Crocus from corrugated paper with their own hands: Master class with photo


Flowers are always appreciated not only among many women, but also men. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to buy beautiful flowers, but they perfectly decorate the table, window sills. But if there is no desire to buy expensive and not durable flowers, and I really want to decorate your room, you can make them yourself. One of the simplest and most popular materials is corrugated paper that is well bended. In our master class we will learn to make crocus from corrugated paper with your own hands. Not only adults will be able to make such a handicraft, and the child can also be attracted to the process. Moreover, if the baby likes to make such bouquets, then mom can count on frequent creative gifts from his Chad. And those who love sweet, such flowers can be done together with candy and proud to give their sweet toes.

Such bouquets can be prepared for their beloved mother or grandmother on a certain holiday - a birthday, women's day, Mom's Day. And plus the fact that such crafts will be kept for a long time and always remind about how this person is the road to the one who made this gift.

Crocus from corrugated paper with their own hands: Master class with photo

Crocus from corrugated paper with their own hands: Master class with photo

Interesting option

Such beautiful bouquets look original on any table or in each basket. You can make them as a gift and for yourself to decorate your home interior. This master class will help everyone learning to make a gorgeous craft. For the manufacture you do not need to spend a lot of time and strength, and in the end it should be sure to get what I want. Our instruction described by step by step gives you the opportunity to learn how to fulfill these flowers even those who have never tried themselves in needlework.

What do we need to make such bouquets?

  • Corrugated paper is dense;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • Thin wands of wood.

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Crocus from corrugated paper with their own hands: Master class with photo

We proceed to the manufacture of colors, for this cut strips from the selected color. For each bud there are three strips whose length will be 12 centimeters, and the width is 3 centimeters. Strips fold in half and with the help of fingers we attach the bulges of the petal. So that it happened, we need to neatly stretch the strip. So we work out every flower petal. Each petal at the base cut out the formation is necessary in order to be comfortably glued to a wooden stalk. We make petals from different colors and form buds that we begin to mount to a splay. From green paper make leaves and hats under flower. The photos that are presented below will help to make exactly such a beautiful bouquet.

Now we take yellow paper and form a latch out of it. We do it in the form of a crown, the width of which will be three centimeters, and the length is five. We yourself are notched, we need to twist so that it looks more realistic. We glue these stamens to the tip of the skewers. Now we start to glue the petal circle. When we glue, fingers form the desired form.

Crocus from corrugated paper with their own hands: Master class with photo

Crocus from corrugated paper with their own hands: Master class with photo

Crocus from corrugated paper with their own hands: Master class with photo

We start gluing green paper on the base of petals. Also from it we form and leaflets, glue them. At the bottom of the flower with glue strip in one centimeter. Make sure that the petals are at the same level, because this error often make newcomers. The same color we drown a skewer. Now we take the paper of a darker shade of green and begin to make a long leaf from it. Here is a beautiful bunch of us turned out. It can still be decorated with other color rhinestones or sparkles. In addition, they can be tightened with a beautiful ribbon, put in paper for colors or put in a vase, a flower pot.

Important! The color scheme can be chosen given the preferences of a person who will be given this gift. Paper quality can also be different. Flowers from more delicate shades look very beautiful.

Crocus from corrugated paper with their own hands: Master class with photo

Crocus from corrugated paper with their own hands: Master class with photo

Crocus from corrugated paper with their own hands: Master class with photo

Video on the topic

This article provides videos with which you can learn to make beautiful crocuses from corrugated paper.

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