Protection of cables and wires from rodents, cats and dogs


The wiring in the house may be damaged by various pests, you can allocate two types of pests. The first are rodents who are everywhere, they can suffer serious harm and damage almost all the wires to the house. Pets are considered second pests that love to gnaw all that they come across. Therefore, we decided to tell you what is the protection of cables and wires from rodents, cats and dogs, consider the main ways to protect the wiring in your home.

Protection of cables and wires from rodents, cats and dogs

How to protect the wires from rodents

As a rule, people wonder how to protect the wire in the house from rodents only if it is carried out in empty places, on the mountainous, in the basement or shed. Rodents or mice often overload isolation, so all electricity in the house just goes out. Of course, the animal loses his life, but does it change some sense, because it is possible to fight it initially. So you get rid of yourself from unnecessary problems.

Protection of cables and wires from rodents, cats and dogs

Protect the wires and cables in the house from rodents in the following ways:

  1. If the electrical installation is carried out in the floor, we recommend to make a tie for a warm floor. Of course, these are extra wastings and installation problems, but so you accurately secure yourself.
  2. The wiring between the ceiling plates can be carefully sealed with a solution, so rodents will not be able to do anything bad. What to close everything is necessary perfect, you must understand, otherwise it will be a zero.
  3. The best option is to use an armored cable, you will not be able to blame it. There are minus - such a cable is worth a lot of money.
  4. If there is no desire to spend money on the armored cable, we advise you to make the wiring in the pipes. In such a situation, no animal can do anything with your wires and cables.

Note! On the Internet, we often encounter a way when we recommend to process cable poison. We do this, we do not recommend that such a poison carries serious harm to the human body, especially if the cable lies in the house or in the attic.

The easiest and most reliable way is an armored cable, you can safely use it. In general, you must understand that it is easier to kill all rodents than to make such a powerful wiring. It will be easier, better and more efficient. Also read, designations on electrical circuits.

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Protection of cables and wires from rodents, cats and dogs

How to protect wires from cats and dogs

Pets also love to gnaw the wires, it is difficult to deal with them. Plus, if they smoke the wire - it can kill them, which is not always nice. And any dog ​​cord will be able to overlook without problems, let's understand how you can protect the wires from domestic animals.

Draw your attention to! Usually the wires are gnawed only by small puppies or kittens, adult animals from such a balobiness are already refused. Therefore, ways to overcome small pests are considered simple, but effective.

Protection of cables and wires from rodents, cats and dogs

  1. Wipe the wires with pepper or detergent as soon as they teach the smell or try to taste - the desire to nibble the wire will disappear forever.
  2. You can use a special tool that is called "Antigadine".
  3. Try to hide the wires, in time it takes a few minutes, but the result will be excellent.
  4. Remote the wire with a conventional tin foil, you can try two third-party tape.
  5. Try to suspend all the wires higher, so that the animals cannot reach it.

Another way we found on the network, it can be called a good, but brutal. You need to constantly look when the animal will approach the wires as soon as it approaches them, you need to be splashing with a water pistol. From the first time it may not work, but it will reach the third, so an animal will never come to your wires.

This is all the information that we wanted to tell you about protecting wires and cables from rodents, cats and dogs, look at such a video, from it you can make a lot of useful information.

Protection of cables and wires from rodents, cats and dogs: video

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