How to choose wallpapers for the hallway and corridor: 6 species and photos


How to choose wallpapers for the hallway and corridor: 6 species and photos

Wallpaper in the hallway form the first impression of an apartment entrance or a corridor - the space that is "the beginning" of the house. Everyone who comes into the room falls into the corridor, which serves as a guide between the rest of the apartment or at home. Today manufacturers offer such a wide range of wallpaper, which sometimes it is very difficult to make the right choice. A variety of materials and prices are confused. Wallpaper for the hallway and corridor Photo on the Internet will help to visually imagine how the entrance hall looks like. It should also be paid to the quality of the material, its strength and the ability to wash it using detergents.

Wallpaper types for hallway

The most common finishing material is still wallpaper. Thanks to them, they can easily and simply complete the walls of the walls, while giving the room a beautiful appearance and creating a beautiful background to arrange furniture in it. Wallpapers are used when they make full-fledged repair, and simply if you wish to "refresh" the interior.

Corridor - space with elevated levels of pollution. It is important to take into account this fact when choosing a material for finishing materials.

How to choose wallpapers for the hallway and corridor: 6 species and photos

In the hallway you can use any kind of wallpaper: flieslinic, vinyl, paper and other

So that the attachment was successful, it is necessary to think over everything to the smallest details: how strong is the pollution, which way to clean the wallpaper, what color and drawing they will have, and whether to harmonize with a common interior. A variety of designer solutions that can be found on specialized sites will help beautifully arrange the walls.

Types of Wallpaper:

  1. Paper. Once upon a time there were the most popular finishing material. But with the development of modern technologies and the emergence of new materials, moved to the background. And not wise. Such wallpapers are quite impractical: they are difficult to glue, they are thin and can break, as well as go bubbles and folds. Wallpaper color fade under the influence of sunlight. Wallpaper is easy to pollute and difficult to clean, as they are afraid of moisture.
  2. Fliseline. Modern wallpapers, which consist of two layers. Usually they are used to finish the walls under painting. The material is quite durable and moisture-resistant. Wallpapers can serve for a long time.
  3. Vinyl. Durable and reliable wallpaper. Presented in a wide choice of color and textures. The disadvantage of the wallpaper is that they do not pass the air and do not give the walls to "breathe." Material during the fire and exposure to high temperatures produces toxic substances.
  4. Fabric. Dear wallpapers that make cotton, silk, flax or velor. Such wallpapers look very beautiful. The disadvantage is that they quickly collect dust and dirt. It is suitable only dry cleaning.
  5. Gymelomes. Durable and reliable material that is well suited for decoration with elevated pollution levels. A variety of options allows you to equip the hallway, in accordance with the selected style.
  6. Liquid. Wallpaper from cellulose fibers and glue. Modern materials give the room a refined view. Disadvantages - they are poorly soaked, but damaged areas can always be replaced with a re-cooked mixture.

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In the hallway you need to choose such wallpapers that will be easily laundered from dirt and dust. Their surface must be washed, then the care of them will be simple. It should also be taken into account the size of the room and its geometry.

Wallpaper design in the hallway in the interior: photo

Modern design techniques allow you to make the interior not only practical and functional, but also cozy and original. The design of the corridor is not such a simple task. When choosing wallpaper it is worth considering that the corridor is usually a small room, sometimes elongated.

How to choose wallpapers for the hallway and corridor: 6 species and photos

Select the design of wallpaper into the hallway, based on its size and style

Whether the interior of the corridor is executed correctly, largely depends on the correct choice of wallpaper color and patterns on them.

The corridor may be too long or dark. The task of wallpaper is if necessary, make a corridor visually wider and bright. Well, when the wallpaper combines simplicity, practicality and decorativeness.

Wallpaper Design Options:

  1. Wallpapers of one tone. Present a beautiful background for furniture and decor. It is very important that the nasty wallpaper had a washing surface and were resistant to cleaning.
  2. Striped wallpaper. You need to use very carefully, as the vertical strip can visually lift the ceilings and make the corridor even higher and narrow. If the corridor has a square geometry, then finishing with striped wallpaper will be quite appropriate. Horizontal bands will allow visually to lengthen too short hallway.
  3. Installing panels. At the bottom of the wall, you can install the panels, and the top is to attach walls with wallpaper. It is important to notice that such a reception visually "eats" space.
  4. Wallpaper with abstract pattern. On such a surface, dirt and damage will be noticeable.
  5. Imitating wallpapers. Wallpapers can imitate stone, wooden walls, leather and even snake walls.

Options for materials and textures allow you to make such a finish that will be perfectly harmonized with all the style in the interior. It is important to remember that the texture of the wallpaper should be unobtrusive, otherwise the interior can be overloaded. With manufacturers and wallpaper collections can be found in construction stores or on the Internet.

Wallpaper for a small hallway

When choosing wallpaper, it is important to consider the size of the room. If the hallway, for example, in Khrushchev, has a very small area, the choice of wallpaper should be considered very responsible. Incorrect color, texture and drawing can break the interior and "steal" space.

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How to choose wallpapers for the hallway and corridor: 6 species and photos

In the small hallway it is worth choosing light wallpapers: beige, white

For the finishing of a small corridor, in no case cannot be used with dark shades wallpaper, as well as wallpapers with a large pattern.

