface to masonry.
  2. Apply a layer of cement-sand plaster for alignment. If necessary, make several layers.
  3. Cove the wall with primer.
  4. The fresco is applied with lime.
  5. For dry painting, the wall is covered with a putty, hesitated and ground.

Drawings on the walls with their own hands will create a mood, and make interior unique

It is necessary to think through the composition so that it corresponds to the thematic design and purpose of the room.

Confident in their abilities can use the drawing technique for wet plaster and create a fresco. The sketch is made along the wall with a pencil. Then the image is created by tempera paints. It is necessary to draw quickly until the plaster dried. It will give lines the natural smoothness of color transitions.

The exact similarity with real objects is not necessary and can be easily cope with your own hands. For frescoes, a general composition is important without drawing individual small elements. The rest will take care of the raw stucco.

Clear lines and tone transitions are made along a dry projected wall. First, the background is created, then the elements are drawn. It is not necessary to rush and you can study the finish in the office or bedroom for several days. Background and smooth transitions of the deteps are easiest to create a canister with paint. Contours and minor elements draw a thin brush.

Cabinet transformation and visual sizes

I decided to create a unique interior in the apartment. To begin with, I decided to transform the office to think about the finish of the rest of the rooms in the new setting. Shut down the floor and began the preparation of the wall. Drawing and paint prepared in advance. Work solved in the technique of frescoes.

The small office will become more spacious if you can portray the street or Alya Park, leaving outside the room. Long searched for a picture corresponding to my taste. As a result, he painted at home, surrounded by trees and the road between them, leading to the beach. I wanted to make the office warm, adding the image of the southern sun.

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Drawings on the walls with their own hands will create a mood, and make interior unique

Fresco on the wall in the interior

The first was a can of blue paint. In the corners of the sky is dark. Then blue color and middle almost white. The strip of water was visible in a turquoise tide. Ultramarine emphasized the depth of water, white waves lamb. In the sky, yellow paint drew a circle and crushed him with a can with paint on the tone. The office was warmer from the sun drawn by her hands.

Then a wide brush draws home, medium trees and fences. By gray background, thin lines emphasized a blocking. The latter cabinet on the wall was decorated with small details of the windows, roofs, the contours of flying birds.

Having spent half a day, I converted the office to be unrecognizable with my own hands. Creating backgrounds and large elements by the canopy significantly accelerated work. I finished the picture on the wall before the plaster dried. A day later covered his masterpiece special wax. You can use matte varnish.

Drawings on the walls with their own hands will create a mood, and make interior unique

Wall decoration in the apartment with the help of frescoes

What can portray not know how to draw

I am not confident in your forces to artists I advise you to start with a drawing on dry plaster. Work can be done with your own hands for several days, breaking it to the steps.

It should be prepared in advance:

  • The surface of the wall;
  • sketch of the future drawing;
  • acrylic and oil paints;
  • brushes of different widths;
  • Airbrush and paint cans;
  • stencil for ornament;
  • roller

Tree paint easily. His contour can decorate the hallway, the office, the bedroom. Depending on style, the image can be monophonic and multicolored. It is not difficult to portray your hands branches with birds, flowers and butterflies.

On thin plastic, draw the contours of small images or geometric elements. Using scissors, make a template and apply a roller multi-colored patterns on the walls.

Drawings on the walls with their own hands will create a mood, and make interior unique

It is not difficult to portray your hands branches with birds, flowers and butterflies

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Oriental patterns for patient

Quran prohibits to draw all living things. Therefore, in Muslim countries, housing decorate patterns. Geometric ornaments are intertwined with fantastic liaans, decorated with unusual plants. Creating a similar decor does not require the talent of the artist.

Patience is necessary:

  • Draw a sketch of the future painting;
  • Break on the items;
  • Create a pattern of the geometric framework;
  • Add vegetable elements.

Paints pick up the room. For kitchen and bright living room, contrasting. In the bedroom pastel tones. In the cabinet strict tones, restrained shades. Drawing on the wall to save coat with matte transparent varnish.

Drawings on the walls with their own hands will create a mood, and make interior unique

Oriental patterns for patient

Wall drawings transfer methods

Simple, mastered in childhood way to enlarge pictures in squares, I applied in the bedroom. Found a beautiful image. A little changed it using Photoshop. Then printed on the printer, before applying the grid. I did not want to draw her with your own hands. The wall broke on the same number of squares. Then pencil drawn the contour of the pattern on the wall.

Drawings on the walls with their own hands will create a mood, and make interior unique

Painting Wall Acrylic Paints

In the hallway, I tried to make the contour of the drawing on the cardboard in a natural size and drilled a lot of small holes over the lines. I attached a scotch all to the wall and walked with a brush with graphite. The points then connected and made the drawing on them.

A complex picture of a carved table under the tree printed and put the leaf before the projector. Then made brighter colors and dark contour lines. According to the second option, transfer the image on the wall has become much easier. So in the kitchen added drawing with a corner of a cafe in the garden.

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