What flowers to put in the country in the spring


What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

Without a doubt, the most favorable sometimes for planting colors is spring. With the onset of the first warm spring days, many gardeners begin to think about what flowers it is better to plant in spring at the cottage.

First of all, early bully, such as snowdrops and lilies should be placed on the site.


Snowdrops perfectly transfer the differences of the minus and the positive temperature. Planting snowdrops is better at well-lit places, but it should be remembered that snowdrops do not like the place where the soil is dried in the summer. Very nice snowdrops look in combination with shrubs and trees. It is better to plant snowdrops in conjunction with sealing flocks, peonies, hosts and thyme. Very nice snowdrops will look at the Alpine Gorki.

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring


In order for lilies to bloom in the same year, when they were planted, you need to choose only healthy, adult bulbs. If planted in spring children, then bloom will be only in the next vegetative period.

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

In addition to the bulbous Spring landing, all seed flowers are suitable. These are all the flowers that breed with seeds. These include chrysanthemums, asters, velvets, petunias, carnations and bells.


Astra should be dried in early spring, then to cover the primer with the film until the threat of late frosts will pass. It should be remembered that only annual types of ASTR are suitable for landing in the spring. Perennials multiply from the bush and fall in the fall.

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring


As soon as the spring frosts are completed, you can start crop chrysanthemums. In this case, the plants will fit perfectly and enshrine in the ground, which will allow them to calmly overrev. Looking out chrysanthemum cuttings best at the end of May. For landing, chrysanthemums are best suited well-lit hills.

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What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring


Velhets are thermal-loving flowers that do not tolerate freezing. In addition, these flowers do not tolerate a lot of moisture, although at the initial stage of germination it is better if the soil is quite humid. For the cultivation of seedlings, seeds should be sowed from March 15 to April 10.

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring


Petunia is very unpretentious plants. We multiply predominantly seeds. Drain seeds for seedlings is best in March. Flowers will dissolve after 70-75 days after sowing. In order for the seeds, it is necessary to comply with the following conditions:

• air temperature + 22 ° ... + 24 ° C;

• Humidity - 95-98%.

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring


Carnation is also a flower that is better to plant in spring. Landing for seedlings is held in early March. Perennial grades of carnations multiply with cuttings or the division of the bush.

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring


What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring


To land the bells, you need to choose a rather lit place, slightly replaced from the direct rays of the sun. For seedlings, bells better drain after the end of frosts. Two weeks after germination, flowers can be planted in an open ground. The bells do not necessarily take a large space, as they can grow enough closely.

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

Flowers that breed with tubers are also planted in spring. However, in order to plant them, a consistently high temperature of the air should be established. Otherwise, the tubers will frozen. In such colors include dahlias and some types of chrysanthemums.


Georgina - very beautiful and bright colors. They are widely used as border flowers, they are perfect for landing in the country area. Planting Tejberry Georgin need not earlier than the middle of May in a good warm soil. If the grade dahlia is tall, when disembarking, it is recommended to immediately install support for it.

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

What flowers to put in the country in the spring

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