Wallpaper with vertical stripes do not fit, as they will turn the corridor into the "Well". Wallpaper with horizontal stripes will look good, as they visually make the corridor wider. Gamma wallpaper should be calm and bright, then staying in a small corridor will be comfortable.

Tips for sticking wallpapers into a small hallway:

  • Choose wallpaper of bright and warm shades.
  • Do not glue wallpaper with too large patterns and ornaments.
  • Refuse wallpaper with vertical stripes.
  • Separate walls in monophonic wallpaper.

Wallpapers can be decorated with moldings and plinths. But it is important to notice that they should be quite narrow and elegant. You should also pay attention to the lighting. It can enhance the visual effect created by wallpaper.

How to choose a wallpaper in the hallway

At the stage of repair work, many do not think about the fact that wallpaper glued for one year. Before buying wallpapers, it is important to get acquainted with their views and basic characteristics. Different wallpapers have different service life and operation parameters.

Hallway - place with elevated levels of pollution. Wallpaper will definitely be covered with dust and mud. Therefore, it is very important to choose a material that can be easily cleaned.

How to choose wallpapers for the hallway and corridor: 6 species and photos

In the hallway made in the classic style, the red wallpapers are good in combination with white

Usually corridors in the apartment are very small. Sometimes it prevents the wallpaper so that it is practical and looked beautiful. The correct decoration of the wall is an important stage of repair, as the harmony of the interior is largely depends on it.

Tips for choosing wallpaper:

  • Take into account the size of the corridor, the height of the ceilings, the width of the walls and the geometry of the room.
  • Choose washable wallpaper, as the corridor is subject to constant pollution.
  • In a narrow room, it is impossible to glue the wallpaper in a vertical strip.
  • In a small corridor, dark wallpaper can not be glued.

A small hallway can be made visually wider and high. Expand the space will help the wallpaper of a light shade, monophonic or with an imperious pattern. An interesting solution will be the use of photo wallpapers.

Types of wallpapers for an entrance hall: Photo

The life of their service life and ease of operation depends on the quality of the wallpaper. Stylish wallpapers should not only decorate the walls, but also to perform practical functions. A variety of options allow you to choose wallpapers that are not afraid of pollution and frequent cleaning.

The corridor is best to choose washable wallpaper. But they must be high quality, otherwise, after washing, they will look only worse.

How to choose wallpapers for the hallway and corridor: 6 species and photos

In the hallway you can combine wallpaper in color and texture

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Some modern materials will allow you to easily replace the damaged or too contaminated area. So that the wallpaper is less dirty, at the bottom of the walls, many install panels, followed by easier to care for. Wallpaper types can be divided into those that can be washed and those over which can be performed only dry cleaning.

Types of Wallpaper:

  • Liquid (can be replaced);
  • Gymelomes (you can wash);
  • Washing wallpapers (vinyl, phliselinic.

The choice of wallpaper depends on the personal preferences of the owners. They must take into account the presence of children and animals in the house, as well as bicycles and wheelchairs that will be stored in the hallway. For these purposes in the corridor is good to have a dressing room.

Liquid wallpapers in the interior: photo of the hallway

Modern liquid wallpapers are great for finishing the corridor. A special mixture consisting of cellulosic fibers and glue is perfectly on the wall, giving her an interesting appearance. Such wallpapers are very practical, while they are safe for human health.

When finishing the walls with liquid wallpaper, it is best to cover them with an additional layer of plaster and varnish - it will save them from moisture exposure.

How to choose wallpapers for the hallway and corridor: 6 species and photos

Among the benefits of liquid wallpapers, it is worth noting the excellent aesthetic properties and a long service life.

Liquid wallpapers - a new word in the world of finishing materials. It is easy to care for the surface, it allows you to perform dry and even wet cleaning. And if some part is not amenable to cleaning, it can be replaced with new wallpaper.

The advantage of liquid wallpaper:

  • Small defects on the walls can be easily close using a newly prepared solution.
  • Wallpaper is well preserved heat and do not miss unnecessary sounds.
  • They are not terrible unpleasant odors.
  • H is spoiled under the influence of direct sunlight.
  • The cost has become quite acceptable.

Liquid wallpapers are characterized by a variety of color gamut and shades. It is very important to remember that the corridor is a place with increased pollution. For wallpaper, it is better to choose warm colors on which dust and possible spots will be least noticeable.

Modern wallpapers for hallway and corridor (video)

To decorate a room susceptible to frequent pollution, you must select the right finishing material. The most popular still remains wallpaper. Modern manufacturers represent the consumer's attention so diverse assortment that choose the material is quite difficult. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the quality of wallpaper, their wear resistance and the ability to carry out wet cleaning. Pictures and photos of the design of the corridor with different types of wallpapers can be found on the Internet.

Wallpaper design for hallway and corridor (interior photo)

How to choose wallpapers for the hallway and corridor: 6 species and photos

How to choose wallpapers for the hallway and corridor: 6 species and photos

How to choose wallpapers for the hallway and corridor: 6 species and photos

How to choose wallpapers for the hallway and corridor: 6 species and photos

How to choose wallpapers for the hallway and corridor: 6 species and photos

How to choose wallpapers for the hallway and corridor: 6 species and photos

How to choose wallpapers for the hallway and corridor: 6 species and photos

How to choose wallpapers for the hallway and corridor: 6 species and photos

How to choose wallpapers for the hallway and corridor: 6 species and photos

How to choose wallpapers for the hallway and corridor: 6 species and photos

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