Crocuses from candies do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo


Crocuses are the first flowers that appear after a long winter and as if they say everything about the awakening of nature from a long winter hook. Such flowers can be an excellent gift for your beloved mom, sisters or grandmothers. It is known that now the cost of flowers is big, please every holiday of your relatives does not always work. Therefore, you can learn how to make charming paper flowers, and the variety of colors will allow you to create a really fabulous bunch. You can still please the sweet bowls and make a candy surprise. It is no secret that all women love sweets, so it is best to make crocuses from candies with their own hands. They are made quite easily and simply, no need to spend a lot of time, but patience and attentiveness will still be needed.

Such crafts can be performed with a child who can be happy to carry out similar products in the future and to independently please their mother and grandmother. Especially such classes allow you to develop in the child the love of beautiful and improve the work of small motility. And when such crafts will be constantly before the eyes of the child, he will always look and be proud of how it turned out such a bouquet.

Crocuses from candies do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Crocuses from candies do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Candy surprise

To date, there are so many variations, how to create beautiful and unusual compositions of artificial colors. Our master class step-by-step will show and tell you how to make a really charming bouquet, so also edible. Be sure that such a gift will remain in memory for a long time and bring with you very positive memories.

What do we need to work?

  • small basket;
  • toothpicks;
  • Artificial grass;
  • scissors;
  • glue, better hot;
  • The film is transparent which is used in floral stores;
  • paper corrugated from two colors, preference must be given to Italian;
  • green organza;
  • foam in the basket for fixing the bouquet;
  • decorative elements;
  • Scotch;
  • candy.

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Crocuses from candies do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Crocuses from candies do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Getting to work. We take round candy. Further, the floral film is useful to us, which should be transparent, to make squares equilateral size 9 to 9. Some needlewomen use the food film, but it will be difficult for newcomers to cope with it, as it is soft. We take candy and put it in the square of the film, look at the photo so that you can put candy on the film as much as possible. Watch, with the help of a scotch krepim to the toothpick. Filks fold one on another. We put the candy and insert the toothpick, without piercing, you fix one hand, and the second we wrap up with a film and scotch tape together.

In our master class you need 25 crocuses, so we begin to prepare the flower itself. To do this, we cut 12 yellow stripes and 13 purple, one and a half centimeter wide. On each flower we make three pets and in the amount we will need 36 yellow and 39 purple. Every strip we cut into five equal parts - these are our petals. Now every strip we twist in the bow to the bow. We look below how it should look like. We fold this bow in half to get a beautiful and volumetric petal.

Crocuses from candies do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Crocuses from candies do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Crocuses from candies do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Crocuses from candies do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Crocuses from candies do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Crocuses from candies do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Now the resulting petal stretch to get a deepening. On both sides, cut with scissors at an angle. We get a neat bunk petal. On the tip of the flower we drip a small droplet of hot glue.

Important! Only hot glue is suitable for this craft. Other types of adhesive are poorly combined with this type of material, and are also not suitable when used with food.

Start sticking the candy. And now one crocus is ready. We perform such work with other colors. Select beautiful flowers in a basket. Take an organiz and make a bow from it, which is also fed to the toothpick. We need several pieces, maybe even up to 7, fill the space in the basket. Now we make different decorative elements - it can be ribbons, beads, grass. But do not forget that we put the foam inside the basket, which holds the design. Our basket is ready, it can be given to an expensive person. Basically, the manufacture of this gift occupy a couple of hours, but it is worth it.

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Crocuses from candies do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Crocuses from candies do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Crocuses from candies do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Crocuses from candies do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Crocuses from candies do it yourself: step-by-step master class with photo

Video on the topic

This article presents video with which you can learn to make beautiful crocuses with candy.

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