Knit crocheted sundress for the girl. Scheme


Knit crocheted sundress for a girl. Scheme. Beautiful and original version of sundress for a small princess. Sarafan is associated with a hook of a half-walled yarn of columns with Nakud. Sarafan is decorated with Lower border from motifs with flowers.

Knit crocheted sundress for a girl. Scheme

Knit crocheted sundress for the girl. Scheme

Knit crocheted sundress for the girl. Scheme

Syrafan crochet crochet circuit for a girl. Before.

Knit crocheted sundress for the girl. Scheme

Syrafan crochet crochet circuit for a girl. Back.

Knit crocheted sundress for a girl. Scheme

Knit crocheted sundress for the girl. Scheme

Knit crocheted sundress for a girl. Scheme

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