Grand Crochet Carpet: Knitting Scheme Cord With Photo and Video


The rug of the Grand Crochet, whose knitting scheme is in our material, admires needlewomen around the world. Why? Because earlier such a carpet was applied exclusively on machines, and now this accessory can be invented by your own hands. The scheme is presented in this article, as well as let's talk about what is required for the manufacture. Let's proceed.

Grand Crochet Carpet: Knitting Scheme Cord With Photo and Video

Knitting this carpet is made from a polyester cord with a core, which fully consists of a polyester. Why is this material used? This can be explained by relying on the properties of the substance itself - polyester. It has such a fiber structure that springs, due to this, the finished product can be returned to the original state, even if it is compressed or stretched.

Properties and features

As you already understood, the carpet itself is performed from synthetic material, but it will not affect its appearance. He will look like it consists of natural. What properties are products made of polyester cord:

  • Will serve a very long time;
  • Very durable;
  • Moisture-resistant;
  • Hold the form;
  • The structure of them is very pleasant to the touch.

Even after a considerable period of time, they will not change their forms. Very suitable for children's premises, since they do not cause any allergic reactions. If your home is very humid, then this factor will not hurt the carpet, since the material does not mold. Also is not a dust collector.

You can wash in a washing machine, of course, only at high temperature, but to dry them is best on a straight surface and in a spaced form.

Grand Crochet Carpet: Knitting Scheme Cord With Photo and Video

No one forbids knit carpets in the technique of an openwork napkin from natural materials. These include twisted cotton cord. And you will not find differences in these products, you need to care for them in the same way, the difference is only one thing - the material, and that's it. What material you decide to link the GRAND carpet alphabet, depends only on you.

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Knitted carpet in the style of Patricia Christoffersen is an occupational occupation, as a result of which a masterpiece is obtained. Having made this wonderful rug, you will delight not only yourself, but also your loved ones, and bring warmth and comfort to the house. To date, on the Internet, you can find a large number of video lessons and master classes (of course they are not free), and you can also use the same knitting scheme. Today we offer you to consider several knitting schemes. So, let's go.

Work from a polyester cord

For the manufacture of a rug, the diameter of which is 2.3 meters, it will take about 2,200 meters of cord, which consists of 24 threads. In the manufacture of weight should be ten or eleven kilograms. Such a product will greatly decorate your home, as well as it can be made and as a gift to your loved ones.

The scheme shown below is like one of the options. You can associate it and on any other scheme of an openwork napkin.

Grand Crochet Carpet: Knitting Scheme Cord With Photo and Video

Oval form

In this section, the scheme of knitting oval carpet is represented. Its sizes will be 1 meter by 1.4 meters, and the cord will need 700 meters, which should consist of 18 threads. By weight, it should be about 3.5 or 4 kilograms.

Grand Crochet Carpet: Knitting Scheme Cord With Photo and Video

You also offer to your attention a selection of the most interesting and entertaining schemes for knitting carpet openwork napkins. Having understood with their description, you can easily do this job.

Grand Crochet Carpet: Knitting Scheme Cord With Photo and Video

Grand Crochet Carpet: Knitting Scheme Cord With Photo and Video

Grand Crochet Carpet: Knitting Scheme Cord With Photo and Video

The products associated in this technique are not only beautiful and original, as well as they have and useful properties. First of all, it is an excellent massager for tired legs. Sitting in the chair after the working day and lowering the legs on the carpet, you will begin to feel a pleasant massage. Catch through the tips of the fingers on the carpet patterns. Here you have a free massage after work.

Its most important advantage is considered that it can easily develop. Thus, it can easily be removed into a closet or other place.

If you look at the time spent on making, it will be up to about 15 days. Everything will depend on the size of the product, and how much time you will give knitting. It will be enough for three hours a day, knit, for example, for watching any series.

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