What does interior doors with a quarter mean


The modern market of interroom doors has in its assortment a variety of options and types of these designs and it happens that the consumer is extremely difficult to make a choice in such an abundance.

There are several grades for interior door devices: they are distinguished by the type of discovery, according to the material of the web and, of course, by the type of construction itself. What are the main types of doors exist in the modern market?

What does interior doors with a quarter mean

Choose the doors with a quarter

Main varieties

To date, there are three main types of structures:

  1. Massive devices. Machine from the massif of natural wood. The feature of the design is that it does not have inside absolutely no cavities, therefore, has a significant weight - the tree is rather heavy material. It is usually manufactured from particularly valuable wood wood, and therefore has a high market value. The undoubted advantages of the door device from the massif - in strength, aesthetic attractiveness, long service life.
  2. Semi-massive designs. Difference from the massif - in the presence of small cavities that hide under dense sheets and the purpose of which in alleviating the solid weight of the door frame.
  3. Semi-massive devices with fillers from organic and other "cellular materials". This type of interior construction is very popular with a modern consumer. The essence of the device - the voids in the wood canvas is filled with an organomet or other filler with similar properties.
  4. Therapy and smooth devices of doorways. The difference between them is that the scaffolding the structure has various excavations and cuts, and the smooth remains perfectly even.
  5. Under the glass. Such a type is easy to distinguish with the presence of a cutout in the canvas, which actually fastes the glass insert. For a long time, one of the most sought-after in the design of residential premises with the type of doors, since the rich selection of glass inserts allows you to combine the design with any style - from strict classicism to trendy high-tack.

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What does interior doors with a quarter mean

There are also the following types and types: deaf, single-pile, two-fold, left-sided, right-sided, veneered and laminated.

What does interior doors with a quarter mean

Interior doors design options

In addition to the main gradation, there is a separate separation of interroom doors. We will analyze their classification in more detail:

  1. The dispenser interior device is characterized by a certain way of opening - sprinkling, from here and quite eloquent name. Such designs can be opened in one and two sides, because there are single and double-minded subspecies in their ruler. Most often in the design of residential premises, swinging devices from an array or their cheaper plastic option are used.
  2. Foldable interroom door design is needed in those rooms where you need to save each meter of free space. Material for their manufacture - various types of plastic, and therefore folding doors are most accessible in price costs for the consumer.
  3. Interesting variation of the design of the doorway - installation of a coupe. Such a device can be of two types - shifting (in the database only one door leaf) and sliding (consists of two canvases). Most often, designers use a coupe for zonal separation of the interior (for example, in the design of one-room apartment or studio apartment). Door-coupe - one of the most expensive subspecies of interroom door devices.

There are more rare subtypes for registration of interior space - Saluine doors swinging doors. They are good in the arrangement of the design of the entertainment establishment, but absolutely not practical in the residential premises.

One of the unique door devices are interior doors with a quarter (photo). What is it and how such a door is different from the usual - let's try to tell in detail in this article.

What does interior doors with a quarter mean

Interior doors with a quarter: What is the originality of the design?

Distinguish the usual door leaf from the construction with a quarter visually quite easily: the latter have a minimum of lumen and gaps between the box and the canvas. The reason for this is a special "influx", overlapping the lumen between the pollen of the box. In this case, the original device comes in this case, the increased characteristics of soundproof and reliably protects the space closed by the door from penetration of dirt and dust particles.

Useful properties are not reflected in the aesthetic qualities of interior doors with a quarter: they perfectly complement the design of the apartment of any stylist (photo).

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What does interior doors with a quarter mean

Secret technology

How do producers manage to achieve almost the complete absence of lumen in the finished door design? To answer this question, let's analyze the device of interroom door boxes with a quarter.

If we consider such a design from the end, you can see that three-quarters of the total thickness of the door are chosen, and the last quarter is left. To the doors with a quarter assembled, a bell is attached, in which the individual last quarter is perfectly adjacent to the material, without leaving any slots and lumen in the door frame.

What does interior doors with a quarter mean

The main advantages of interior doors with a quarter

The doors of this device appeared on the market relatively recently and are considered an innovative novelty, and therefore the consumer can be sure that it acquires the design not only fashionable in the interior plan, but also a high-quality high-tech product.

Such a door box will be acquired and practical and economical - most of the device with a quarter are manufactured not made from the wood array, but from special durable plastic, the cost of which is low.

What does interior doors with a quarter mean

Choose interior doors with a festival

The interroom door assembly allows you to maintain the maximum heat in the residential room - the absence of lumen and all sorts of gaps, through which warm air usually comes out. The same quality allows you to protect the closed room from the penetration of dust particles and extraneous noise.

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