Kraft packages do it yourself: master class with templates and photos


The strength and simplicity of the type of craft-paper allowed it to become not only a packaging for products and parcels, but also an excellent web for a gift handicraft. Bright decorations on such paper, even a plain ribbon, create an impression of decorating a master with a sophisticated taste and attentive to small things. Such an impression helps to increase the aesthetic value of the packaged gift in the eyes of the recipient. Create kraft packages for gifts with your own hands is quite simple, as and decorating them.

Kraft paper bag

Before you begin to follow the master class to create kraft packages, you must collect the following materials:

  • Kraft paper sheet;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • hole puncher;
  • Ribbon, lace or rope.

Put the sheet in front of yourself in the landscape projection. One of the side edges bend to yourself. The width of the fold is about 2 cm.

Kraft packages do it yourself: master class with templates and photos

We turn the sheet and lubricate the fold on the top of the glue. The opposite edge is glued to the collar.

Kraft packages do it yourself: master class with templates and photos

The resulting part bend in the sides to give a square shape package.

Kraft packages do it yourself: master class with templates and photos

Then the sides need to be symmetrically bend inside the package and go to the creation of the bottom.

Bend the bottom of the package from yourself, about 5 cm.

Kraft packages do it yourself: master class with templates and photos

After that, the corner on the bending once again bend into triangles to the line of the previous fold.

Kraft packages do it yourself: master class with templates and photos

Further, the bottom unfolds and the side edges of the narrow walls of the package turn inside, receiving the similarity of two trapecies.

Kraft packages do it yourself: master class with templates and photos

The side walls of the package are given in a flat position, while the trapezoids mentioned slightly bended in the middle.

Kraft packages do it yourself: master class with templates and photos

To glue the bottom, the glue is spotted on the sides of the trapez and the space between them, after which the sides of the trapezion bend inside. At first it is performed for one side of two trapeats, then for another.

Kraft packages do it yourself: master class with templates and photos

After drying the glue, the bottom is straightened - the package can already stand independently. The top of the package should be slightly bent in the direction of the bottom and make the cutters with holes in it, in which the tape is tape. A kraft package will turn out, as the following photo:

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Kraft packages do it yourself: master class with templates and photos

Create a kraft package can be guided by the following template:

Kraft packages do it yourself: master class with templates and photos

To make the top of the kraft package not bent, but with separate handles, you need to seal the edge of the top. To do this, you can finish in the beginning of the craft into the wrong side of the paper, bonding the resulting fold. After drying and doing the holes, the hole panel should stretch the tape through the holes of the ring, touching it into the node inside the package, or make a handle from two tapes associated inside before the holes in large nodules.

In some homemade kraft packages, to cover the seams of the bottom inside the product, laundered a rectangle from paper or dense cardboard in size, but it is not necessary.

Go to the design

The created kraft package can be issued not only by various types of ties on top, but also by other decorative elements.

On the surface of the package you can apply your own drawing. For drawing on such a surface, the mascara, coal, pastel, sepia, sangin are best suited. The drawing can be both a solid composition and a set of small elements, as in the photo:

Kraft packages do it yourself: master class with templates and photos

In addition to the drawing, the paper can be glued with a variety of flat crafts, both from paper and from fabric, acrylic, etc.

Kraft packages do it yourself: master class with templates and photos

The top of the package can be left smooth or done by corrugated. It also looks very beautiful, lace is also described, at which you can save them a package, or move the lace pattern to the surface of the paper using paint and sponge.

Kraft packages do it yourself: master class with templates and photos

Decorations can be flowers from craft-paper, using patterns for patterns from ordinary paper. Such decorations look like this:

Kraft packages do it yourself: master class with templates and photos

Never neglect natural materials in the decoration of kraft packages: branches of the Christmas tree, bumps, acorns on the rollers are perfectly suitable for light woody paper.

Some aspects in work

In order to arrange the surface of the kraft package with its own pattern or print print, it is necessary to start before gluing the package itself, since the density of the material may interfere with the full printing of printing or extruding the drawing line on the other side of the package.

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If the paper is marked, it can be aligned with the following ways:

  • sprinkle with purified water, put between two layers of the material absorbing water and put for several days under a heavy press, for example, under stacks of books;
  • Align the iron to the paper with a thin towel. At the same time, the temperature should be varied gradually from low to greater, so as not to spoil the paper;
  • "Retribute" paper about the table with a solid cylindrical subject, level edges and angles, squeezing between the index finger and the scissors clinch, which lines most of the folds, but can make the surface of the paper round in relation to the plane.

Kraft packages do it yourself: master class with templates and photos

In general, the main part in creating a good kraft package is its gluing, and the remaining moments are an additional component of the process.

Video on the topic

Video for training and borrowing ideas for creating kraft packages:

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