Basic principles for combining wallpaper in the hall


Planning the interior of the hall requires you to make difficult solutions. After all, you need to create an ideal room of the room that will like you and your guests. To achieve this, there are many ways. One of which is called combination, the use of several similar finishing materials in the design of the room.

Basic principles for combining wallpaper in the hall

Contrast wallpapers in a small living room

The combination of wallpaper in the hall will make it possible to form the right, interesting and modern interior, and how to do it now we will tell.

About combination

The main chalk space rushing is the walls that surround us. Therefore, we need to choose such wallpaper for them so that the room looks modern, it is interesting and reflected the selected style.

Recently, it is fashionable to use not one wallpaper, but a combination of two or three variants of different colors. At the same time, it is necessary to combine the wallpaper of different colors so much, with different patterns, material textures, so that they all organically fit into the room design. Lower a balanced, harmonious interior of two or more colors is not so difficult, as it seems at first glance.

Basic principles for combining wallpaper in the hall

Striped wallpapers in the living room

Thoughtful design involves the correct combination of colors and patterns, which will help you change the visual boundaries of the room, create basic and secondary zones, indicate your unique style. The most important thing that the combination of the spirit of wallpaper types was so harmonious and would look so beautiful that the questions would not have arisen about this pair.

To achieve this, you need to follow simple combination principles. Before you get involved in full repair, think about how to connect different wallpapers. The following combination methods most often apply when the interior design of the hall is created:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal;
  • chaotic;
  • inserted.

Let's consider in order every kind, and you calmly choose suitable for yourself.

Combination by vertical

The combination of vertical wallpapers involves alternating the walls of two rolls during sticking. Alternating the wallpaper of two species can be constantly or do it in proportions 2 to 1, 3 to 1, i.e. After two or three cuffed pieces of one species, glue the cloth of another kind. Properly chosen wallpaper of two types looks in the interior of the hall very elegant, beautifully, the original design of the walls attracts attention.

It is worth noting that close colors can easily be combined, while contrasting colors are harder. But it is even more difficult to choose a suitable texture and drawing, so at first it is not worth doing this.

If the motley alternation of the wallpaper is not for you, you can split the walls on certain areas and to stick your wallpaper on each. Thus, you highlight as if main, accent and secondary walls. Pick up the wallpaper for such a design will simply, you just need to take options from one wallpaper collection. The choice of colors can be made on the basis of its preferences and dimensions of the room.

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Basic principles for combining wallpaper in the hall

Using a combination of monotonous wallpaper and patterns with drawing

On the main walls, it is later possible to place objects attracting special attention: paintings, interesting accessories, awards, or trite to put TV. In secondary walls, you can put the main furniture, so we get a simple interior with several special zones.

It is permissible to make one accent wall in the hall. Especially relevant such interior in the square room. This wall will be the main thing, next to her will not be furniture, it will become a universal attention center. Usually such a wall is performed in dark colors, while the other wallpaper and furniture in the room are light, which further enhances the contrast.

However, for the small hall, a dark wall is not the best option, because it will further reduce its dimensions, even if the room will be present the minimum number of furniture.

Basic principles for combining wallpaper in the hall

Use in living room lilac wallpaper

Wallpaper manufacturers help us with the combination of two or three types of wallpaper as they can. In each collection there is a background, drawing on this background, perhaps some other addition. In addition, the collection is produced in several colors, which means you can play with the color range and choose optimally fitted in color design.

Horizontal combination

Horizontal wallpaper combination was popular at the beginning of this century, then such a room design was considered an advanced. The principle of this method is to divide the wall into two parts: the upper, component of two thirds, and the lower, from about the belt to the floor, which is one third. The division of the wall in half is in the root is unacceptable, since the size of the rooms are simply lost, and the interior looks mad.

Basic principles for combining wallpaper in the hall

Repair in the living room came to the end

Wallpapers used in such a combination must be not only two types of drawing, but also in terms of the quality of the material. At the bottom, it is best to kill strong vinyl web, while any, even paper wallpaper can be blocked. For the separation of wallpaper, you can use a wallpaper curb, on the wall it will look beautiful and harmoniously.

The wobbly border can be used additionally at the baseboard and from above at the ceiling, thereby you can hide the shortcomings of sticking.

As practice shows, the wallpaper is more subjected to pollution and loads, so there is no place for the weak wallpaper. The vinyl material is perfect for sticking from below, so making repairs, look at the wallpaper of such quality.

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By the way, in the hallway, it is not possible to use the wallpaper from below. An excellent finishing material is laminate, wooden lining, plastic panels. This option will be both unique and practical, which will show again how the design of the room was thoroughly worked. The interior with such combination of finishing materials will not only be pretty, but also very functional.

Basic principles for combining wallpaper in the hall

Combining Wallpaper in the living room from one collection

Horizontal wallpaper combining allows you to highlight the top level, build a successful room projection, create the necessary accents. The combinations of light colors, a combination of light and dark tone, a pair of flowers from one palette, look great. However, recently, this type of combination of two or more types of wallpaper for room in the apartment is not very in demand, it is more often used for offices and other work destinations.

Chaotic combination

A chaotic combination of wallpaper involves the use of a large number of different colors in color, drawing, texture. To create a full-fledged room interior, which would look beautiful and unique, it is permissible to punish diverse wallpapers with pieces on the wall. This patchwork covered will delay all the walls and cover them with combinations of various types of wallpaper, interesting colors, fun drawings, nontrivial textures.

If the filling of all walls in this technique for you is too, highlight certain areas for such a combination. These can be whole walls or difficult areas of rooms: near the window or door. In this case, the interior will consist of individual elements connected together by one idea.

Basic principles for combining wallpaper in the hall

Basic principles for combining wallpaper in the hall

However, in this way there are nuances and there are a lot of them. For a simple town man, it will be very difficult to find a face between creativity and a miserable. Pick up a large number of wallpapers, more or less suitable to each other, and have nothing to do between themselves, it is real art. Therefore, such exclusive interiors are extremely rare.

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However, the next way to create combinations, directly follows from the above-described intellectual chaos.

Insert combination

The insert combination method is based on the creation of a large panel in the room with an original view creating a unique design. For a larger visual effect, this panel is framed by the frame. A contrasting white frame looks very beautiful on the background of two, completely different types of wallpaper.

If the hall design assumes the presence of wallpaper inserts, then for the background, the monochrome solution is chosen. The walls of the room are covered with monophonic canvases, or producing repairs, painted in one color gamut. In this case, the color of the background is usually more faded, and the inserts are bright, memorable, be sure to with a pattern or ornament.

Basic principles for combining wallpaper in the hall

Using Silkographic Wallpaper for inserts

The sizes of inserts can be completely different, it all depends on your imagination, but most often used large formats. With this approach, the interior of the hall allows you to allocate interesting elements of the room: complex architecture, columns, niches and recesses. The interior of the insert hall distributes accents, displays the desired elements to the fore, and the secondary hides.

Inserts in the interior of the room the idea is quite an old, who came to us from the past centuries, but despite this is relevant so far.

Interesting inserts can be photographic. It will be like huge paintings, miraculously inscribed in the interior of your hall. If you use a photo wallpaper without frames, and take the whole walls with them, then try to find the combined drawings with your color hamme in the hall. It is very good if the image on the photo shock is suitable for the style of the interior, then it will be simple to combine it with wallpaper.

If you firmly decided to use the wallpaper of several species and colors in your hall, see examples of interiors on the network, you may be ready for ready-made options. If you do not find decent options, walk to the wallpaper store and look at what is in stock. Ask to hang together several types of wallpaper, count when you make repairs, how they will look at your room.

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